4.12. Porous Media

Porous media are materials containing pores. The materials are composed of solid-phase and open or closed pores. The solid portion is often called the skeleton. This documentation deals primarily with open pores filled with fluid (liquid or gas).

Many natural materials (such as rocks, soil and zeolites), biological materials (such as bones, tissue, wood and cork), and man-made materials (such as cements and ceramics) can be considered porous media. Pore structure geometry is inherently complicated. For engineering purposes, many of their important properties/characters can only be rationalized at a macroscopic scale by considering them to be porous media. Mechanics involving porous media must include mechanical response and fluid flow, requiring a coupled structural-pore-fluid-diffusion-thermal analysis.

Also see:

4.12.1. Fluid Flow and Permeability

The flow of water or other liquid through porous media (such as soils) occurs when a difference in the water level exists, causing fluid pressure. Darcy's law defines porous media flow:



= flow flux (Units: Length / Time)
= relative permeability
= permeability
= degree of fluid saturation
= specific weight of fluid
= pore pressure
= gradient operator (3D form shown)
= gravity load direction (not to be confused with gravity magnitude) Permeability

Permeability is a measure of the porous media's ability to allow fluids (gas or liquid) to flow through it. The higher the permeability of the porous media, the faster fluids can move through it.

Generally, permeability is a 3 x 3 matrix and can be isotropic, orthotropic or anisotropic. To define the porous media material data-table permeability matrix, issue the TB,PM command.

For more information, see Porous Media Material Properties.

4.12.2. Porous Media Mechanics

Porous media are multiphase materials containing pores. The void ratio is defined by:


= void volume
= solid volume

Porosity is defined as:

where = total volume.

Porosity and void ratio are related by:

The balance equations assume small-strain theory. They are as follows: Momentum-Balance Equation

The momentum-balance equation for a two-phase medium:



= total stress tensor
= matrix differentiation operator (3D form shown)
= displacement
= bulk specific weight of porous media (defined as , where is the solid skeleton specific weight and is the porosity)
= bulk density of porous media

The bulk density of the porous media is entered via the MP,DENS or TB,DENS commands. When solid and fluid properties are defined (TB,PM,,,,SP or FP) and gravity magnitude is defined (TB,PM,,,,GRAV), bulk density is calculated as:

where is the magnitude of gravitational acceleration. A typical value is 9.8m/s-2.

The specific weights of solid and pore fluid are defined via the porous media data table (TB,PM). The gravity load direction is defined via the specific weight load setting (SSOPT,SFSW). Mass-Balance (Continuity) Equation for the Pore-Fluid Phase

The mass-balance (continuity) equation for the pore-fluid phase is:



= volumetric strain
= compressibility parameter
= free strain
= temperature Compressibility Parameter

The compressibility parameter is calculated from the Biot modulus (TB,PM,,,,BIOT) and partially saturated parameters:

For fully saturated flow the parameters take the following values:

When solid and fluid properties are defined (TB,PM,,,,SP or FP), the compressibility parameter is calculated using the solid skeleton and fluid modulus as:



= bulk modulus of skeleton
= bulk modulus of fluid

In this case, the Biot modulus input via TB,PM,,,,BIOT is ignored. Biot Coefficient

The Biot coefficient is input via the TB,PM,,,,BIOT command. However, if solid and fluid properties are defined (TB,PM,,,,SP/FP), the Biot coefficient is calculated as:


= tangential bulk modulus
= material tangent stiffness (from solid skeleton material behavior) Effective Stress

The constitutive behavior of the solid skeleton is based on effective stress principal that describes mechanical response of material. The solid part of the model is represented by the effective stress as:


where is the effective stress tensor. In general, the effective stress is a function of time, strain and other history-dependent solution variables, if any.

The effective stress causes all relevant deformation of the solid skeleton and is related to the elastic strain tensor via Hooke's law:



= material elastic tangent stiffness
= elastic strain tensor
= plastic strain tensor
= thermal strain tensor
= initial strain tensor
= inelastic strains other than plasticity Free-Strain Rate

The form of the free-strain-rate term depends on the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) definitions:

  • Form 1 – Only solid skeleton CTE defined:


    = instantaneous volumetric thermal expansion coefficient
    = solid skeleton instantaneous volumetric thermal expansion coefficient
    = linear instantaneous thermal expansion coefficients
    Defining the instantaneous solid skeleton CTEs
    The instantaneous thermal expansion coefficients are equal to the secant thermal expansion coefficients if there is no variation of the coefficients during solution (that is, if there is no temperature or other field-variable dependence). In that case, define the instantaneous solid skeleton CTEs via TB,CTE (secant CTE input). If the TB,CTE properties are made temperature- (or other field-variable-) dependent, the program uses the CTE values directly without accounting for conversion to instantaneous values.

    To account for temperature dependence of the instantaneous solid skeleton CTEs, define the solid skeleton CTEs via MP commands (MPTEMP and MPDATA,CTEX/Y/Z). In this case, the program uses the instantaneous CTE directly with respect to the mass balance (continuity) equation for the pore-fluid phase (Equation 4–88). For the momentum-balance equation of the porous medium (Equation 4–87), which uses the secant CTE, the program converts the instantaneous values to the secant values.

  • Form 2 – Fluid CTE defined:


    = fluid-thermal-expansion coefficient (input via TB,CTE,,,,FLUID)

  • Form 3 – User-defined free-strain rate:

    You can define the free-strain increment via the userfreestrain subroutine.

The free-strain rate term can behave in either of two ways depending on whether the temperature degree of freedom is enabled:

– Temperature degree of freedom disabled:
If the temperature history is defined (via BF or BFE, for example), the free-strain rate (any form) acts as a load. The user-defined free-strain feature (form 3) is available only if the temperature degree of freedom is disabled.
– Temperature degree of freedom enabled:
Available for forms 1 and 2 only, the temperature is solved as part of the coupled system of equations. Heat-Transfer Equation

The heat-transfer equation is:



= thermal conductivity (Units: Mass * Length * Temperature-1 * Time-3)
= fluid density calculated as .

The form of depends on the TB table definition:

  • Only TB ,THERM,,,,SPHT defined:


    = solid-skeleton specific heat

  • TB ,THERM,,,,FLSPHT defined:


    = fluid specific heat

    = solid-skeleton density calculated as Stability of Galerkin Formulation

The stability of the Galerkin formulation is measured in terms of the non-dimensional criteria called the element Peclet number, which calculates the ratio between the mass transport term and the diffusion term. The Peclet number is calculated in a similar manner to Equation 4–1 in the Thermal Analysis Guide, where the velocity vector is replaced by the fluid flow flux.

To ensure Galerkin formulation stability, the recommended Peclet number should be < 1.

4.12.3. Porous Media Material Properties

The material properties for porous media analysis include solid skeleton and pore-fluid properties. Define material model constants for a porous medium (TB,PM).

The following material-property options (TBOPT) are available for defining porous media:

Define constants (Cn) via TBDATA (or TBPT, as applicable). Permeability (TB,PM,,,,TBOPT = PERM)

The permeability properties can be isotropic, orthotropic or anisotropic. The full 3 x 3 permeability matrix is:

Define up to nine constants:

Isotropic permeability matrix -- Define only. (The and values are assumed to be . )
Orthotropic permeability matrix -- Enter three constants: , and . The program assigns values of zero to the off-diagonal permeability constants ().
Anisotropic permeability matrix -- If you define the first six constants (), the program makes the permeability matrix symmetric (that is, ).
General nonsymmetric anisotropic permeability matrix -- Define all nine constants.
Constant Meaning Units
C1 Length/Time

All defined constants are based on the element coordinate system. By default, the element coordinate system is the global coordinate system. Biot Coefficient (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = BIOT)

Define the Biot coefficient and Biot modulus.

If the Biot coefficient remains undefined, the program assigns a default value of 1. If the Biot modulus remains undefined, the porous media is assumed to be incompressible.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 Biot coefficientDimensionless
C2 Biot modulusForce/Length2

If solid property and/or fluid property is defined (TB,PM,,,,SP/FP), the Biot coefficient and Biot modulus are overwritten with values calculated as described in Porous Media Mechanics. Solid Property (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = SP)

Defining either of the available constants is optional:

  • If the bulk modulus of the solid skeleton is not defined, the solid skeleton is assumed to be incompressible.

  • If the specific weight of the solid skeleton is defined, the program considers it to be a body force.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 Bulk modulus of solid skeletonForce/Length2
C2 Specific weight of solid skeletonForce/Length3 Fluid Property (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = FP)

Defining any of the three available constants is optional:

  • If the bulk modulus of the fluid is not defined, the fluid is assumed to be incompressible.

  • If the specific weight of the fluid is defined, the program considers it to be a body-force load.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 Bulk modulus of fluidForce/Length2
C2 Specific weight of fluidForce/Length3
C3 PorosityDimensionless Degree of Saturation (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = DSAT)

Define the degree of saturation as a function of pore pressure (TBPT). Pore-pressure values can be negative only (partially saturated flow), and the degree of saturation lies between 0 and 1. If undefined, the degree of saturation defaults to 1.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 PressureForce/Length2
C2 Degree of fluid saturationNone Relative Permeability (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = RPER)

Define the relative permeability as a function of pore pressure (TBPT). Pore-pressure values can be negative only (partially saturated flow), and relative permeability lies between 0 and 1. If undefined, the relative permeability defaults to 1.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 PressureForce/Length2
C2 Relative permeabilityNone Gravity Magnitude (TB,PM,,,, TBOPT = GRAV)

Define the magnitude of gravity.

Constant Meaning Property Units
C1 Gravity magnitudeForce/Length2

If solid and/or fluid properties are defined (TB,PM,,,,SP/FP) and gravity magnitude is defined (TB,PM,,,,GRAV), bulk density is calculated as described in Porous Media Mechanics.

If gravity magnitude is not defined, it is assumed to be 1. Units of Permeability

The units of permeability are always defined as Length/Time, according to Darcy's law. If the specific weight of the fluid is not defined (TBOPT = FP), it is assumed to be 1 (unit = Force/Length3).

4.12.4. Heat-Transfer Properties

Thermal conductivity (TBOPT = COND), solid-skeleton specific heat (TBOPT = SPHT), and fluid specific heat (TBOPT = FLSPHT) are defined via TB,THERM. For more information about defining thermal material properties, see Thermal Properties.

4.12.5. Thermal-Expansion Material Properties

The solid-skeleton volumetric thermal-expansion coefficient is the sum of the linear thermal-expansion coefficients defined via TB,CTE (or MPTEMP and MPDATA,CTEX/Y/Z).

The fluid volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is directly defined via TB,CTE,,,,FLUID.

4.12.6. Transient vs. Static Analysis

A soil-consolidation problem is typically a transient analysis (ANTYPE,SOIL or ANTYPE,TRANS). A transient analysis considers all rate (, , ) and acceleration () terms in the governing equations (Equation 4–87, Equation 4–88, and Equation 4–92).

In a geostatic analysis (ANTYPE,SOIL with SSOPT,GEOSTATIC), all transient terms (acceleration and rate) are ignored.

In a static analysis (ANTYPE,STAT), all acceleration terms are ignored; however, the program accounts for the following rate terms: volumetric strain rate (), pressure rate (), free-strain rate , and specific heat damping in the mass-balance and heat-transfer equations.

In a static analysis, applying fluid flow (FLOW) and heat flow (HEAT) (via the nodal-force command F) is not supported. If those are needed, use a transient analysis.

4.12.7. Partially Saturated Porous Media Flow and Coupled-Pore-Pressure-Thermal (CPT) Damping

Soil embankments and dams are examples of semi-saturated porous media. Such structures are often characterized by a phreatic line (free water surface). The soil below the phreatic line is fully saturated, while the soil above is partially saturated. Partially saturated flow results in negative pore pressures. The presence of negative pore pressures is beneficial to the soil. It assures some cohesion in the soil, essential for maintaining its structural integrity.

Partially saturated porous media flow does not introduce any new degrees of freedom to coupled pore-pressure-thermal elements (CPTnnn); that is, pore pressure is still the extra degree of freedom in addition to the displacement degrees of freedom). Partially saturated behavior is modeled by introducing two new parameters, the degree of saturation and the relative permeability, both of which are functions of the negative pore pressure. The relationships can be defined in tabular form (TB,PM,,,,DSAT and TB,PM,,,,RPER, respectively).

CPT damping refers to Rayleigh damping, available for CPTnnn elements via the TB,SDAMP,,,,ALPD/BETD command.

For more information, see Example: Initial Degree of Saturation and Relative Permeability in the Advanced Analysis Guide.