Specifies the element outline style.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).


Outline key:



Solid element outlines (default)



Dashed element outlines



No element outlines

Command Default

Solid element outlines


Determines the element outline style. Often used when node numbers are displayed to prevent element lines from overwriting node numbers.

Unless you are using an OpenGL or Starbase driver, the dashed element outline option (/GLINE,WN,1) is not available in the following situations:

  • Z-buffered displays (/TYPE,WN,6).

  • Capped Z-buffered displays (/TYPE,WN,7).

  • Qslice Z-buffered displays (/TYPE,WN,8).

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Edge Options