29.8. Recommendations

To perform a similar type of analysis, consider the following hints and recommendations:

  • Consider refining the mesh near bonded regions of the mesh, as well as near high curvature regions. This recommendation is based on the observed peak stress regions of all the layers.

  • By default all layer information is written to the results file. For large meshes it would be wise to select the proper KEYOPT(8) setting to minimize storage requirements with the layered option for SOLID279 or SOLID186 elements. The downside of reducing the file size is that it will not be possible to postprocess the individual layers. You will need to decide what is appropriate for your analysis.

  • For a mesh that has not been swept, it is difficult to see if the element coordinate system z axis is normal to the IJKL face of the layered solid SOLID278/SOLID279 or SOLID185/SOLID186 element. Consider using the EORIENT command to accomplish this. This is emphasized in the introduction. Also keep the following points in mind when performing a layered analysis:

    • The layers must be parallel to the IJKL face.

    • The element coordinate system z axis must also be normal to the IJKL face (face 1) .

  • For complex material fibers, it is convenient to align the element coordinate system axis with the fiber direction. In this case, consider defining a unique element coordinate system for each element using a combination of LOCAL and EMODIF,ALL,ESYS commands as detailed in the introduction. In Figure 29.19: Single Element Coordinate System below, only one LOCAL command is required. In Figure 29.20: Multiple Element Coordinate Systems below, each element must have a distinct element coordinate system, implying multiple LOCAL commands.

Figure 29.19: Single Element Coordinate System

Single Element Coordinate System

Figure 29.20: Multiple Element Coordinate Systems

Multiple Element Coordinate Systems