5.2.2. CFD-Post 3D Viewer Shortcut Menus

You can access the shortcut menu by right-clicking anywhere on the viewer. The shortcut menu is different depending on where you right-click. Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Background)

The following commands are available in CFD-Post when you right-click the viewer background:

DeformationSpecifies the deformation scale to be viewed. This option is only available when the Total Mesh Displacement variable exists. When an option is selected, it will be applied to all objects in every view and figure. Select from the following:
  • Undeformed

    Shows all objects as if they were not deformed

  • True Scale

    Displays all objects with their regular deformation values

  • 0.5x Auto

    Shows all objects with half of the optimal (Auto) scale

  • Auto

    Adjusts the deformation scaling for optimal viewing. Internally, the deformation is scaled so that the maximum deformation results in a viewable displacement of a percentage of the domain extents, regardless of the problem size.

  • 2x Auto

    Adjusts the deformation to be double that of regular deformation

  • 5x Auto

    Shows all objects with 5 times their regular deformation value.

  • Custom...

    Opens the Deformation Scale dialog box and displays the currently applied scale value for the deformation. Specify a new value to change the scale.

  • Animate...

    Opens the Animation dialog box in Sweep Animation mode. For details, see Animating Mesh Deformation Scaling.

Copy to New FigureCreates a new figure based on the current camera position, zoom level, and object visibility settings. For details, see Views and Figures. The figure appears under the Report object, and can be used in a report. For details, see Report. The Make copies of objects check box controls how the new figure is made:
  • When the check box is selected, visible objects are copied for the new figure. Use this option if you want the figure to retain its appearance when the original objects are modified.

  • When the check box is cleared, only the camera position, zoom level, and the object visibility settings are stored in the definition of the figure. Use this option if you want the figure to automatically update with changes to the original objects.

Show ObjectShows hidden objects, boundaries, and regions. See Object Visibility.
Copy Camera FromIf you have set a Predefined Camera angle in another view, selecting Copy Camera From > <view name> will apply that angle to the current view.
Predefined CameraDisplays different views by changing the camera angle to a preset direction.
Fit ViewCenters all visible objects in the viewer. This is equivalent to clicking the   icon.
Auto-Fit ViewAutomatically fits the view while you rotate the camera or resize the 3D Viewer. This disables the manual resizing actions otherwise available from the toolbar or mouse.
ProjectionSwitches between perspective and orthographic camera angles.
Clip SceneControls scene clipping via clip planes. For details, see Clip Plane Command.
Default LegendShows or hides the default legend object.
AxisShows or hides the axis orientation indicator (known as the triad) in the bottom-right corner of the viewer.
RulerShows or hides the ruler on the bottom of the viewer.
Save PictureSame as selecting File > Save Picture. For details, see Save Picture Command.
Viewer OptionsOpens the Options dialog box with the viewer options displayed. For details, see Viewer. Shortcuts for CFD-Post (Viewer Object)

The following commands are available in CFD-Post when you right-click an object in the viewer:

EditOpens the object for editing.
HideHides the selected object in the 3D Viewer.
AnimateBrings up the Animation dialog box and animates the selected object automatically. For details, see Sweep Animation.
ColorEnables you to change the selected object’s color.
RenderEnables you to change some of the selected object’s render options (such as lighting and face visibility). To change other render options, select Edit and make your changes on the object's Render tab.
InsertOpens another menu with options to insert planes, contours, streamlines, etc. For details, see CFD-Post Insert Menu.
Set Plane CenterFor planes defined using the Point and Normal method, this action moves the point that defines the plane. This changes the focus for plane bounding operations. See Plane Bounds.
Reflect/MirrorApplies a reflection to the selected domain. To use this command, right-click the corresponding wireframe in the viewer.
Probe VariableOpens a toolbar at the bottom of the viewer allowing the specification of coordinate points and variable type. After each field is changed, the solution automatically generates to the right of the variable type setting. For details, see Probe.