11.1. One-Way Coupling from Single Physics to Acoustics

One-way coupling from structure to acoustics is more computationally efficient, while the acoustic effect on the structure can be neglected. The structural results can be used as the acoustic excitation source using the one-way coupling process.

A coupling coefficient is defined as:


ρ0 = density of fluid
c0 = sound speed in the fluid
ρs = density of solid
T = effective thickness of the solid
ω = angular frequency

If αc > 1, solve as a strong coupled acoustic-structural interaction problem. If αc < 1, a one-way coupling solution is more computationally efficient.

11.1.1. One-Way Coupling from Structure to Acoustics

Specify a one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling via the ASIFILE command.

Perform a one-way coupling analysis using either of the following two methods:

For a conforming or nonconforming mesh on a one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling interface (Mechanical APDL only):

  1. Activate the structural model.

  2. Flag a one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling interface in the structural model via the SF,Nlist,FSIN,VALUE command (not SF,Nlist,FSI).

  3. Prior to the solution, issue the ASIFILE,WRITE command so that structural results on the one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling interface are written to a file with extension .asi during the structural solution.

    Alternatively, you can skip step 3 and issue ASIFILE during postprocessing to create the .asi file (see step 5).

  4. Solve the structural model without the acoustic elements.

  5. If step 3 was skipped, issue the ASIFILE,WRITE command during postprocessing (/POST1) to write results on the selected surface nodes to the .asi file.

  6. Switch to the acoustic model.

  7. Flag a one-way structure-to-acoustic coupling interface in the acoustic model via the SF,Nlist,FSIN,VALUE command (not SF,Nlist,FSI). If the .asi file was generated during postprocessing (see step 5), VALUE must be set to 1 (SF,Nlist,FSIN,1).

  8. Prior to the solution, issue the ASIFILE,READ command (with Oper = NOMAP [conforming mesh] or Oper = MAP [nonconforming mesh]) so that the structural results on the one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling interface are read into the model during the acoustic solution.

  9. Solve the acoustic model without the structural elements over the specified frequency range.

Example 11.1: One-Way Structure-to-Acoustics Coupling Process with a Nonconforming Mesh

et,1,186,,         ! structural element
et,2,220,,1        ! uncoupled acoustic element
esel,s,type,,1     ! select structural element
nsel,s,loc,x,0     ! nodes on interface in structural element
sf,all,fsin,1      ! flag one-way coupling interface
esel,u,type,,2     ! unselect acoustic element
asifile,write      ! write structural results to .asi file

antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
hropt,auto         ! use program-selected solver
harfrq,58,68       ! frequency range
nsub,3             ! steps over frequency range
solve              ! solve structural problem

alls               ! select everything
esel,u,type,,1     ! unselect structural elements
nsle,s             ! select nodes attached to acoustic elements
nsel,s,loc,x,0     ! nodes on interface in acoustic element
sf,all,fsin,1      ! flag one-way coupling interface
asifile,read,,,map ! read structural results into model during solution

antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
hropt,auto         ! choose solver by program
harfrq,58,68       ! frequency range
nsub,3             ! steps over frequency range (invalid)
solve              ! solve acoustic problem

Alternatively, the .asi file can be written during postprocessing of the structural analysis:

Example 11.2: Write Structural Results to an .asi File During Postprocessing

et,1,186,,         ! structural element
antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
hropt,auto         ! use program-selected solver
harfrq,58,68       ! frequency range
nsub,3             ! steps over frequency range
solve              ! solve structural problem

nsel,s,loc,x,0     ! select nodes on FSI interface
asifile,write      ! write structural results to the .asi file

et,2,220,,1        ! uncoupled acoustic element
nsel,s,loc,x,0     ! select nodes on interface in acoustic elements
sf,all,fsin,1      ! flag one-way coupling interface
asifile,read,,,map ! read structural results into model during solution

antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
solve              ! solve acoustic problem

Multiple load steps can be used to solve the problem over different frequency ranges:

Example 11.3: Solve Over Different Frequency Ranges

antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
hropt,auto         ! use program-selected solver
harfrq,58,62       ! 1st frequency range
nsub,3             ! steps over frequency range (invalid)
solve              ! solve acoustic problem (1st load step)
harfrq,64,68       ! 2nd frequency range
nsub,3             ! steps over frequency range (invalid)
solve              ! solve acoustic problem (2nd load step)

For a nonconforming mesh on a one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling interface in Workbench, if no Jobname.asi file exists:

  1. Solve the structural model without the acoustic elements.

  2. Map the structural results on the one-way coupling interface of the structural model to the acoustic model via Workbench External Data. For more information, see External Data in the Workbench User's Guide.

  3. Solve the acoustic model without the structural elements at the specified frequency.

A conforming mesh offers a more efficient and accurate solution, as there is no mapping process and the structural nodal results are directly passed to the nodes of the acoustic model. However, the complicated structural model can be solved with a nonconforming mesh for one-way structure-to-acoustics coupling.

In a harmonic analysis, the acoustic solver chooses the frequencies that are defined in the upstream structural analysis between the beginning and ending frequency (HARFRQ) defined in the acoustic solution. The number of substeps is determined by the number of frequencies in the structural solution over the frequency range. In a transient analysis, the acoustic solver chooses the time values that are defined in the upstream structural analysis between the beginning and ending time (TIME) defined in the acoustic solution. The number of substeps is determined by the number of time steps in the structural solution over the time range. The number of substeps defined via the NSUBST command is overwritten in the acoustic solution.

In a transient analysis, the ASIFILE command supports restart and varying time steps.

11.1.2. One-Way Coupling from Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL Acoustics for Cabin Noise

Use one-way coupling from Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL to predict cabin noise generated by flow interacting with the structure (while ignoring the structural effect on the flow). The Ansys Fluent transient solution is postprocessed into the one-side peak complex pressure in the frequency domain using the fast Fourier transformation (FFT); the solution is stored in a .cgns format binary file. The flow pressure is applied to the structural surface for vibro-acoustics analysis.

Specify a one-way Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL coupling via the FLUREAD command. (The command can be used only for the model with the acoustic elements.)

Note:  One-way coupling from Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL is not available for 2D acoustic elements.

Performing a One-Way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL Coupling Analysis

Follow the steps below to perform this one-way coupling analysis.

  1. Perform the transient flow analysis using Ansys Fluent.

  2. Postprocess the transient flow solution using FFT on selected surfaces and store the complex pressure in a file.

  3. Set up the Mechanical APDL acoustic analysis model with the acoustic domain enclosed, as within a cabin.

  4. Define the surface element SURF154 on the top of structural solid or shell element to apply complex pressure to the structure model.

  5. Define the one-way Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL coupling interface via the SF,Nlist,FSIN,VALUE command (not SF,Nlist,FSI) on the SURF154 surface element.

  6. Flag the acoustic-structural interaction interface (FSI) in the acoustic model via the SF,Nlist,FSI command (not SF,Nlist,FSIN,VALUE ) for vibro-acoustics.

  7. Prior to the acoustic solution, issue the FLUREAD command with mapping options to launch one-way Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL coupling during the acoustic solution.

  8. Define the solving frequency range (HARFRQ).

    The solver chooses the FFT frequencies between the beginning and ending frequencies. The number of substeps is determined by the number of FFT frequencies over the frequency range. The number of substeps defined via the NSUBST command is overwritten.

  9. Solve the acoustic model over specified frequency range.

  10. Issue the PRAS or PLAS command during postprocessing (/POST1) to obtain the sound pressure levels (SPL) of the specified octave band.

One-way Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL coupling excitation can be applied to multiple frequencies. The one-side FFT peak complex pressure values must be used. Because the flow mesh is much finer than the structural mesh, specify a structural mesh density on the one-way coupling interface that allows the complex pressure variation of flow on the surface after mapping to be retrieved.

Example 11.4: One-Way Ansys Fluent to Mechanical APDL Coupling

et,1,220,,0        ! coupled acoustic element
et,2,281           ! structural shell element
et,3,154           ! surface element
mp,dens,1,1.225    ! air density
mp,sonc,1,340      ! sound speed in the air
mp,dens,2,7800     ! structural density
mp,ex  ,2,2.1e11   ! structural Elastic moduli
mp,nuxy,2,.28      ! structural Minor Poisson's ratios
vmesh,all          ! mesh acoustic domain

sectype,2,shell    ! define shell element property
nsel,s,loc,z,0     ! select nodes the surface
esurf              ! generate shell element
esel,s,type,,2     ! generate surface element for pressure
sf,all,fsin,1      ! define one-way coupling interface
sf,all,fsi         ! define couple vibro-acoustic FSI interface
fluread,,,cgns,,,,both  ! read one-way coupling cgns format file
harfrq,500,,,OB3   ! define 1/3 octave band at f0=500 Hz
n1=node(0,0,1)     ! define the observation point
nsel,s,,,n1        ! select the observation point
pras,bspl          ! list SPL of the 1/3 octave band
pras,bspa          ! list A-weighted SPL of the 1/3 octave band

Multiple load steps may be used to solve the problem over different frequency ranges:

Example 11.5: Solve Over Different Frequency Ranges

antype,harm        ! harmonic solution
hropt,auto         ! use program-selected solver
harfrq,500,510     ! 1st frequency range
nsub,10            ! steps over frequency range (invalid)
solve              ! solve acoustic problem (1st load step)
harfrq,510,520     ! 2nd frequency range
nsub,10            ! steps over frequency range (invalid)
solve              ! solve acoustic problem (2nd load step)