Use the arcconfig migration command to automatically transfer ARC cluster configurations, ARC queue definitions, ARC-related application settings and ARC node configurations from one version of RSM to another, eliminating the need to redefine your ARC setup or manually move files every time you upgrade to a new version.
This command works the same way as the general RSM migration utility (see Migrating RSM from a Previous Version), but includes functionality to maintain your configuration of ARC cluster nodes. This is done by migrating each node's settings, such as the cores and memory allocated for job execution.
Follow the steps below to migrate an ARC setup to a new version.
On the master node, log into an account with administrative privileges (in other words, as a member of the rsmadmins group, or as
).If you have not already done so, install the new product version.
If you have not already done so, start the ARC services of the new version.
You will need to install the Master service on the master node, and the Node service on each node that will be used for job execution.
Refer to the following:
Note that ARC services of the previous version do not need to be running.
For a multi-node ARC, associate each execution node with the master node, as described in Associating ARC Execution Nodes with the Master Node.
Perform the following step on each ARC node.
Start a command prompt in the directory that applies to your setup:
Windows: %AWP_ROOT251%\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64
Linux: $AWP_ROOT251%/RSM/ARC/tools/linx64
Run the following command, appending the desired operator and options from the accompanying tables:
arcconfig migration {operator} -v123 [-preview] [-verbose] [-silent]
Table 4.5: Operators for Migration
Operator Usage config Migrate ARC cluster databases, such as ARC configurations and queues. settings Migrate ARC-specific settings in the RSM\Config\Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config file. (To see which settings will be migrated, refer to the new version's RSM\Config\migration\Arc.AppSettings.Migrate.config file.) all Migrate everything (cluster configurations, queues, and settings). Table 4.6: Options for Migration
Option Usage -v123 (Required) Specify the version that you are migrating, so that the migration command knows which files to look for. Replace the 123
with the version that you are migrating (for example, enter-v242
for version 2024 R2).Note: The oldest version that you can migrate is version 18.0.
-preview Display a list of the items that will be migrated, without actually performing the migration. -verbose Display more detailed information about the migration and its progress. -silent Perform the migration without confirmation prompts. Useful for scripting.
In the following example we are using the arcconfig migration command on the master node to migrate ARC queues and master node settings previously defined in version 2024 R2 to a new, version 2025 R1 installation.
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64>arcconfig migration all -v242 -preview -verbose v251 settings located at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\Config\Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config v242 settings located at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v242\RSM\Config\Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config Settings to migrate located at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\Config\migration\ Arc.AppSettings.Migrate.config Skipping AlternateAllowedPrompt = empty Skipping PythonSpawnForLinuxLogin = true Skipping AdvancedModeOn = true Migrating AutoStartServicesAsUser from true to false Skipping UseIPv6 = false Skipping CommunicationTimeoutMs = 30000 Skipping MaxQueueDepth = 100 Skipping NodeCommunicationIntervalSeconds = 30 Skipping LinuxShellToUse = /bin/csh Skipping UseSSL = false Skipping PfxCertificateFileForSsl = empty Skipping JobDatabaseDirectory = empty Skipping JobDatabaseName = JobDb.xml Skipping LoadDatabaseName = LoadDb.xml Skipping ConfigDatabaseName = QueueDb.xml Skipping UserDatabaseName = UserDb.xml Skipping NodeJobDatabaseName = NodeJobDb.xml Skipping NodeLoadDatabaseName = NodeLoadDb.xml Skipping NodeConfigDatabaseName = NodeCommunicationConfig.xml Skipping DatabaseUpdateIntervalSeconds = 15 Skipping DatabaseCleanupIntervalMinutes = 1 Skipping DatabaseMinNumberOfJobsToKeepOnCleanup = 10 Skipping CleanupTimeMinutes = 5 Skipping ServiceLogEnabled = true Skipping ServiceLogDirectory = empty 1 settings to migrate. v251 settings located at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\Config\Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config v242 settings located at C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v242\RSM\Config\Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config Current Database Directory: C:\ProgramData\Ansys\v251\ARC Migrating C:\ProgramData\Ansys\v251\ARC\..\..\v242\ARC\NodeCommunicationConfig.xml to C:\ProgramData\Ansys\v251\ARC\ARCMASTER_NodeCommunicationConfig.xml Skip migrating queue: default - the built-in queue cannot be migrated. Skip migrating queue: local - the built-in queue cannot be migrated. Queue successfully merged: highmem Queue successfully merged: night_only Queue successfully merged: test C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64>
Note: If a queue with the same name already exists in the new setup, it will not be migrated.