2.2.3. Cluster Properties

Note:  What is a Cluster? In many cases, a Reactor Cluster simply contains a single Reactor Model. However, in special cases, a reactor "cluster" can contain a network of Reactor Models. The special conditions for "clustering" are that all of the Reactor Models within the cluster are of the same type and, in particular, that type is one of the set of Perfectly Stirred Reactor (PSR) options. Such multiple-PSR clusters have the special property that, when connected through mass flows, they can be solved simultaneously or within a single computational job. This property allows flows that propagate upstream or downstream to be defined, enabling "recycling" streams within the reactor network. In addition to mass-transfer connections, PSR clusters may also include heat-transfer connections. More information on how PSR clusters are solved is provided in the Chemkin Theory Manual.

Once the chemistry set has been processed, the "cluster" panels can be accessed. The "cluster" -level panels include reactor-properties panels, inlet-property panels, solver settings, output control, and continuation control for parameter variations.

If the "Cluster" consists of a single reactor, there is no "Cluster Properties" node in the Cluster tree and the first sub-node is Reactor Properties, described in Reactor Properties.

In cases where there is more than one PSR in the Cluster, the Cluster Properties node will appear, allowing you to specify global properties for all reactors in the Cluster. This is discussed in more detail in Define the Cluster Parameters and Run the Model.