4.6. Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) Command Usage and Options

Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) command scripts are located in the following directories:

Windows commands: %AWP_ROOT251%\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64

Linux commands: $AWP_ROOT251/RSM/ARC/tools/linx64

Many of the commands have options that enable you to modify the operation of the command.

To view the available options for a command, simply type the command name with no command to run. For example:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64>arcconfig node

    -? or -h: Display usage

In order to add a new execution node, simply start the execution node services on that host.

Modify execution node settings.
    modify <machineName> <options> <arguments>
        -mn <HostName>           (Master machine name)
        -c  <Cores>              (Max cores assignable - default 'all')
        -r  m:25[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]  (Max memory assignable - default mb)
        -r  d:30[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]  (Max disk assignable - default mb)
        -r  d:30tb,m:40b         (Multiple resource assignments)

Basic job-related commands like arcsubmit and arcstatus are used in both single- and multi-node ARC setups. Additional commands are available for administrators who would like to further customize an ARC configuration.