2.2.4. Reactor Properties

The first item in the project tree is the Reactor-model property panel. For the sample problem, this is labeled PSR (C1) (for Cluster #1, PSR reactor type), which reflects our default naming convention, and is shown in Figure 2.11: psr__gas.ckprj—Reactor Physical Properties. The panel contains two tabs: the Reactor Physical Properties tab and the Species-specific Properties tab. Generally, parameters that are required input have bold labels. For the Species-specific Properties there is no input specified for the initial species fractions; all entries on that tab are blank. For steady-state problems, such data is optional and the solver will assume equilibrium initial conditions by default when no data is specified.

Note:  Generally, default parameter values are displayed in plain font and when that value is changed, the font changes to bold.

Figure 2.11: psr__gas.ckprj—Reactor Physical Properties

psr__gas.ckprj—Reactor Physical Properties