HROUT, Reimky, Clust, Mcont, EngCalc
Specifies the harmonic analysis output options.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Real/Imaginary print key:



Print complex displacements as real and imaginary components (default).



Print complex displacements as amplitude and phase angle (degrees).


Cluster option (for HROPT,MSUP):



Uniform spacing of frequency solutions (default).



Cluster frequency solutions about natural frequencies.


Mode contributions key (for HROPT,MSUP):



No print of mode contributions at each frequency (default).



Print mode contributions at each frequency.


Additional element energies calculation key:



Do not calculate additional energies (default).



Calculate average, amplitude, and peak values for the following: stiffness and kinetic energies, damping energy, and work done by external loads.


Specifies the harmonic analysis (ANTYPE,HARMIC) output options. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step. OUTPR,NSOL must be specified to print mode contributions at each frequency.

If the calculation of additional energies is requested (EngCalc = YES) in a mode-superposition harmonic analysis (Method = MSUP on the HROPT command), work done by external loads is not calculated in the expansion pass if MSUPkey = YES on the MXPAND command. If MSUPkey = NO, work due to element loads is calculated in the expansion pass of the real part, but not work due to nodal loads. The average, amplitude, and peak potential energies for complex results (Potential Energy (or Stiffness Energy) for Complex Results) calculated for a linear perturbation full harmonic analysis with a nonlinear base analysis are approximate solutions and may not be accurate.

Only the Reimky argument is supported and applicable for frequency-sweep harmonic analyses using the Krylov or Variational Technology Methods. All other arguments are ignored if the HROPT command has been issued with Method = KRYLOV, VT, or VTPA.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options