A.1. Center-Crack-Tension (CCT) Specimen Subjected to Cyclic Crack-Surface Pressure Loading

A.1.1. Problem Description

A center-crack-tension (CCT) specimen subjected to cyclic pressure loading on the crack surfaces is analyzed using the SMART fatigue crack-growth framework. The fatigue crack-growth simulation is based on Paris' law. The numerical results from the SMART solution are compared with the reference solution.

Figure 1: Schematic of a CCT Specimen

Schematic of a CCT Specimen

The geometrical dimensions are:

a (half-crack length) = 8 mm
W (half-specimen width) = 25 mm
D (half-specimen depth) = 5 mm

The specimen height is set sufficiently large so that it does not affect stress at the crack front.

A.1.2. Material Properties

An isotropic elastic material is used:

E = 200000 N / mm2
ν = 0.3

where E is the Young’s modulus and ν is Poisson’s ratio.

The Paris' law[3] for the fatigue crack-growth prediction is expressed as:

where N is number of cycles, K is the stress-intensity factor, and C and m are Paris' law constants.

A.1.3. Finite Element Model

The SMART method requires that the full crack be modeled. To take advantage of the symmetric boundary conditions, a half-geometry model is created (as shown by the gray area in Figure 1: Schematic of a CCT Specimen. The model is created in Ansys Mechanical using the SOLID187 3D 10-node tetrahedral structural solid. An arbitrary crack is generated.

Two meshes with different crack-tip element sizes and mesh-sizing controls are analyzed. Model 1 has a crack-tip element size of 0.008 W, a relatively coarse mesh with 9810 elements. Model 2 has a much finer mesh with a crack-tip element size of 0.004 W and overall body-mesh sizing of 0.012 W.

Table 1: Finite Element Model Sizes

Finite Element Model Model 1 Model 2
Number of elements981031870
Number of nodes1438948424
Crack-tip element size0.008 W0.004 W
Body sizingNone0.012 W

Figure 2: Finite Element Model 2 Mesh

Finite Element Model 2 Mesh

A.1.4. Boundary Conditions and Loading

A surface pressure of σ = 50 N / mm2 is applied to the crack surfaces. The same magnitude of surface pressure is also applied to the new crack surfaces when the crack begins to grow.

For easy comparison with the reference solution, the front and back surfaces of the specimen in the through-thickness direction are constrained to ensure a plane-strain boundary condition.

When crack-growth begins, meshes related to the crack surfaces, and the front and back surfaces inside the remeshing zone, change. SMART updates the boundary conditions automatically, including pressure load and displacement constraints, to ensure that the boundary conditions are applied correctly.

The crack is sunder pure Mode I loading. The stress-intensity-factor range is therefore:

A stress ratio of zero, R = 0.0, is assumed. The Paris' law constants are C = 1.43E-11 and m = 2.75.

The solution units are based on MKS (mm, MPa).

A.1.5. Results and Discussion

The finite element analyses are conducted using Ansys Mechanical release 2019 R1.

Figure 3: Contour Plot of Equivalent von Mises Stress for Model 1 (Initial Crack Geometry)

Contour Plot of Equivalent von Mises Stress for Model 1 (Initial Crack Geometry)

The reference solution[4] for the stress-intensity factor of a CCT specimen is based on:


The reference solution is used to calculate the stress-intensity factor for fatigue crack-growth. The stress-intensity-factor range is:

Assuming that each crack-growth step is 0.1 mm, the number of cycle increments is then calculated based on Paris' law as:

and the number of accumulated cycles is:

The results obtained are used as reference solutions to compare with the numerical results from the SMART solutions:

Comparison: FE Predictions vs. Reference Solution

Model 1 Model 2 Reference
5 mm Crack Extension
Accumulated cycles478814765046589
Stress-intensity-factor range380.85382.03385.29
10 mm Crack Extension
Accumulated cycles653566494063157
Stress-intensity-factor range561.52571.47578.04

The program uses linear interpolation to obtain the SMART results of the number of accumulated cycles and the stress-intensity factor at exact crack extensions of 5 mm and 10 mm.

Figure 4: Comparison: Number of Cycles vs. Crack Extension -- Reference and SMART Solutions

Comparison: Number of Cycles vs. Crack Extension -- Reference and SMART Solutions

Figure 5: Comparison: Effective Stress-Intensity-Factor Range vs. Crack Extension -- Reference and SMART Solutions

Comparison: Effective Stress-Intensity-Factor Range vs. Crack Extension -- Reference and SMART Solutions

The SMART solution closely matches the reference solution. When compared to the reference results, the maximum error is approximately 3.4 percent for the accumulated-cycles prediction for the coarse-mesh Model I analysis. The results of the finer-mesh Model 2 analysis are even closer to the reference solution with all errors well within 3 percent.

Finally, the following figure plots the reference and SMART solutions logarithmically, indicating that the SMART solutions strictly comply with Paris' law:

Figure 6: Logarithmic Plot of Δa / ΔN vs. ΔK -- Reference and SMART Solutions

Logarithmic Plot of Δa / ΔN vs. ΔK -- Reference and SMART Solutions

A.1.6. References

The following references are cited in this benchmark:

  1. Paris, P. C., Gomez, M. P. & Anderson, W. E. (1961). A Rational Analytic Theory of Fatigue. The Trend in Engineering. 13: 9-14.

  2. Tada, H., Paris, P. C. & Irwin, G.R. (1985). The Trend in Engineering. 2nd ed.: Paris Productions.

A.1.7. Input Files

The following files are available for running this benchmark in Ansys Mechanical (.wbpz) and Mechanical APDL (.dat):

[3] Paris, P. C., Gomez, M. P. & Anderson, W. E. (1961). A Rational Analytic Theory of Fatigue. The Trend in Engineering. 13: 9-14.

[4] Tada, H., Paris, P. C. & Irwin, G.R. (1985). The Trend in Engineering. 2nd ed.: Paris Productions.