G Commands

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GAUGE - Gauges the problem domain for a magnetic edge-element formulation.
GCDEF - Defines interface interactions between general contact surfaces.
GCGEN - Creates contact elements for general contact.
/GCMD - Controls the type of element or graph display used for the GPLOT command.
/GCOLUMN - Allows the user to apply a label to a specified curve.
GENOPT - Specifies "General options" as the subsequent status topic.
GEOM - Defines the geometry specifications for the radiation matrix calculation.
GEOMETRY - Specifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic.
*GET - Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.
/GFILE - Specifies the pixel resolution on Z-buffered graphics files.
/GFORMAT - Specifies the format for the graphical display of numbers.
/GLINE - Specifies the element outline style.
/GMARKER - Specifies the curve marking style.
GMATRIX - Performs electric field solutions and calculates the self and mutual conductance between multiple conductors.
GMFACE - Specifies the facet representation used to form solid models.
*GO - Causes a specified line on the input file to be read next.
/GO - Reactivates suppressed printout.
/GOLIST - Reactivates the suppressed data input listing.
/GOPR - Reactivates suppressed printout.
GPLOT - Controls general plotting.
/GRAPHICS - Defines the type of graphics display.
/GRESUME - Sets graphics settings to the settings on a file.
/GRID - Selects the type of grid on graph displays.
/GROPT - Sets various line graph display options.
GRP - Specifies the grouping mode combination method.
/GRTYP - Selects single or multiple Y-axes graph displays.
/GSAVE - Saves graphics settings to a file for later use.
GSBDATA - Specifies the constraints or applies the load at the ending point for generalized plane strain option.
GSGDATA - Specifies the reference point and defines the geometry in the fiber direction for the generalized plane strain element option.
GSLIST - When using generalized plane strain, lists the input data or solutions.
GSSOL - Specifies which results to store from the results file when using generalized plane strain.
/GST - Enables the Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) feature.
GSUM - Calculates and prints geometry items.
/GTHK - Sets line thicknesses for graph lines.
/GTYPE - Controls the entities that the GPLOT command displays.