12.1.5. Volume Command

A Volume is a collection of mesh elements that can be used as a locator for graphic objects or calculations. Volumes will not be displayed as perfect shapes (for example, a perfect sphere) because mesh elements are either included in or excluded from the Volume object.

The following characteristics of volumes will be discussed:

Note:  There are several ways to insert a volume:

  • From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Volume.

  • From the toolbar, select Location > Volume.

  • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer. Volume: Geometry Tab Domains

For details, see Domains. Element Types

The Element Types setting has the following options:



Displays volume that is connected to a tetrahedral mesh.


Displays volume that is connected to a pyramid-shaped mesh.


Displays volume that is connected to a wedge-shaped mesh.


Displays volume that is connected to a hexagonal mesh. Definition Method

The Method setting has the following options:



Creates a sphere-shaped volume. Enables you to specify a center point and radius for the sphere volume.

From Surface

Creates a volume on a surface. Enables you to select a surface from the Location setting. Some surface types may not be available.


Creates a volume at a specified variables value. Enables you to specify a variable and one or two values (depending on the Mode) to create one or two isosurfaces that bound the isovolume.

Surrounding Node

Creates a volume at a node. Enables you to specify a node by number. Point

Point is available only if the Sphere option is selected. The Point setting specifies a center point for the sphere volume. The point can be anywhere in 3D space. Radius

Radius is available only if the Sphere option is selected. The Sphere setting specifies a radius for the sphere volume. Location

Location is available only if the From Surface option is selected. The Location setting selects from a list of valid locations for the volume to exist on. Variable

Variable is available only if the Isovolume option is selected. The Variable setting selects a variable to plot the volume on. A Value for the variable must be selected before the volume can be defined. Hybrid/Conservative Options

These options are available only if the Isovolume option is selected. For help on which field to select, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Mode (for the Sphere and From Surface options)

The Mode setting has the following options:



Creates a volume at the specified radius for the Sphere option. For the From Surface option, the volume is created on the surface of the object.

Below Intersection

Creates a volume for all of the radii less than the specified radius for the Sphere option. For the From Surface option, the volume is plotted for all values less than the given value on the location object.

Above Intersection

Opposite to the Below Intersection option. Mode (for the Isovolume option)

The Mode setting has the following options:


At Value

Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain equal to the entered value.

Below Value

Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain above the entered value.

Above Value

Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain less than the entered value.

Between Value

Creates a volume for all the mesh elements in the domain in between the two entered values. Value Fields

The Value fields are available only if the Isovolume option is selected. The Value fields specify values to compare to using the Mode options. For example, if Value is set to 2 and Mode is set to At Value, the Volume will plot where the variable is equal to 2. Inclusive Check Box

Select the Inclusive check box to add the entered values to an above or below comparison Mode. For example, if the Inclusive check box is selected with the Below Intersection option, the volume will include the radius entered or surface selected. How CFD-Post Calculates Isovolumes

In order to see the effects of the Inclusive check box on the Minimum Face Angle variable set to the Below Value mode, do the following:

  1. Open a results file.

  2. Create a volume, accepting the default name.

  3. Set Variable to Minimum Face Angle, Mode to Below Value, and then click Apply. Few volumes appear.

  4. Now enable Inclusive and click Apply again. Many more volumes appear.

The differences you see are caused by how CFD-Post calculates values for a given point on a mesh (Mode is set to At Value):

...as compared to Mode being set to Below Value

...and as compared to Mode being set to Below Value with Inclusive being selected: Remove Internal Faces

Remove Internal Faces is on by default, causing CFD-Post to remove all internal mesh element faces from a volume object. Turning off this setting can save significant rendering time by skipping the removal process. As a side effect of turning off this setting, internal faces can appear in a volume object that is transparent or clipped.

Note:  It is a known issue that some mesh faces might be missing in the 3D Viewer when Remove Internal Faces is off. This issue seems more likely to occur if the object being displayed contains many elements and involves more than one element type. Volume: Color Tab

The color settings can be changed by clicking the Color tab. For details, see Color Tab. Volume: Render Tab

The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. For details, see Render Tab. Volume: View Tab

The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.

For details on changing the view settings, see View Tab.