5.16. Solve the Static Structural Analysis

You initiate the structural solution in this step. Watch convergence plots or a live tracker of the total deformation as the solution progresses.

Procedural Steps

  1. To set up a plot of overall deformation that you can update throughout the solution, under the Static Structural object, Solution Information, select Insert > Deformation Plot Tracker.

  2. To initiate the solution, under Static Structural, highlight the Solution object, right-click and select Solve.

  3. Use the deformation plot tracker occasionally or continuously, as follows:

    • Whenever you want to see the updated deformation, right-click the Total Deformation plot tracker object and select Update Result. Or,

    • Right-click the Total Deformation plot tracker object and select Switch to Automatic Mode. This will show a continuous, live display as the solution progresses. The plot tracker object must be selected in order to see the live display.

  4. To observe convergence plots during solution, click Solution Information and in the Details panel, under Solution Output, choose from among the selections in the drop-down list, such as Force Convergence.


Multiframe restarts for additive manufacturing analyses can be set up for any AM step specified by the AMSTEP command. Restarting and continuing a partially complete build step by issuing another AMSTEP,BUILD command is not enabled at this time. Restarts with additive manufacturing otherwise follow the capabilities outlined here.