Chapter 7: Nonlinear Transient Analysis of a Camshaft Assembly

This example problem demonstrates the ease with which you can set up and perform an analysis involving both axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric components. The problem shows how modeling with general axisymmetric element technology can reduce computational resources significantly while maintaining the same degree of accuracy as a simulation using a full 3D model.

The following features and capabilities are highlighted:

  • Use of general axisymmetric element technology and 3D element technology in a model consisting of both axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric parts.

  • Generating axisymmetric elements in an assembly having more than one axisymmetric part with multiple axes of symmetry and subjected to nonaxisymmetric loading.

  • Use of contact element technology to couple general axisymmetric elements with standard 3D elements.

  • Use of joint element technology for applying loading.