11.2. Linear Perturbation in an Acoustic Application

For an acoustic-structural coupled solution (SF,Nlist,FSI), support is available for a nonlinear static structural solution using a morphed mesh (MORPH) under the linear perturbation scheme (ANTYPE and PERTURB).

Following is the general process for solving an acoustic-structural interaction with nonlinear static structural prestress:

Table 11.1: Acoustic Linear Perturbation Analysis Process

Step Task Comments
1Build the modelThe model contains either FSI interface or displacement constraints.
2Solve a nonlinear static structural problemPerform a standard nonlinear static structural solution with the morphing operation.
3Start a linear perturbation processRestart the solution with the linear perturbation process.
4Solve a modal or harmonic problemPerform a modal or harmonic acoustic analysis.

The nonlinear static structural analysis can lead to deformation in the structure. The mesh in the acoustic fluid is morphed based on the structural displacement solution. Activate mesh morphing during the nonlinear static structural analysis (MORPH). Setting StrOpt = YES on the MORPH command allows morphing in the model with structural elements.

Because significant morphing occurs near the structural deformation only, it is not necessary to morph all acoustic elements for the sake of efficiency. Deactivate the morphing process in the specified acoustic elements via KEYOPT(5) = 1.

For a large structural deformation, the morphing procedure may fail during the nonlinear static solution with ramped loads. Activating the bisection algorithm (AUTOTS,ON) may improve the quality of the morphed mesh. If the structural deformation can be ignored in the nonlinear static solution and the MORPH command is not activated, setting PRELP = YES on the ANTYPE command keeps the acoustic mesh unchanged for the sake of efficiency.

Contact elements cannot be used on the structure-acoustics FSI interfaces for the acoustic linear perturbation process. Except for the morphed mesh, the acoustic elements have no other association with the nonlinear static analysis, including degrees of freedom and loads.

The final results are stored in the Jobname.rstp file for post-processing (see FILE).

Specify acoustic linear perturbation via one of the following commands:

Example 11.6: Acoustic Linear Perturbation Process

et,1,220,,0                     ! coupled acoustic element
et,2,186,,                      ! structural element
esel,s,type,,1                  ! select acoustic elements
nsle,s                          ! nodes on acoustic elements
nsel,s,loc,x,0                  ! nodes on fsi interface
sf,all,fsi                      ! flag fsi interface
nsel,s,loc,x,0                  ! select nodes on structural elements
f,all,fx,100                    ! apply force
nlgeom,on                       ! large deformation on
autots,off                      ! auto step off
nsubst,1                        ! one sub-step
antype,static                   ! static solution
morph,on,,,,,,,,,on             ! morphing with structural elements
antype,static,restart,,,perturb ! restart for linear perturbation
perturb,modal,,,allkeep         ! modal solution for linear perturbation
solve,elform                    ! form new element matrices

modopt,unsym,4,1                ! options with unsymmetric modal solver
mxpand,4                        ! expand modes after modal solution
solve                           ! solve coupled modal problem
file,file,rstp                  ! read results file
plnsol,pres                     ! plot pressure

The linear perturbation analysis procedure does not support the FLNS method of solving a viscous-thermal acoustic analysis.

For more information, see Linear Perturbation Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide.