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1. Introduction to LS-DYNA
2. Running LS-DYNA
2.1. How to use LS-DYNA in Workbench
2.1.1. Selecting the Version of LS-DYNA to Run
2.1.2. Solving Units
2.1.3. Explicit-to-Implicit Sequential Solutions
2.1.4. Using LS-DYNA Implicit Features for the Implicit Calculation
2.2. Licensing Requirements
2.3. Running a Distributed Solution
2.3.1. Shared Memory Parallel Processing
2.3.2. Massively Parallel Processing
2.3.3. Configuring LS-DYNA in Parallel
3. Workflow
3.1. Setting up a Project
3.1.1. Defining Materials
3.1.2. Attaching Geometry
3.1.3. Defining Part Behavior
3.1.4. Defining Connections
3.1.5. Defining Mesh Settings
3.1.6. Defining Named Selections
3.1.7. Defining Analysis Settings
3.2. Using Symmetry
3.3. Defining Initial Conditions
3.4. Defining Boundary Conditions
3.4.1. Rigid Body Tools
3.4.2. Airbag or Simple Pressure Volume
3.4.3. Input File Include Constraint
3.4.4. Keyword Snippet (LS-DYNA) Constraint
3.4.5. Bolt Pretension
3.4.6. Dynamic Relaxation
3.4.7. Bounding Box
3.4.8. ALE Boundary
3.4.9. Change Boundary Condition
3.4.10. Importing External Loads
3.5. Accessing Results
3.5.1. Post-processing for Solver-Created SPH Elements
3.5.2. Post-processing for Subset of Parts
3.5.3. Capture Maximum Stress during Calculation
3.5.4. The Binout Tracker
3.6. History Variable Output
3.7. Special Analysis Topics
3.7.1. Importing the Results of a Thermal Analysis
3.7.2. Importing the Results of an FSI Thermal Analysis
3.7.3. Importing the Pressure Results of an FSI Analysis
3.7.4. Thermal Workflow
3.7.5. ALE Workflow
3.7.6. SPH Workflow
3.7.7. Incompressible SPH Workflow
3.7.8. SPG and ISPG Workflows
3.7.9. Electromagnetic Workflow
3.7.10. Composites Workflow
3.7.11. Acoustics Workflow
3.7.12. Modifying Default Solver Settings
3.7.13. Multiple Case Workflow
3.7.14. Multi-System Analysis
3.7.15. Splitting the LS-DYNA Input File
3.8. Restarting an LS-DYNA Analysis
3.8.1. Performing a Simple Restart
3.8.2. Performing a Small Restart
3.8.3. Performing a Full Restart
3.9. Additional LS-DYNA Analysis Tools
4. The LS-DYNA Keyword Manager
4.1. Activating the Keyword Manager
4.2. Using the Keyword Manager
4.3. Notes and Limitations
5. Keywords used by LS-DYNA in Workbench
5.1. Input File Header
5.2. Database Format
5.3. Control Cards
5.4. Dynamic Relaxation Support
5.4.1. Available Preloads for Dynamic Relaxation
5.5. ALE Support
5.6. Part Setup
5.7. Engineering Data Materials and Equations of State
5.8. Mesh Definition
5.9. Coordinate Systems
5.10. Components and Named Selections
5.11. Remote Points and Point Masses
5.12. Initial Conditions
5.13. Contacts and Body Interactions
5.13.1. Keywords Created from the Contact Properties Object
5.14. Kinematic Joints
5.15. Magnitude and Tabular Data
5.16. Acceleration and Gravity
5.17. Supports
5.18. Loads
5.19. Electromagnetic Support
5.20. Discrete Connections
5.21. Other Supports
5.22. Environment Temperature
5.23. ASCII Files
5.24. Database Output Settings
5.25. Restart
5.25.1. Changing Velocity
5.25.2. Delete Model Pieces
5.26. End of Input File
6. Material Models Available in Workbench
6.1. Introduction
6.1.1. Equation of State
6.1.2. Material Strength Model
6.1.3. Material Failure Model
6.2. Density
6.3. Linear Elastic
6.3.1. Isotropic Elasticity
6.3.2. Orthotropic Elasticity
6.3.3. Anisotropic Elasticity
6.4. Test Data
6.5. Hyperelasticity
6.5.1. Blatz-Ko Hyperelasticity
6.5.2. Mooney-Rivlin
6.5.3. Polynomial
6.5.4. Yeoh
6.5.5. Ogden
6.6. Plasticity
6.6.1. Bilinear Isotropic Hardening
6.6.2. Multilinear Isotropic Hardening
6.6.3. Bilinear Kinematic Hardening
6.6.4. Johnson-Cook Strength
6.6.5. Cowper-Symonds Power Law Hardening
6.6.6. Rate Sensitive Power Law Hardening
6.6.7. Cowper-Symonds Piecewise Linear Hardening
6.6.8. Modified Cowper-Symonds Piecewise Linear Hardening
6.7. Forming Plasticity
6.7.1. Bilinear Transversely Anisotropic Hardening
6.7.2. Multilinear Transversely Anisotropic Hardening
6.7.3. Bilinear FLD Transversely Anisotropic Hardening
6.7.4. Multilinear FLD Transversely Anisotropic Hardening
6.7.5. Bilinear 3 Parameter Barlat Hardening
6.7.6. Exponential 3 Parameter Barlat Hardening
6.7.7. Exponential Barlat Anisotropic Hardening
6.8. Foams
6.8.1. Rate Independent Low Density Foam
6.9. Eulerian
6.9.1. Vacuum
6.10. Rigid Materials
6.11. Equations of State
6.11.1. Background
6.11.2. Ideal Gas EOS
6.11.3. Bulk Modulus
6.11.4. Shear Modulus
6.11.5. Polynomial EOS
6.11.6. Shock EOS Linear
6.11.7. Shock EOS Bilinear
6.11.8. Explosive JWL
6.12. Failure
6.12.1. Plastic Strain Failure
6.12.2. Principal Stress Failure
6.12.3. Principal Strain Failure
6.12.4. Johnson-Cook Failure
6.13. Thermal Properties
6.14. Electromagnetic Properties
6.15. LS-DYNA External Model Material Properties
6.15.1. *MAT_ELASTIC
6.15.12. *MAT_NULL
6.15.14. *EOS_JWL
6.15.17. *EOS_IDEAL_GAS
6.15.20. *EM_MAT_001
6.15.21. *EM_MAT_002
6.15.22. *EM_MAT_003
6.15.23. *EM_MAT_004
6.15.24. *EM_MAT_005
6.15.25. *EM_MAT_006
6.15.31. *MAT_FABRIC
7. Customizing LS-DYNA using ACT
7.1. CreateMaterial
7.2. CreateMaterial
7.3. CreateNewElement
7.4. GetNewPartId
7.5. LSDynaSolverExtension.KeyWords.Part.Part CreateNewPart
7.6. CreateSection
7.7. GetComponent
7.8. GetContactId
7.9. GetContactTargetId
7.10. GetCoordinateSystemSolverId
7.11. GetEndTime
7.12. GetMaterialSolverId
7.13. GetNamedSelectionLSDYNAId
7.14. GetNewContact
7.15. GetNewCurveId
7.16. GetNewElementId
7.17. GetNewElementType
7.18. GetNewNodeId
7.19. GetNewVectorId
7.20. GetRemotePointNodeId
7.21. GetSolverUnitSystem
7.22. ContainsDynamicRelaxation
7.23. CurrentStep
7.24. MaxElementId
7.25. MaxElementType
7.26. MaxNodeId
8. References