Chapter 20: Fluent Field Variables Listed by Category

By default, CFD-Post does not modify the variable names in the Fluent file. If you want to use all of the embedded CFD-Post macros and calculation options, you need to convert variable names to CFX variable names. You can convert variable names to CFX variable names upon reading the file by first selecting Edit > Options, then, in the Options dialog box:

  • For legacy Fluent files: selecting CFD-Post > Files > Variables > Non CFX Files > Translate variable names to CFX-Solver style names.

  • For Common Fluids Format (CFF) files: setting CFD-Post > Files > Variables > Common Fluids Format > Name Convention to CFD-Post.

For details on the settings above, see Variables.

Note:  Some variable names might not be translated.

Translation is carried out according to the tables that follow, which list the Fluent field variables and give the equivalent Ansys CFX variables where applicable. The variables are defined in Alphabetical Listing of Field Variables and Their Definitions in the Fluent User's Guide.

The following restrictions apply to marked variables:

2davailable only for 2D flows
2daavailable only for 2D axisymmetric flows (with or without swirl)
2daswavailable only for 2D axisymmetric swirl flows
3davailable only for 3D flows
bnsavailable only for broadband noise source models
bnvnode values available at boundaries
cplavailable only in the density-based solvers
cvavailable only for cell values (Node Values option turned off)
desavailable only when the DES turbulence model is used
dilnot available with full multicomponent diffusion
doavailable only when the discrete ordinates radiation model is used
dpmavailable only for coupled discrete phase calculations
dtrmavailable only when the discrete transfer radiation model is used
fwhavailable only with the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics model
eavailable only for energy calculations
edcavailable only with the EDC model for turbulence-chemistry interaction
emmavailable also when the Eulerian multiphase model is used
ewtavailable only with the enhanced wall treatment
granavailable only if a granular phase is present
h2oavailable only when the mixture contains water
idavailable only when the ideal gas law is enabled for density
keavailable only when one of the k-epsilon turbulence models is used
kwavailable only when one of the k-omega turbulence models is used
lesavailable only when the LES turbulence model is used
meltavailable only when the melting and solidification model is used
mixavailable only when the multiphase mixture model is used
mpavailable only for multiphase models
noxavailable only for NOx calculations
npnot available in parallel solvers
nvuses explicit node value function
pavailable only in parallel solvers
p1available only when the P-1 radiation model is used
pdfavailable only for non-premixed combustion calculations
pmxavailable only for premixed combustion calculations
ppmxavailable only for partially premixed combustion calculations
ravailable only when the Rosseland radiation model is used
radavailable only for radiation heat transfer calculations
rcavailable only for finite-rate reactions
rsmavailable only when the Reynolds stress turbulence model is used
s2savailable only when the surface-to-surface radiation model is used
saavailable only when the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is used
segavailable only in the pressure-based solver
spavailable only for species calculations
sravailable only for surface reactions
solavailable only when the solar model is used
sootavailable only for soot calculations
statavailable only with data sampling for unsteady statistics
stcmavailable only for stiff chemistry calculations
tavailable only for turbulent flows
turboavailable only when a turbomachinery topology has been defined
udmavailable only when a user-defined memory is used
udsavailable only when a user-defined scalar is used
vavailable only for viscous flows

Table 20.1: Pressure and Density Categories

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Pressure...Static Pressure (bnv) Pressure
Pressure Coefficient Pressure Coefficient
Dynamic Pressure Dynamic Pressure
Absolute Pressure (bnv) Absolute Pressure
Total Pressure (bnv) Total Pressure
Relative Total PressureRelative Total Pressure
Density... Density

Density All


Table 20.2: Velocity Category

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Velocity... Velocity Magnitude (bnv)

Relative Velocity Magnitude (bnv)

X Velocity (bnv)

Relative X Velocity (bnv)

Velocity u
Y Velocity (bnv)

Relative Y Velocity (bnv)

Velocity v
Z Velocity (3d, bnv)

Relative Z Velocity (bnv)

Velocity w
Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv)

Tangential Velocity

Velocity Circumferential
Axial Velocity (2da or 3d) Velocity Axial
Radial Velocity Velocity Radial
Stream Function (2d) Stream Function
Tangential Velocity Velocity Circumferential
Mach Number (id) Mach Number
Relative Velocity MagnitudeVelocity Magnitude
Relative Axial Velocity (2da) Velocity Axial
Relative Radial Velocity (2da) Velocity Radial
Relative Swirl Velocity (2dasw, bnv)

Relative Tangential Velocity

Velocity Circumferential
Relative Mach Number (id)

Mach Number

Mach Number
Mesh X-Velocity (nv) Mesh Velocity u
Mesh Y-Velocity (nv) Mesh Velocity v
Mesh Z-Velocity (3d, nv) Mesh Velocity w
Velocity Angle

Relative Velocity Angle

Velocity Angle
Vorticity Magnitude (v) Vorticity
X-Vorticity (v, 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame X
Y-Vorticity (v, 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame Y
Z-Vorticity (v, 3d) Vorticity in Stn Frame Z
Preconditioning Reference Velocity (cpl) Reference Velocity (Preconditioning)

Table 20.3: Temperature, Radiation, and Solidification/Melting Categories

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Temperature... Static Temperature (e, bnv, nv) Temperature
Total Temperature (e, nv) Total Temperature
Enthalpy (e, nv) Static Enthalpy
Relative Total Temperature (e) Total Temperature
Rothalpy (e, nv) Rothalpy
Fine Scale Temperature (edc, nv, e) Fine Scale Temperature
Wall Temperature (Outer Surface) (e, v) Wall Temperature Outer Surface
Wall Temperature (Inner Surface) (e, v) Wall Temperature Inner Surface
Inner Wall TemperatureInner Wall Temperature
Total Enthalpy (e) Total Enthalpy
Total Enthalpy Deviation (e) Total Enthalpy Deviation
Entropy (e) Static Entropy
Total Energy (e) Total Energy[a]
Internal Energy (e) Internal Energy
Radiation... Absorption Coefficient (r, p1, do, or dtrm) Absorption Coefficient
Scattering Coefficient (r, p1, or do) Scattering Coefficient
Refractive Index (do) Refractive Index
Radiation Temperature (p1 or do) Radiation Temperature
Incident Radiation (p1 or do) Incident Radiation
Incident Radiation (Band n) (do (non-gray)) <Band n>.Incident Radiation
Surface Cluster ID (s2s) Surface Cluster ID
Solidification/ Melting...Liquid Fraction (melt) Mass Fraction
Contact Resistivity (melt) Contact Resistivity
X Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Pull Velocity u[a]
Y Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated)) Pull Velocity v[a]
Z Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 3d) Pull Velocity w[a]
Axial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2da) Pull Velocity Axial[a]
Radial Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2da) Pull Velocity Radial[a]
Swirl Pull Velocity (melt (if calculated), 2dasw) Pull Velocity Circumferential[a]

[a] CFD-Post naming convention

Table 20.4: Turbulence Category

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Turbulence... Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) (ke, kw, or rsm; bnv, nv, or emm)

Turbulent Kinetic Energy

Turbulence Kinetic Energy
UU Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) Reynolds Stress uu
VV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) Reynolds Stress vv
WW Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) Reynolds Stress ww
UV Reynolds Stress (rsm; emm) Reynolds Stress uv
UW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm) Reynolds Stress uw
VW Reynolds Stress (rsm, 3d; emm) Reynolds Stress vw
Turbulence Intensity (ke, kw, or rsm) Turbulence Intensity
Turbulent Dissipation Rate (Epsilon) (ke or rsm; bnv, nv, or emm)

Turbulent Dissipation Rate

Turbulence Eddy Dissipation
Specific Dissipation Rate (Omega) (kw)

Specific Dissipation Rate

Turbulence Eddy Frequency
Production of k (ke, kw, or rsm; emm) k Production[a]
Modified Turbulent Viscosity (sa) Eddy Viscosity (modified)
Turbulent Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, rsm, or des) Eddy Viscosity
Effective Viscosity (sa, ke, kw, rsm, or des; emm) Effective Viscosity
Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (ke, kw, rsm, sa, or des; emm) Eddy Viscosity Ratio
Subgrid Kinetic Energy (les) Kinetic Energy (subgrid)
Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity (les) Eddy Viscosity (subgrid)
Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (les) Eddy Viscosity Ratio (subgrid)
Effective Thermal Conductivity (t, e) Effective Thermal Conductivity
Effective Prandtl Number (t, e) Effective Prandtl Number
Wall Ystar (ke, kw, or rsm) Ystar
Wall Yplus (t) Yplus
Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_y) (ke or rsm; ewt) Turbulent Reynolds Number
Relative Length Scale (DES) (des) Relative Length Scale (DES)

Table 20.5: Species, Reactions, Pdf, and Premixed Combustion Categories

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Species... Mass fraction of species-n (sp, pdf, or ppmx; nv) <Species-n>.Mass Fraction
Mole fraction of species-n (sp, pdf, or ppmx) <Species-n>.Mole Fraction
Molar Concentration of species-n (sp, pdf, or ppmx) <Species-n>.Molar Concentration
Lam Diff Coef of species-n (sp, dil) <Species-n>.Laminar Diffusion Coefficient
Eff Diff Coef of species-n (t, sp, dil) <Species-n>.Effective Diffusion Diffusivity [a]
Thermal Diff Coef of species-n (sp) <Species-n>.Thermal Diffusion Coefficient
Enthalpy of species-n (sp) <Species-n>.Static Enthalpy
species-n Source Term (rc, cpl) <Species-n>.Source Term[a]
Surface Deposition Rate of species-n (sr) <Species-n>.Surface Deposition Rate
Surface Coverage of species-n (sr) <Species-n>.Surface Coverage[a]
Relative Humidity (sp, pdf, or ppmx; h2o) Relative Humidity
Time Step Scale (sp, stcm) Time Step Scale
Fine Scale Mass fraction of species-n (edc) <Species-n>.Fine Scale Mass Fraction
Fine Scale Transfer Rate (edc) Fine Scale Transfer Rate
1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction (edc) 1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction
Reactions... Rate of Reaction-n (rc) <Reaction-n>.Molar Reaction Rate
Net Reaction Rate of Species-n<Species-n>.Net Molar Reaction Rate
Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n<Reaction-n>.Kinetic Rate of Reaction
Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n(Porous)<Reaction-n>.Kinetic Rate of Reaction(Porous)
Arrhenius Rate of Reaction-n (rc) <Reaction-n>.Arrhenius Rate of Reaction[a]
Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n (rc, t) <Reaction-n>.Turbulent Rate of Reaction[a]
Heat of ReactionHeat of Reaction
PDF... Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx; nv) Mixture Fraction
Secondary Mean Mixture Fraction (pdf or ppmx; nv) Secondary Mixture Fraction[a]
Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx; nv) Mixture Fraction Variance
Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance (pdf or ppmx; nv) Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance[a]
Fvar Prod (pdf or ppmx) Fvar Prod
Scalar Dissipation (pdf or ppmx) Scalar Dissipation
PDF Table Adiabatic EnthalpyAdiabatic Enthalpy (PDF Table)
PDF Table Heat Loss/GainHeat Loss/Gain}, (PDF Table)
Premixed Combustion... Progress Variable (pmx or ppmx; nv) Reaction Progress
Damkohler Number (pmx or ppmx) Damkohler Number[a]
Stretch Factor (pmx or ppmx) Stretch Factor[a]
Turbulent Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Turbulent Flame Speed[a]
Static Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Temperature
Product Formation Rate (pmx or ppmx) Product Formation Rate[a]
Laminar Flame Speed (pmx or ppmx) Laminar Flame Speed[a]
Critical Strain Rate (pmx or ppmx) Critical Strain Rate[a]
Adiabatic Flame Temperature (pmx or ppmx) Adiabatic Flame Temperature [a]
Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction (pmx or ppmx) Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction[a]

Table 20.6: NOx, Soot, and Unsteady Statistics Categories

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
NOx... Mass fraction of NO (nox) No.Mass Fraction
Mass fraction of HCN (nox) Hcn.Mass Fraction
Mass fraction of NH3 (nox) Nh3.Mass Fraction
Mass fraction of N2O (nox) N2o.Mass Fraction
Mole fraction of NO (nox) No.Molar Fraction
Mole fraction of HCN (nox) Hcn.Molar Fraction
Mole fraction of NH3 (nox) Nh3.Molar Fraction
Mole fraction of N2O (nox) N2o.Molar Fraction
NO Density (nox) No.Density
HCN Density (nox) Hcn.Density
NH3 Density (nox) Nh3.Density
N2O Density (nox) N2o.Density
Variance of Temperature (nox) Variance of Temperature
Variance of Species-n (nox) <Species-n>.Variance[a]
Rate of NONo.Source
Rate of HCNHcn.Source
Rate of NH3Nh3.Source
Rate of N2O (nox) N2o Source [a]
Rate of Thermal NO (nox) Thermal No.Molar Reaction Rate
Rate of Prompt NO (nox) Prompt No.Molar Reaction Rate[a]
Rate of Fuel NO (nox) Fuel No.Molar Reaction Rate [a]
Rate of N2OPath NO (nox) N2oPath.Molar Reaction Rate [a]
Rate of Reburn NO (nox) Reburn No.Molar Reaction Rate[a]
Rate of SNCR NO (nox) SNCR No.Molar Reaction Rate[a]
Rate of USER NO (nox) User No.Molar Reaction Rate [a]
Soot... Mass fraction of soot (soot) Soot Mass Fraction
Mass fraction of Nuclei (soot) Soot Nuclei Specific Concentration
Mole fraction of soot (soot) Soot Molar Fraction[a]
Soot Density (soot) Soot.Density
Rate of Soot (soot) Soot Mass Source[a]
Rate of Nuclei (soot) Soot Nuclei Source[a]
Heterogeneous Reaction Rate nHeterogeneous Reaction Rate n
Unsteady Statistics... Mean quantity-n (stat) <variable>.Trnavg
RMS quantity-n (stat) <variable>.Trnrms

Table 20.7: Phases, Discrete Phase Model, Granular Pressure, and Granular Temperature Categories

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Phases... Volume fraction (mp) <phase>.Volume Fraction
Discrete Phase Model... DPM Mass Source (dpm) <particle>.Particle Mass Source
DPM Erosion (dpm, cv) <particle>.Particle Erosion Rate Density [a]
DPM Accretion (dpm, cv) <particle>.Particle Wall Mass Flow Density[a]
DPM X Momentum Source (dpm) <particle>.Particle Momentum Source X
DPM Y Momentum Source (dpm) <particle>.Particle Momentum Source Y
DPM Z Momentum Source (dpm, 3d) <particle>.Particle Momentum Source Z
DPM Swirl Momentum Source (dpm, 2dasw) <particle>.Particle Swirl Momentum Source
DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source (dpm, e) <particle>.Particle Sensible Enthalpy Source
DPM Enthalpy Source (dpm, e) <particle>.Particle Energy Source
DPM Absorption Coefficient (dpm, rad) <particle>.Particle Absorption Coefficient
DPM Emission (dpm, rad) <particle>.Particle Radiative Emission
DPM Scattering (dpm, rad) <particle>.Particle Radiative Scattering [a]
DPM Burnout (dpm, sp, e) Particle Burnout
DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization (dpm, sp, e) Particle Evaporation-Devolatilization
DPM Concentration (dpm) <particle>.Volume Fraction
DPM Mass SourceParticle Mass Source
DPM ErosionParticle Erosion Rate Density
DPM AccretionParticle Wall Mass Flow Density
DPM X Momentum SourceParticle Momentum Source X
DPM Y Momentum SourceParticle Momentum Source Y
DPM Z Momentum SourceParticle Momentum Source Z
DPM Swirl Momentum SourceParticle Swirl Momentum Source
DPM Sensible Enthalpy SourceParticle Sensible Enthalpy Source
DPM Enthalpy SourceParticle Enthalpy Source
DPM Absorption CoefficientParticle Absorption Coefficient
DPM EmissionParticle Radiative Emission
DPM ScatteringParticle Radiative Scattering
DPM BurnoutParticle Burnout
DPM Evaporation/DevolatilizationParticle Evaporation-Devolatilization
DPM ConcentrationParticle Mass Concentration
DPM Turbulent Kinetic Energy SourceParticle Turbulent Kinetic Energy Source
DPM Turbulent Dissipation SourceParticle Turbulent Dissipation Source
DPM Species-n Concentration<Species-n>.Particle Mass Concentration
DPM Species-n Source (dpm, sp, e) <Species-n>.Particle Mass Source
Granular Pressure... Granular Pressure (emm, gran) <phase>.Granular Pressure[a]
Granular Temperature... Granular Temperature (emm, gran) <phase>.Granular Temperature

Table 20.8: Properties, Wall Fluxes, User Defined Scalars, and User Defined Memory Categories

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Properties... Molecular Viscosity (v) Dynamic Viscosity
Diameter(mix, emm) Mean Particle Diameter
Granular Conductivity (mix, emm, gran) Granular Conductivity [a]
Thermal Conductivity (e, v) Thermal Conductivity
Specific Heat (Cp) (e) Specific Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure
Specific Heat Ratio (gamma) (id) Specific Heat Ratio[a]
Gas Constant (R) (id) R Gas Constant
Molecular Prandtl Number (e, v) Prandtl Number[a]
Mean Molecular Weight (seg, pdf) Molar Mass[a]
Compressibility FactorCompressibility Factor
Reduced TemperatureReduced Temperature
Reduced PressureReduced Pressure
Critical TemperatureCritical Temperature
Critical PressureCritical Pressure
Acentric FactorAcentric Factor
Critical Specific VolumeCritical Specific Volume
Sound Speed (id) Local Speed of Sound [a]
Wall Fluxes... Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm) Wall Shear
X-Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm) Wall Shear X
Y-Wall Shear Stress (v, cv, emm) Wall Shear Y
Z-Wall Shear Stress (v, 3d, cv, emm) Wall Shear Z
Axial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, cv) Wall Shear Axial
Radial-Wall Shear Stress (2da, cv) Wall Shear Radial
Swirl-Wall Shear Stress (2dasw, cv) Wall Shear Circumferential
Skin Friction Coefficient (v, cv, emm) Skin Friction Coefficient
Total Surface Heat Flux (e, v, cv) Wall Heat Flux
Radiation Heat Flux (rad, cv) Wall Radiative Heat Flux
Solar Heat Flux (sol, cv) Solar Heat Flux
Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do,cv) Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n)
Absorbed Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv) Absorbed Visible Solar Flux
Absorbed IR Solar Flux (sol, cv) Absorbed IR Solar Flux
Reflected Radiation Flux (Band-n) (do, cv) Reflected Radiation Flux
Reflected Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv) Reflected Visible Solar Flux
Reflected IR Solar Flux (sol, cv) Reflected IR Solar Flux
Transmitted Visible Solar Flux (sol, cv) Transmitted Visible Solar Flux
Transmitted IR Solar Flux (sol, cv) Transmitted IR Solar Flux
Beam Irradiation Flux (Band-n) (do, cv) <Band-n>.Beam Irradiation Flux
Surface Incident Radiation (do, dtrm, or s2s; cv) Surface Incident Radiation
Surface Heat Transfer Coef. (e, v, cv) Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient
Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef. (e, v, cv) Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Surface Nusselt Number (e, v, cv) Surface Nusselt Number
Surface Stanton Number (e, v, cv) Surface Stanton Number
User-Defined Scalars... Scalar-n (uds) <Scalar-n>
Diffusion Coef. of Scalar-n (uds) <Scalar-n>.Diffusion Coefficient
User-Defined Memory... User Memory n (udm) User Defined Memory <n>

Table 20.9: Cell Info, Grid, and Adaption Categories

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Cell Info... Cell Partition (np) Cell Partition
Active Cell Partition (p) Active Cell Partition
Stored Cell Partition (p) Stored Cell Partition
Cell Id (p) Cell Id
Cell Element Type Cell Element Type
Cell Zone Type Cell Zone Type
Cell Zone Index Cell Zone Index
Partition Neighbors Partition Neighbors
Grid... X-Coordinate (nv) X
Y-Coordinate (nv) Y
Z-Coordinate (3d, nv) Z
Axial Coordinate (nv) Axial Coordinate
Angular Coordinate (3d, nv) Angular Coordinate
Abs. Angular Coordinate (3d, nv) Absolute Angular Coordinate
Radial Coordinate (nv) Radial Angular Coordinate
Face Area MagnitudeFace Area Magnitude
X Face Area Face Area X
Y Face Area Face Area Y
Z Face Area (3d) Face Area Z
Cell Equiangle Skew Cell Equiangle Skew
Cell Equivolume Skew Cell Equivolume Skew
Cell Volume Cell Volume
2D Cell Volume (2da) 2d Cell Volume
Cell Wall Distance Cell Wall Distance
Face Handedness Face Handedness
Face Squish Index Face Squish Index
Cell Squish Index Cell Squish Index

Table 20.10: Grid Category (Turbomachinery-Specific Variables) and Adaption Category

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Grid... Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo) Meridional Coordinate
Abs Meridional Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs Meridional Coordinate
Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Spanwise Coordinate
Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate
Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate
Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Pitchwise Coordinate
Abs Pitchwise Coordinate (nv, turbo) Abs Pitchwise Coordinate
Adaption... Adaption Function Adaption Function
Adaption Curvature Adaption Curvature
Adaption Space Gradient Adaption Space Gradient
Adaption Iso-Value Adaption Iso-Value
Existing Value Existing Value
Boundary Cell Distance Boundary Cell Distance
Boundary Normal Distance Boundary Normal Distance
Boundary Volume Distance (np) Boundary Volume Distance
Cell Volume Change Cell Volume Change
Cell Surface Area Cell Surface Area
Cell Warpage Cell Warpage
Cell Children Cell Children
Cell Refine Level Cell Refine Level

Table 20.11: Residuals Category

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Residuals... Mass Imbalance (seg) Mass Imbalance
Pressure Residual (cpl) Residual Pressure
X-Velocity Residual (cpl) Residual u Velocity
Y-Velocity Residual (cpl) Residual v Velocity
Z-Velocity Residual (cpl, 3d) Residual w Velocity
Axial-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2da) Residual Velocity Axial
Radial-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2da) Residual Velocity Radial
Swirl-Velocity Residual (cpl, 2dasw) Residual Velocity Circumferential
Temperature Residual (cpl, e) Residual Temperature
Species-n Residual (cpl, sp) <Species-n>.Residual
Time Step (cpl) Time Step
Pressure Correction (cpl) Pressure Correction
X-Velocity Correction (cpl) Velocity Correction u
Y-Velocity Correction (cpl) Velocity Correction v
Z-Velocity Correction (cpl, 3d) Velocity Correction w
Axial-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2da) Velocity Correction Axial
Radial-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2da) Velocity Correction Radial
Swirl-Velocity Correction (cpl, 2dasw) Velocity Correction Circumferential
Temperature Correction (cpl, e) Temperature Correction
Species-n Correction (cpl, sp) <Species-n>.Correction

Table 20.12: Derivatives Category

CategoryFluent VariableCFX Variable
Derivatives... Strain Rate (v) Strain Rate
dX-Velocity/dx du-Velocity-dx
dY-Velocity/dx dv-Velocity-dx
dZ-Velocity/dx (3d) dw-Velocity-dx
dAxial-Velocity/dx (2da) dAxial-Velocity-dx
dRadial-Velocity/dx (2da) dRadial-Velocity-dx
dSwirl-Velocity/dx (2dasw) dCircumferential-Velocity-dx
d species-n/dx (cpl, sp) d<Species-n>-dx
dX-Velocity/dy du-Velocity-dy
dY-Velocity/dy dv-Velocity-dy
dZ-Velocity/dy (3d) dw-Velocity-dy
dAxial-Velocity/dy (2da) dAxial-Velocity-dy
dRadial-Velocity/dy (2da) dRadial-Velocity-dy
dSwirl-Velocity/dy (2dasw) dCircumferential-Velocity-dy
d species-n/dy (cpl, sp) d<Species-n>-dy
dX-Velocity/dz (3d) du-Velocity-dz
dY-Velocity/dz (3d) dv-Velocity-dz
dZ-Velocity/dz (3d) dw-Velocity-dz
d species-n/dz (cpl, sp, 3d) d<Species-n>-dz
dOmega/dx (2dasw) dOmega-dx
dOmega/dy (2dasw) dOmega-dy
dp-dX (seg) dp-dX
dp-dY (seg) dp-dY
dp-dZ (seg, 3d) dp-dZ

Table 20.13: Acoustics Category

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Acoustics... Surface dpdt RMS (fwh) Surface dpdt RMS
Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns) Acoustic Power Level (dB)
Acoustic Power (bns) Acoustic Power
Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns, 2da) Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB)
Jet Acoustic Power (bns, 2da) Jet Acoustic Power
Surface Acoustic Power Level (dB) (bns)  
Surface Acoustic Power (bns)  
Lilley's Self-Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Self-Noise Source
Lilley's Shear-Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Shear-Noise Source
Lilley's Total Noise Source (bns) Lilley's Total Noise Source
LEE Self-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise X-Source
LEE Shear-Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise X-Source
LEE Total Noise X-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise X-Source
LEE Self-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Self-Noise Y-Source
LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source
LEE Total Noise Y-Source (bns) LEE Total Noise Y-Source
LEE Self-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) LEE Self-Noise Z-Source
LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source
LEE Total Noise Z-Source (bns, 3d) LEE Total Noise Z-Source

Table 20.14: Sensitivities Category

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Body Force... Sensitivity to Body Force X-ComponentSensitivity to Body Force X
Sensitivity to Body Force Y-ComponentSensitivity to Body Force Y
Sensitivity to Body Force Z-ComponentSensitivity to Body Force Z
Sensitivity to Mass SourcesSensitivity to Mass Sources

Table 20.15: Film Category

Category Fluent VariableCFX Variable
Film... Film ThicknessFilm Thickness
Film X VelocityFilm Velocity u
Film Y VelocityFilm Velocity v
Film Z VelocityFilm Velocity w
Film TemperatureFilm Temperature
Film Weber NumberFilm Weber Number
Film Surface X VelocityFilm Surface Velocity u
Film Surface Y VelocityFilm Surface Velocity v
Film Surface Z VelocityFilm Surface Velocity w
Film DPM Mass SourceFilm DPM Mass Source
Film DPM x-mom SourceFilm DPM mom Source X
Film DPM y-mom SourceFilm DPM mom Source Y
Film DPM z-mom SourceFilm DPM mom Source Z
Film DPM Energy SourceFilm DPM Energy Source
Film DPM Shed MassFilm DPM Shed Mass
Film DPM Stripped MassFilm DPM Stripped Mass
Film DPM Stripped DiameterFilm DPM Stripped Diameter

Note:  The Fluent variable XF_RF_REACTING_CHANNEL_DATA will not be read by CFD-Post.