2.11. Structural Implicit Gradient Regularization

Use structural implicit gradient regularization to regularize structural models that are inherently subject to numerical instability and pathological mesh sensitivity (such as the strain-softening microplane material model). Applications of structural implicit gradient regularization include modeling concrete and similar materials under cyclic loading.

For more information, see the following topics in the Material Reference:

2.11.1. Understanding Implicit Gradient Regularization Theory

The implicit gradient regularization scheme is implemented by defining a nonlocal field using a modified Helmholtz equation, which adds extra degrees of freedom on top of the structural degrees of freedom.

The governing equations are given by the linear momentum balance equation, and additionally a modified Helmholtz equation:

where is the Cauchy stress tensor, is the body force vector, is the divergence, is the gradient, and is the Laplace operator. is a gradient parameter which controls the range of nonlocal interaction. is the local variable to be enhanced, and is its nonlocal counterpart.

The homogeneous Neumann boundary condition applies as follows:

where is the normal to the outer boundary of the nonlocal field.

For displacement and nonlocal variable , linearizing the governing equations gives:

where , are the structural and nonlocal field strain-displacement operator matrices, and , are the structural and nonlocal field shape functions. Elements Used in Implicit Gradient Regularization

The following coupled pore-pressure-thermal elements support structural implicit gradient regularization: CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, CPT217

Activate the extra degrees of freedom via KEYOPT(18).