2.2. Open a Sample Project File

In this section, a simple sample project is presented to familiarize you with the problem-solving process in Ansys Chemkin. To open the sample project:

  1. Select the Project > Open... option.

  2. At the Open Project File dialog, click the My Samples special directory and then find the psr__gas.ckprj project file and click the Select button.

The Diagram View will appear in the Working Area, showing the reactor diagram associated with the sample project, which employs the reactor icons from the Models Palette. Clicking on the Open Projects tab in the Tree / Palette Area allows review of the project tree, which contains links to input and run panels. From the Open Projects tab, the sample defined by the psr__gas project can be quickly run and post-processed with the following steps:

  1. Double-click the Pre-Processing node in the project tree.

  2. At the Pre-Processing panel, click the Run Pre-Processor button.

  3. Close the Pre-Processing panel (optional).

  4. Double-click the Run Calculations node on the project tree. A small Run Calculations panel appears in front of the diagram.

  5. Be sure Model is selected and click the Begin button.

  6. The simulation runs and reports success and the Analyze Results node on the Open Projects tree is active. Double-click Analyze Results to open the Analyze Results panel.

    Note:  If you have post-processed the project solution before, Ansys Chemkin will automatically detect the presence of the preference file used in the previous post-processing. The option Plot Results Using Previous Settings will be activated and selected by default. Selecting this option will bypass the step of selecting post-processing variables and units. If you want to change your selections, select the option Plot Results by Selecting New Settings instead.

  7. Accept the default options of PSR (C1) for Solution to View and Plot Results for Method of Analysis. Both of these options offer drop-down menus with further choices. Click the Next Step button.

  8. The Select Post-Processing Variables panel opens at the Species/Variables tab. Accept all the default selections and click the Process Solution Data button.

  9. The Ansys Chemkin Post-Processor Control Panel opens at the Line Plot tab. Select a Y variable and then click Create Plot.

The following sections review the input-panel and run settings for this sample psr__gas project in more detail.