7.1. Using the Product & CAD Configuration Manager

The Product & CAD Configuration Manager utility allows you to configure geometry interfaces for Ansys Workbench on Linux systems. CAD configuration is typically handled during the product installation; however, if you chose to skip those steps, or if you make changes to your local CAD configuration between releases (for example, you move or update your CAD package, or remove it entirely), you can use this utility. Note that only Associative Interface mode for NX is supported on Linux. However, the ANSYS NX menu and the active connection for the Associative Interface is NOT available on Linux because the interface operates in passive mode Linux.

This document describes how to use the Product & CAD Configuration Manager to progress through the configuration process.

  1. Run the following command to start the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, substituting the full installation path if different than /ansys_inc:

  2. From the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, click Configure Products & CAD.

  3. From the product selection screen, verify that the Ansys Geometry Interfaces selection is enabled and click Next to continue the configuration.

  4. The next screen the provides you with the option to select which geometry interfaces to configure.  Select the desired interfaces and click Next .

  5. If you chose the NX interface and the UGII environment variables were not set, you will need to specify the NX installation path for an existing NX installation.

    Once you have completed the NX configuration, click Next.

  6. When all of your CAD products have been successfully configured, click Exit.

Administrative users can review the log file produced by the most recent Product & CAD Configuration in ansys_inc/v251/CADConfigLogs/Latest/CADConfigurationMgr.log, while the non-admin user configuration record is stored in /tmp/ANSYS/v191/CADConfigLogs/Latest. Historical configurations are maintained in the corresponding <Ansys Version>/<Date>/CADConfigurationMgr_<Time>.log. Any errors are recorded in CADConfigurationMgr.err located immediately in CADConfigLogs directory.

You can review the Product & CAD Configuration Manager log file, CADConfigurationMgr.log, in /ansys_inc. If you do not have write permissions to the /ansys_inc directory, the log file will be written to $TEMP. If you have not defined $TEMP, the log file is written to /tmp. When /tmp is not accessible, this file will be written to the current working directory.

7.1.1. Unconfiguring

If you need to unconfigure any of your CAD products, follow the steps above, but choose Unconfigure Products & CAD from the Product & CAD Configuration Manager.

7.1.2. Running the CAD Configuration Manager in Batch Mode

You can configure Ansys Geometry Interfaces by supplying the CAD Configuration Manager with arguments specific to the CAD sources you want to make available. The following table contains a list of supported arguments.

The command to run the CAD Configuration Manager in batch mode on Linux is:

/ansys_inc/v251/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2 -cmd mono /ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/CAD/bin/linx64/ 
 Ans.CadInt.CADConfigurationUtility.exe -arguments
Argument Value Comment
UNCONFIGURE_SPECIFIEDNoneResults in any specified CAD sources being unconfigured. When this flag is absent, the Product & CAD Configuration Manager will attempt to unconfigure all designated CAD sources.
UNCONFIGURENoneResults in all CAD sources being disabled along with prerequisite libraries.
UG_CONFIG_WBNoneConfigure/unconfigure NX Geometry Interface to Workbench. The argument UGII_BASE_DIR must also be specified for the configure operation.
UGII_BASE_DIRFull path to NX installation (quotations are required if there are spaces in the path).This should agree with environment variable UGII_BASE_DIR. Not required with unconfigure operation.
CATIA_READERNoneConfigure/unconfigure CatiaV5 Reader.

Note:  All arguments require a dash (-) before them in order to be properly recognized by the CAD Configuration Manager. Arguments' values should not have a dash preceding them.

For example, you can configure the CATIA READER Geometry Interface to Ansys Workbench from the command line by using the following:

/ansys_inc/v251/aisol/.workbench -cmd -NoMW  mono /ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/CAD/bin/linx64/
Ans.CadInt.CADConfigurationUtility.exe -CATIA_READER

where /ansys_inc/v251 is the installation directory you specified.

To unconfigure the same CAD Interface, the command would be:

/ansys_inc/v251/aisol/.workbench -cmd -NoMW  mono /ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/CAD/bin/linx64/
Ans.CadInt.CADConfigurationUtility.exe -unconfigure_specified -CATIA_READER

Although the argument order does not matter, an argument value must immediately follow its argument.

7.1.3. NX Configuration

Running the Product & CAD Configuration Manager for NX performs the following steps to activate the NX associative reader:

  • Registers the NX Associative Geometry Interface for Ansys Workbench by copying the file UGNX#.Component.XML from /ansys_inc/v251/aisol/CADIntegration/UG to either /ansys_inc/v251/commonfiles/registry/linx64/append when the configuration manager is in administrative mode or to $HOME/.config/ANSYS/251/UserRegFiles_NNNN/append, when the Product & CAD Configuration Manager is run by a non-administrator. The Product & CAD Configuration Manager ensures that only one version of the file exists in the target location.

    UGNX# is the NX version detected by the Product & CAD Configuration Manager, and NNNN is a numeric identifier appended to the UserRegFiles directory.

  • You must specify the environment variable UGII_BASE_DIR. The UGII_BASE_DIR must point to the install location supplied to the Product & CAD Configuration Manager. The Workbench Associative Interface for NX will not work without this variable being set properly, as this is required for proper startup of the CAD.

  • Prior to configuring a client of a network install, the client system must have its UGII_BASE_DIR point to the same version of NX as designated on the server system. This must be done before running Product & CAD Configuration Manager or the Product Configuration Tool. For more information, see Network Installation and Product and CAD Configuration.