Assigning a material in Windchill
Use MI Materials Gateway to assign materials to parts and product structures in Windchill. The material assigned to the part includes a consistent, traceable link back to the source record in the Granta database.
Note: In an integrated Creo/Windchill environment, assignments made in Creo
Parametric may be available in Windchill, and assignments made in Windchill may
be available in Creo Parametric, depending on your system configuration. For details of how assignments are shared between
Windchill and Creo Parametric in your system, see your Granta MI
The material is created in Windchill as a data object (if it does not already exist), and is linked to the Windchill part object. Note that:
- Assigning a material causes an iteration in the Windchill part.
- If you are in a version-controlled Granta MI system, updating an out-of-date material assignment causes a revision in the Windchill data object, and an iteration in the part.
If your MI Materials Gateway system is configured to synchronize assignments from
Windchill to Creo, the assignment will be updated on the corresponding Creo part
model either when the part is opened in Creo Parametric, or when it is viewed in MI
Materials Gateway for Creo (depending on your system configuration).
Important: Synchronization of
assignments from Windchill to Creo is not supported when Creo is configured to
assign materials to bodies. When opening a part in Creo that may contain assignments
that were made in Windchill, you must ensure that assignment to bodies is disabled.
See Assigning a material in Creo.