Chapter 16: Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3D Surface Flaws

This example problem shows how to evaluate mixed-mode stress-intensity factors, J-integrals, and T-stresses for cracks in structural components. Analyses of a simple semicircular surface flaw in a rectangular block and a warped flaw along a tubular joint are discussed.

The following features and capabilities are highlighted:

  • Evaluating mode-I stress-intensity factors and T-stresses for a semicircular surface flaw in a rectangular block.

  • Evaluating mixed-mode stress-intensity factors and T-stresses for a warped semi-elliptical surface flaw in a tubular joint.

  • Meshing around a crack front in 3D structures.

You can also perform this example analysis entirely in the Ansys Mechanical application. For more information, see Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3-D Surface Flaws in the Mechanical Technology Showcase: Example Problems.