Concept Carrier Creation

The creation method for a concept carrier is defined in Drivetrain Entity Creation.

Figure 14.90: Creation dialog for a Concept Carrier

Creation dialog for a Concept Carrier

Figure 14.91: Concept Carrier creation dialog parameters

1. PositionUse to set the starting point for the Concept Carrier using the Point Picker. This becomes a base marker position of the 1st beam element.
2. Rotate AxisUse to set the rotational direction by the Direction Picker. The default value comes from the direction of the Shaft Set which is set in the process of new file.
3. Pinion Shaft LengthUse to set the length of pinion shaft
4. Pinion Shaft DiameterUse to set the diameter of pinion shaft
5. Carrier ThicknessUse to set the carrier thickness
6. Planetary Gear SetSelect planetary gear set to create concept carrier
7. Pinion Install MethodSelect install method between shaft and gear
8. ColorUse to set the color of the Concept Carrier.