12.1.1. Point Command

A point is an object in 3D space that has a set of coordinates. You can use a point to locate the position of a variable minimum or maximum or as an object with which other objects can interact.

The following characteristics of points will be discussed:

Note:  There are several ways to insert a point:

  • From the menu bar, select Insert > Location > Point.

  • From the toolbar, select Location > Point.

  • Depending on the context, you may be able to perform an insert from the shortcut menu in the tree view or in the 3D Viewer. Point: Geometry Tab Domains

The Domains setting selects the domains in which the point will exist.

Note:  For a case with immersed solids, the setting All Domains refers to all domains except the immersed solids. To display all of the domains in a case that contains immersed solids, click the Location Editor   icon and hold down the Ctrl key while selecting All Domains and All Immersed Solids.

Variables used for plots or calculations on immersed solid domain boundaries are not taken from the immersed solid domain; instead, they are interpolated from the fluid/porous domain in which the solid is immersed. The accuracy of such interpolation is dependent on the mesh densities of both the fluid/porous domain and the surface of the immersed solid domain. To visualize, or perform computations with, variables that are associated with the immersed solid domain, use slice planes, user surfaces, or other locators that are offset into the immersed solid domain, and set the applicable Domains setting to refer to the immersed solid domain. Definition Method

The Method setting has the following options:



Enables you to set a coordinate in 3D space for the Point.

Node Number

Enables you to select a node to which to attach the Point.

Variable Minimum

Places the Point at the selected variable’s lowest value.

Select whether the object you want to plot will be based on hybrid or conservative values. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.

Variable Maximum

Places the Point at the selected variable’s greatest value.

Select whether the object you want to plot will be based on hybrid or conservative values. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.

Note:  You can move only points that have been specified with the XYZ option.

When using Variable Minimum or Variable Maximum option on a point in multi-file or comparison mode, the point is placed at the location of the overall minimum/maximum. If you want to place the point at the minimum/maximum value for the individual cases, select the appropriate case in the point's Domain List selector. Point

Point is available only if the XYZ option is selected. The Point setting specifies the Cartesian coordinates for the Point object. Once the point is created, you can use the mouse pointer to drag the point around in the domain. For details, see Picking Mode. Node Number

Node Number is available only if the Node Number Method is selected. The Node Number setting specifies at which node to place the Point object. When more than one domain is selected, a point is created for the specified node number in each domain (if it exists). If the node number does not exist in one domain but exists in another, you should select only the domain in which the node exists or an error message will be displayed. Location

Location is available only if the Variable Minimum or the Variable Maximum options are selected. The Location setting specifies an object for the Point to be located in. When more than one domain is selected, a point is created for the minimum or maximum value of the variable within each domain. Variable

Variable is available only if the Variable Minimum or the Variable Maximum options are selected. The Variable setting selects the variable to be used to find the maximum or minimum point. Nearest Node Value

Nearest Node appears when any option except the Node Number option is selected. The Nearest Node text displays the numerical value of the nearest node to the point's current position. Point: Color Tab

The Color tab controls the color settings. For details, see Color Tab. Point: Symbol Tab Symbol

The Symbol setting has the following options:



A 3D "+" sign.


A 3D diamond that has eight faces.


A box.


A sphere. Symbol Size

The Symbol Size setting specifies the size of the Point symbol. Each Symbol Size unit represents 5% of the domain span. The domain span, which is dependent on the geometry, is equal to the largest difference from the X, Y, and Z ranges. Point: Render Tab

The rendering settings can be changed by clicking the Render tab. For details, see Render Tab. Point: View Tab

The View tab is used for creating or applying predefined Instance Transforms for a wide variety of objects.

For details on changing the view settings, see View Tab.