Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Coordinate system number:



Use element coordinate system orientation as defined (either by default or by KEYOPT setting) for the element (default).



Use element coordinate system orientation based on local coordinate system N (where N must be greater than 10). For global system 0, 1, or 2, define a local system N parallel to appropriate system with the LOCAL or CS command (for example, LOCAL,11,1).

Command Default

Use element coordinate system orientation as defined (either by default or by KEYOPT setting) for the element (default).


ESYS identifies the local coordinate system to be used to define the element coordinate system of subsequently defined elements.

The command is valid for area and volume elements only.

For non-layered volume elements, the local coordinate system N is assigned as the element coordinate system. N refers to the coordinate system reference number (KCN) defined via LOCAL (or a similar command).

For shell and layered volume elements, the x and y axes of the local coordinate system N are projected onto the shell or layer plane to determine the element coordinate system.

For more information, see Understanding the Element Coordinate System.

Element coordinate system numbers can be displayed (/PNUM).

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes