3.5. Reviewing the Results

Results from a modal analysis (that is, the modal expansion pass) are written to the structural results file, Jobname.rst. Results consist of:

  • Natural frequencies

  • Expanded mode shapes

  • Relative stress and force distributions (if requested).

You can review these results in POST1 (/POST1), the general postprocessor. Some typical postprocessing operations for a modal analysis are described below. For a complete description of all postprocessing functions, see An Overview of Postprocessing in the Basic Analysis Guide.

3.5.1. Points to Remember

  • If you want to review results in POST1, the database must contain the same model for which the solution was calculated.

  • The results file (Jobname.rst) must be available.

3.5.2. Reviewing Results Data

  1. Read in results data from the appropriate substep (SET,Lstep,Sbstep). Each mode is stored on the results file as a separate substep. If you expand six modes, for instance, your results file will have one load step consisting of six substeps.

    If the results data are complex, you can retrieve the real part, the imaginary part, the amplitude or the phase via this command:


  2. Perform any desired POST1 operations. Typical modal analysis POST1 operations are described below:

3.5.3. Option: Listing All Frequencies

You may want to list the frequencies of all modes expanded (SET,LIST). A sample output from this command is shown below.

     1  22.973             1         1         1
     2  40.476             1         2         2
     3  78.082             1         3         3
     4  188.34             1         4         4

3.5.4. Option: Display Deformed Shape

Use the KUND field on PLDISP to overlay the nondeformed shape on the display.

3.5.5. Option: Line Element Results

For line elements, such as beams, spars, and pipes, issue ETABLE to access derived data (stresses, strains, etc.). Results data are identified by a combination of a label and a sequence number or component name via ETABLE. For more information, see The General Postprocessor (POST1).

3.5.6. Option: Contour Displays

Use PLNSOL or PLESOL to contour almost any result item, such as stresses (SX, SY, SZ...), strains (EPELX, EPELY, EPELZ...), and displacements (UX, UY, UZ...).

The KUND field on PLNSOL and PLESOL gives you the option of overlaying the nondeformed shape on the display.

You can also contour element table data (PLETAB) and line element data (PLLS).

Caution:  Derived data, such as stresses and strains, are averaged at the nodes via PLNSOL. Averaging results in smeared values at nodes where elements of different materials, different shell thicknesses, or other discontinuities meet. To avoid the smearing effect, use selecting (described in Selecting and Components in the Basic Analysis Guide) to select elements of the same material, same shell thickness, and so on before issuing PLNSOL.

3.5.7. Option: Tabular Listings

Issue PRNSOL, PRESOL, and PRRSOL to print nodal results, element results, and constrained node reaction data, respectivelydo . To sort the data before listing them, issue NSORT and/or ESORT.

3.5.8. Other Capabilities

Many other postprocessing functions - mapping results onto a path, load case combinations, and so on - are available in POST1. See The General Postprocessor (POST1) in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.