Chapter 12: Electric Field Analysis

Electric field analyses calculate the electric field in conductive or capacitive systems. Typical quantities of interest in an electric field analysis include:

  • Electric field

  • Current density

  • Electric flux density

  • Charge density

  • Joule heat

This chapter describes elements used in all types of electric field analysis. You can use them to model electric effects in lossy dielectrics, high-voltage insulators, microwave passive components, semiconductor devices, micro-electromechanical (MEMS) devices, and biological tissues. This chapter also specifically covers the procedures for performing steady-state current conduction analysis and quasistatic time-harmonic and time-transient electric field analyses.

See Electrostatic Field Analysis and Electric Circuit Analysis for a description of the other types of electric field analysis.

Mechanical APDL uses Maxwell's equations as the basis for electric field analysis. Refer to Electromagnetics in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. The primary unknowns (nodal degrees of freedom) that the finite element solution calculates are electric scalar potentials (voltages). Other electric field quantities are then derived from the nodal potentials.

This document describes electric-only field analysis, specifically steady-state current conduction analysis, quasistatic time-harmonic and time-transient electric field analyses, electrostatic field analysis, and electric circuit analysis. Some of the elements described can also be used as coupled-field elements. The Coupled-Field Analysis Guide discusses coupled-field analyses.

Electric contact is also available. See Modeling Electric Contact in the Contact Technology Guide for details.