
Delamination Analysis using Contact Based Debonding Capability


Reference:G. Alfano and M. A. Crisfield, Finite Element Interface Models for the Delamination Analysis of Laminated Composites: Mechanical and Computational Issues, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 1701-1736 (2001).
Analysis Type(s):Static analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D 4-Node Structural Solid Element (PLANE182)
2D 3-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact Element (CONTA172)
2D Target Segment Element (TARGE169)
Input Listing:vm255.dat

Test Case

A double cantilever beam of length l, width w and height h with an initial crack of length a at the free end is subjected to a maximum vertical displacement Umax at top and bottom free end nodes. Determine the vertical reaction at point P based on the vertical displacement using contact based debonding capability.

Figure 434: Double Cantilever Beam Sketch

Double Cantilever Beam Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E11 = 135.3 GPa
E22 = 9.0 GPa
E33 = 9.0 GPa
G12 = 5.2 GPa
ν12 = 0.24
ν13 = 0.24
ν23 = 0.46
C1 = 1.7 MPa
C2 = 0.28 N/mm
C5 = 1.0E-5
L = 100 mm
a = 30 mm
h = 3 mm
w = 20 mm
Umax= 10 mm

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

A double cantilever beam has been analyzed under displacement control using 2D plane strain formulation with a regular mesh of 4 x 200 4-node PLANE182 elements. An imposed displacement of Uy = 10 mm acts at the top and bottom free nodes. The interface is modeled with contact elements with a bonded contact option and a cohesive zone material model.

Bilinear material behavior with linear softening characterized by maximum traction and critical energy release rate (TBOPT = CBDE) cohesive zone material option is used with maximum traction to = 1.7 MPa and critical energy rate Gc= 0.28 N/mm. Debonding is often characterized by convergence difficulties during material softening. To overcome this problem artificial damping parameter of 1.0e-8 is used.

Based on the interface material parameters used, results obtained using Mechanical APDL should be compared to the results shown in Figure 15(a) in the reference.

Results Comparison

 TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Max RFORCE and corresponding DISP using debonding:
RFORCE FY (N)50.0050.6631.013
DISP UY(mm)1.501.501.000
RFORCE and corresponding DISP U = 10.0 using debonding:
RFORCE FY (N)24.0024.8621.036
DISP UY(mm)10.0010.001.00