PRED, Sskey, --, Lskey
Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Substep predictor key:



The program uses a predictor but, within certain exceptions, automatically switches prediction off. This behavior is the default; see "Command Default" for details.



No prediction occurs.



Use the linear predictor on all substeps after the first.



Use the quadratic predictor on all substeps after the second.


Unused field.


Load step predictor:



No prediction across load steps occurs. This is the default behavior.



Use a predictor also on the first substep of the load step. (Sskey = ON is required.)

Command Default

The default command behavior is to use prediction (Sskey = AUTO). The AUTO option chooses to either use the linear predictor or to turn the predictor OFF. However, prediction does not occur if one or more of these conditions exist:

  • Over prediction occurs due to a large residual force or excessive element distortion.

  • You are mapping (MAPSOLVE) variables to a new mesh during rezoning. (Prediction does not occur for any MAPSOLVE substeps, nor for the first substep afterwards.)

  • You have steady-state analysis defined (SSTATE), and contact elements exist in the model.


Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis on the degree-of-freedom solution for the first equilibrium iteration of each substep.

When using the arc-length method (ARCLEN, ARCTRM), you cannot issue the DOF solution predictor command (PRED), the automatic time stepping command (AUTOTS), or the line search command (LNSRCH). If you activate the arc-length method after you set PRED, AUTOTS, or LNSRCH, a warning message appears. If you elect to proceed with the arc-length method, the program disables your DOF predictor, automatic time stepping, and line search settings, and the time step size is controlled by the arc-length method internally.

When using step-applied loads, such as TUNIF, BFUNIF, etc., or other types of non-monotonic loads, the predictor may adversely affect the convergence. If the solution is discontinuous, the predictor may need to be turned off.

When performing a nonlinear analysis involving large rotations, the predictor may require using smaller substeps. If the model has rotational degrees-of-freedom, the quadratic predictor could work more efficiently than the linear predictor.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Predictor
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Predictor