2.2.1. Diagram View

The Diagram View for the psr__gas.ckprj sample, shown in Figure 2.4: psr__gas.ckprj—Diagram View, displays a perfectly stirred reactor (PSR) as well as a single gas Inlet Source and a gas Outlet Flow connected to the reactor. To view the diagram at any time, double-click on the Diagram View node from the psr_ gas project tree in the Open Projects tab.

Figure 2.4: psr__gas.ckprj—Diagram View

psr__gas.ckprj—Diagram View Buttons at the Bottom of Panel

Ansys Chemkin offers several buttons to allow you to control actions in the Diagram View.

Table 2.9: Buttons at Bottom of Diagram View




Provides options to zoom a specified percentage (larger or smaller) or to zoom to a size that fits the diagram window, as illustrated in Figure 2.5: Zoom options for Diagram View. Reset resizes to 100%.


Causes splitters and mixers to appear as a small dot attached to the upstream reactor, as illustrated in Figure 2.6: Streamlining. Streamlining can be set as a user preference; see Diagram.


Modify connections between reactors so that the reactors are all assigned to individual clusters.

Display Options

Opens the Display Options dialog, as illustrated in Figure 2.33: Display Options - Reactor and Connection Labels Selected. Provides controls for labels on reactors, connections, and whether to show various connections.


Opens a print dialog to allow printing the Diagram View.

Update Project

Validates the project, and creates the Project tree if one does not exist.

Figure 2.5: Zoom options for Diagram View

Zoom options for Diagram View

Figure 2.6: Streamlining
