Chapter 16: CFX Command Language (CCL) in CFD-Post

CFX Expression Language (CEL) is an interpreted, declarative language that has been developed to enable CFX users to enhance their simulations without recourse to writing and linking separate external Fortran routines. You can use CEL expressions anywhere a value is required for input in Ansys CFX.

The CFX Command Language (CCL) is the internal communication and command language of CFD-Post. It is a simple language that can be used to create objects or perform actions in the postprocessor. All CCL statements can be classified into one of three categories:

  • Object and parameter definitions, which are described in Object Creation and Deletion.

  • CCL actions, which are commands that perform a specific task (such as reading a session file), and which are described in Command Actions.

  • Power Syntax programming, which uses the Perl programming language to allow loops, logic, and custom macros (subroutines). Power Syntax enables you to embed Perl commands into CCL to achieve powerful quantitative postprocessing. For details, see Power Syntax in Ansys CFX.

State files and session files contain object definitions in CCL. In addition, session files can also contain CCL action commands. You can view and modify the CCL in these files by using a text editor, and you can use CCL to create your own session and state files to read into CFD-Post.

Tip:  Advanced users can interact with CFD-Post directly by entering CCL in the Command Editor dialog box (see Command Editor), or by running CFD-Post in Line Interface mode (see Line Interface Mode).

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