4.6.6. Configuring ARC Cluster Nodes (arcconfig node modify)

The arcconfig node modify command in the ARC command directory is used to specify settings that are specific to the setup of cluster nodes. Options for this command are described below.

Table 4.3: Options for 'arcconfig node modify'

-mn <HostName>Points an execution node to the master node. To see how this option is used, refer to Associating ARC Execution Nodes with the Master Node.Master machine name
-c <Cores>Restricts the number of cores used by the ARC on an execution node. Refer to Setting the Maximum Number of Cores to be Used on an Execution Node.Max cores assignable - default 'all'
-r[esource] m[emory]:30[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]Restricts the amount of memory allocated to ARC jobs on an execution node. Refer to Setting the Maximum Resource Allocation on an Execution Node.Max memory assignable - default mb
-r[esource] d[isk]:30[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]Restricts the amount of disk space allocated to ARC jobs on an execution node. Refer to Setting the Maximum Resource Allocation on an Execution Node. Refer to Setting the Maximum Resource Allocation on an Execution Node.Max disk assignable - default mb
-r[esource] d[isk]:30[b|kb|mb|gb|tb],m[emory]:40[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]Restricts the resources (disk space and memory) allocated to ARC jobs on an execution node. If the resource needed to run a job is not available, the job will remain queued until it is able to run. Refer to Setting the Maximum Resource Allocation on an Execution Node.Multiple resource assignments

Important:  Once ARC cluster services have been started on cluster nodes, you do not have to go to each execution node to configure it. You can configure any execution node from the master node or any other node in the cluster as long as the firewall exemption has been set up correctly. Associating ARC Execution Nodes with the Master Node

In a multi-node Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC), the ARC Master service will be dispatching jobs to one or more execution nodes. For successful job submission and monitoring, you must configure the execution nodes to report to the master node.

For each execution node, run the following command in the ARC command directory, replacing <execHostName> and <masterHostName> with the machine name of the execution node and master node:

arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -mn <masterHostName> Setting the Maximum Number of Cores to be Used on an Execution Node

By default, there are no restrictions on the number of cores used by an Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) when cluster jobs are run. Use the following command in the ARC command directory to restrict the number of cores used by the ARC on an execution node:

arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -c <Cores>

Note:  This command can also be issued for a single-node ARC to limit the number of cores to be used on the single cluster node. Individual users who use the localhost configuration can run the command on their own machines if they do not want to use all of the cores on their machines to run jobs.

For example, to set the maximum number of cores to 2 on MACHINE2, specify arcconfig node modify machine2 -c 2.

The change will be reported in the command window:

Execution node configuration before update:

Exec Node Name   Associated Master    Port    Max Cores   Max Memory   Max Disk

   MACHINE2           MACHINE1        13251       8Cores           *           *

    * Indicates that resources have not been set up.  Any resource request will be accepted.

Execution node config updated: MACHINE2

Current execution node setup after modification:

Exec Node Name   Associated Master    Port    Max Cores   Max Memory   Max Disk

   MACHINE2           MACHINE1        13251    2Cores         *           *

    * Indicates that resources have not been set up.  Any resource request will be accepted.

To use all cores that you have, specify arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -c all. Setting the Maximum Resource Allocation on an Execution Node

By default, there are no restrictions on the amount of disk space or memory that can be used by ARC cluster jobs on an execution node. Use the commands below in the ARC command directory to set the maximum amount of disk space and/or memory that can be allocated to a cluster job.

To restrict disk space usage:

arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -r d:<value>[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]

To restrict memory usage:

arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -r m:<value>[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]

To restrict both disk space and memory usage:

arcconfig node modify <execHostName> -r d:<value>[b|kb|mb|gb|tb],m:<value>[b|kb|mb|gb|tb]

Note the change in the Max Memory and Max Disk values in the example below:

C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v251\RSM\ARC\tools\winx64>arcconfig node modify machine2 -r d:30tb,m:40mb

Execution node configuration before update:

Exec Node Name   Associated Master     Port     Max Cores    Max Memory    Max Disk

   machine2          machine1          13251      2Cores         *            *

    * Indicates that resources have not been set up.  Any resource request will be accepted.

Execution node config updated: machine2

Current execution node setup after modification:

Exec Node Name   Associated Master     Port     Max Cores    Max Memory    Max Disk

   machine2          machine1          13251      2Cores        40Mb         30Tb

    * Indicates that resources have not been set up.  Any resource request will be accepted.