1. About this Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

  • Overview of CFD-Post describes CFD-Post functionality and advanced features.

  • Starting CFD-Post describes how to start CFD-Post and the environment variables that affect how CFD-Post operates.

  • CFD-Post Graphical Interface describes the CFD-Post interface.

  • CFD-Post in Ansys Workbench describes how to run CFD-Post in Workbench, including workflow, journaling and scripting, tips, and limitations.

  • CFD-Post 3D Viewer describes how to use the CFD-Post 3D Viewer.

  • CFD-Post Workflow describes common ways to use CFD-Post.

  • CFD-Post File Menu describes the functionality available from the File menu and the file types that CFD-Post supports.

  • CFD-Post Edit Menu and Options (Preferences) describes the functionality available from the Edit menu, such as customizing CFD-Post by setting your preferences on the Options dialog box.

  • CFD-Post Monitor Menu describes how to view solution data while the solver is running.

  • CFD-Post Session Menu describes how to record and replay session files. (Session files contain a record of the commands issued during a CFD-Post session.)

  • CFD-Post Insert Menu describes how to create new objects (such as locators, tables, charts, and so on), variables, and expressions by using the Insert menu.

  • CFD-Post Tools Menu describes how to use the CFD-Post Tools menu, which offers access to quantitative analysis utilities, the animation editor and the timestep selector.

  • CFD-Post Help Menu describes the commands available in the Help menu.

  • Turbo Workspace describes how to use the CFD-Post Turbo workspace, which improves and speeds up post-processing for turbomachinery simulations.

  • CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post describes how to use the CFX Command Language (CCL) and the CFX Expression Language (CEL).

  • CFX Expression Language (CEL) in CFD-Post describes the CFX Expression Language (CEL) in detail.

  • Command Actions describes how to use commands in CFD-Post to edit or create graphic objects and to perform basic input and output operations.

  • Line Interface Mode describes running CFD-Post in line-interface mode (that is, without using a user interface, but with a viewer that shows objects you create on the command line) and in batch mode (where a viewer is not provided and you cannot enter commands at a command prompt).

  • Fluent Field Variables Listed by Category describes how to convert variable names in a Fluent file to CFX variable names for use in CFD-Post.