5.3. Solving for a Subsequent Campbell Analysis of a Prestressed Structure Using the Linear Perturbation Procedure

For more information on the Linear Perturbation procedure for rotating structures, see Considerations for Rotating Structures.

To generate the Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure, multiple static and perturbed modal solutions are calculated alternately. The Campbell action (Action on the CAMPBELL command) must be set to the results file name extension of the perturbed solution (RSTP) in the first static analysis. Issue the command CORIOLIS,ON,,,ON in the static prestress portion of the analysis to include the Coriolis effect.

The results of the modal analyses are appended to the Jobname.rstp file to accommodate a subsequent Campbell diagram analysis – see Campbell Diagram.

The example snippet below shows the commands used for a Campbell analysis of a prestressed structure.

Example 5.1: Commands used in a Campbell Diagram Analysis of a Prestressed Structure

! *** Define the rotational velocity array parameter ‘spins’

nbstep = 5                 ! number of steps
dspin = spin/(nbstep-1)    ! increment
spins(1) = 0.1             ! nonzero to ease the Campbell diagram sorting

!*** Perform the multiple prestress modal analyses in a *do loop


   rescontrol,linear           ! enable file writing for a subsequent linear perturbation
   coriolis,off                ! de-activate Coriolis effect if needed (centrifugal force)
   omega,,,spins(iloop)        ! set rotational velocity
   f,…                         ! define static loads  
   campbell,rstp               ! enable file handling for Campbell analysis

   antype,static, restart,,,perturb 
   perturb, modal 
   coriolis,on,,,on            ! activate Coriolis effect in stationary reference frame 
   solve, elform                    
   modopt,…                    ! specify the eigensolver – only DAMP and QRDAMP are supported

! *** Post-process the Campbell diagram

file,,rstp                    ! define the results file to be used