4.7. Setting the ARC_ROOT Environment Variable for Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC) Job Submission

Important:  Although different versions of RSM can be installed side by side, RSM allows only one version of ARC to be used on each node at one time. You cannot have two versions of an ARC (for example, 2024 R2 and 2025 R1) running at the same time. This ensures that resources such as cores, memory and disk space can be properly allocated on each node.

When multiple versions of RSM are running, it is recommended that you set the ARC_ROOT environment variable on the ARC master node to ensure that the correct version of ARC is used when jobs are submitted to that machine.

The variable should point to the following directory, where xxx is the version that you want to use (for example, 251):

Windows: %AWP_ROOTxxx%\RSM\ARC


If you do not specify the ARC_ROOT variable, RSM will attempt to use the ARC from the current installation.