Parasolid (*.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin)

The application supports Parasolid files as a Reader.

See Product & CAD Configuration Manager for usage information.

This is a stand-alone reader that does not require an installation of the Parasolid software or a Parasolid license.


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux and Windows platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

Document import supported by interface: *.x_t, *.xmt_txt, *.x_b, *.xmt_bin,

Versions: 36.1 (Windows & Linux)

Table 18: Import Preference Support for Parasolid Geometry Interface

Import Solid BodiesYes
Import Surface BodiesYes
Import Line BodiesYes
Parameter Processing and prefix/suffix keyNo
Attribute Processing and prefixYes 1
Named Selection Processing and prefixYes 1
Material ProcessingNo
Analysis Type
2D - Yes- surface and line bodies on the xy plane may be imported
Coordinate SystemsNo
Work PointsNo
Reader Save FileNo
Instancing Yes 1
Smart UpdateNo
Enclosure and Symmetry ProcessingNo
Mixed Import ResolutionNo
Decompose Disjoint GeometryNo

  1. Not supported in DesignModeler


The DesignModeler application allows neutral binary Parasolid files (x_b and xmt_bin) and text Parasolid files (x_t and xmt_txt) to be imported and exported.

Both text and neutral binary Parasolid files are platform independent.

Binary neutral Parasolid files (xmt_bin, x_b) are compressed but are not human readable.

Text Parasolid files are human readable but take up more space than their respective neutral binary versions.

The default Parasolid file setting for the DesignModeler application is text.

Faceting Limitation  —  Generalized (non-manifold) bodies from Parasolid will not have facets with smoothly matching edges. The model will appear to have gaps. However, this is a limitation only in the faceting capabilities from Parasolid and does not affect meshing or accuracy.

Import CAD Color as an Attribute or Named Selection  —  

  • Attribute: specify the "Attributes" option and set the "Attributes Key" to "Color" or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").

  • Named Selection: specify the "Named Selections" option and set the "Named Selections Key" to "Color" or a list of specific Colors delimited by a semicolon (for example: "Color:255.0.0; Color:255.255.0").

Length Unit  —  The Ansys Mechanical application automatically sets the length unit in the part or assembly to meters, which is the unit used internally by Parasolid to dimension solid parts. No adjustment of length unit is necessary or possible.

Part and Assemblies Files  —  Parasolid files containing parts or assemblies are supported by the Ansys Mechanical application. Parasolid files can use the extensions .x_t or .xmt_txt (text) and .x_b or .xmt_bin (binary neutral).

Body Instancing  —  If the Import Using Instances property is enabled, then body instances will be generated in Mechanical/Meshing for any Parasolid file with body instances.

Caveats and Known Issues

No caveats or known issues.


See the Parasolid Errors Related to CAD Integration section in CAD Integration Troubleshooting for detailed information.