Chapter 4: Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) Configuration

If you are not using a third-party job scheduler such as Microsoft Windows HPC or LSF, you can use the Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) scheduler to submit jobs to a single machine, or a group of machines. The ARC scheduling system does not offer all of the advanced features that are available in third-party schedulers, but does include the essential features required to schedule and run jobs that are submitted to RSM from Ansys products. ARC enables users to get started with RSM right away, and take advantage of HPC resources.

Every RSM installation has one predefined localhost configuration that uses the ARC scheduling system to submit jobs to the local machine. This enables users to run certain types of local jobs or Mechanical background jobs right out of the box, without any special setup. For details see The Default 'Localhost' Configuration.

The ARC Configuration application provides a quick and easy way to set up a single-node or multi-node cluster. It enables you to connect and configure cluster nodes, and start ARC services on those nodes.

Various ARC configuration commands are available to help you customize your cluster setup. For example, you can configure individual execution nodes to have different resource allocation settings.

The command scripts used to execute ARC cluster commands are located in the %AWP_ROOT251%\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64 directory on Windows, and the $AWP_ROOT251/RSM/ARC/tools/linx64 on Linux.

Once you have set up the cluster, you can use the RSM Configuration application to create a cluster configuration that enables users to submit jobs to the cluster.