Below, the variables listed in Table 42.2: Pressure and Density Categories – Table 42.21: Acoustics Category are defined. For some variables (such as residuals) a general definition is given under the category name, and variables in the category are not listed individually. When appropriate, the unit quantity is included, as it appears in the Quantities list in the Set Units Dialog Box.
- <dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ba-mag
(in the Runtime DFT... category) is the Fourier magnitude of a quantity in a frequency band, evaluated as a square root of the quantity power in a frequency band, see Runtime Discrete Fourier Transformation.
- <dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ta-mag
(in the Runtime DFT... category) is the Fourier magnitude of a quantity for a frequency.
- <dft-dataset-name>_<frequency>-ta-phase
(in the Runtime DFT... category) is the Fourier phase of a quantity for a frequency. It is computed in radians in the range [-π, π].
- Abs. Angular Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the absolute value of the Angular Coordinate defined above.
- Abs (C-H) Spanwise Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the dimensional coordinate in the spanwise direction, from casing to hub. Its unit quantity is length.
- Abs (H-C) Spanwise Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the dimensional coordinate in the spanwise direction, from hub to casing. Its unit quantity is length.
- Abs Meridional Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the dimensional coordinate that follows the flow path from inlet to outlet. Its unit quantity is length.
- Abs Pitchwise Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the dimensional coordinate in the circumferential (pitchwise) direction. Its unit quantity is angle.
- Absolute Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is equal to the operating pressure plus the gauge pressure. See Operating Pressure for details. Its unit quantity is pressure.
- Absorbed Radiation Flux (Band-n)
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of radiative heat flux absorbed by a semi-transparent wall for a particular band of radiation. Its unit quantity is heat-flux.
- Absorbed Visible Solar Flux, Absorbed IR Solar Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of solar heat flux absorbed by a semi-transparent wall or porous jump boundary for a visible or infrared (IR) radiation.
- Absorption Coefficient
(in the Radiation... category) is the property of a medium that describes the amount of absorption of thermal radiation per unit path length within the medium. It can be interpreted as the inverse of the mean free path that a photon will travel before being absorbed (if the absorption coefficient does not vary along the path). For multi-band cases, Fluent uses the emissivity weighting factor for each band to output a weighted absorption coefficient.
The unit quantity for Absorption Coefficient is length-inverse.
- Accumulated Deformation
(in the Mesh... category) is the accumulated displacement of the wall surface due to erosion over time. This variable will appear in the Mesh... category only for erosion dynamic mesh simulations. See Procedure for the Erosion Coupled with Dynamic Mesh Setup and Solution for more information.
- Accum Parcels in Cell
(in the Steady | Unsteady DPM Statistics... category)
For steady particle tracking, this is the cumulative count of trajectories that has entered the cell since the last reset of the unsteady statistics.
For unsteady particle tracking, this is the count of particle parcels that has entered the cell since the last reset of the unsteady statistics, where each parcel is weighted by the fraction of the respective fluid flow time step that it actually resides in the cell.
- Accum Particles in Cell
(in the Steady | Unsteady DPM Statistics... category)
For steady particle tracking, this is the cumulative sum of trajectories that has entered the cell since the last reset of the unsteady statistics. Each time a trajectory is counted, the time-constant number of particles represented by the trajectory in the cell is added to the sum.
For unsteady particle tracking, this is the number of particles in all parcels that have entered the cell since the last reset of the unsteady statistics. Each parcel is weighted by the fraction of the respective fluid flow time step that it actually resides in the cell.
- Acentric Factor
(in the Properties... category) is the mixture acentric factor. This property is available when a composition dependent option is selected for acentric factor in the cases with Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model and species transport.
- Acoustic Power
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic power per unit volume generated by isotropic turbulence (see Equation 11–16 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used. Its unit quantity is power per volume.
- Acoustic Power Level (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic power per unit volume generated by isotropic turbulence and reported in dB (see Equation 11–19 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Active Cell Partition
(in the Cell Info... category) is an integer identifier designating the partition to which a particular cell belongs. In problems in which the mesh is divided into multiple partitions to be solved on multiple processors using the parallel version of Ansys Fluent, the partition ID can be used to determine the extent of the various groups of cells. The active cell partition is used for the current calculation, while the stored cell partition (the last partition performed) is used when you save a case file. See Partitioning the Mesh Manually and Balancing the Load for more information.
- Adiabatic Flame Temperature
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the adiabatic temperature of burnt products in a laminar premixed flame (
in Equation 8–102 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is temperature.
- Adjoint Continuity Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this is the residual of the adjoint continuity equation in each cell.
- Adjoint Energy Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this field is available for users using the adjoint diagnosis and is the residual of the adjoint energy equation in each cell.
- Adjoint GEKO BF
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing gradient-based turbulence model optimization within the Gradient-Based Optimizer and is the optimized blending function (
), which is used to deactivate GEKO parameters inside boundary layers..
- Adjoint GEKO BF (Trained)
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing Offline training of the neural network turbulence model within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the trained blending function parameter (
- Adjoint GEKO CMIX
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing gradient-based turbulence model optimization within the Gradient-Based Optimizer and is the optimized
parameter, which is used to optimize strength of mixing in free shear flows.
- Adjoint GEKO CMIX (Trained)
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing Offline training of the neural network turbulence model within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the trained
- Adjoint GEKO CNW
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing gradient-based turbulence model optimization within the Gradient-Based Optimizer and is the optimized
parameter, which is used to optimize flow in non-equilibrium near wall regions (such as heat transfer or
- Adjoint GEKO CNW (Trained)
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing Offline training of the neural network turbulence model within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the trained
- Adjoint GEKO CSEP
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing gradient-based turbulence model optimization within the Gradient-Based Optimizer and is the optimized
parameter, which is used to optimize flow separation from smooth surfaces.
- Adjoint GEKO CSEP (Trained)
(in the Sensitivities... category), This field is available after performing Offline training of the neural network turbulence model within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the trained
- Adjoint Local Flow Rate Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this is the residual of the adjoint local flow rate equation in each cell.
- Adjoint Local Solution Marker
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for expert users, can be plotted to identify those portions of the flow domain where the stabilized adjoint solution advancement scheme is applied. It is preferable to plot this with the Node Values disabled in the Contours dialog box. In this case, the Adjoint Local Solution Marker will take a value between 0 and 1. The
Mode Amplitude Cutoff
defined through theadjoint/controls/stabilization
text command defines the lower bound for cells where the stabilized scheme is applied.- Adjoint Turbulent Kinetic Energy Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this field is available for users using the adjoint diagnosis and is the residual of the adjoint turbulent kinetic energy equation in each cell.
- Adjoint Specific Dissipation Rate Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, This field is available for users using the adjoint diagnosis and is the residual of the adjoint specific dissipation rate in each cell.
- Adjoint X-Velocity Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this is the x-component of the residual of the adjoint momentum equation in each cell.
- Adjoint Y-Velocity Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this is the y-component of the residual of the adjoint momentum equation in each cell.
- Adjoint Z-Velocity Residual
(in the Sensitivities... category), intended for users using the adjoint diagnosis, this is the z-component of the residual of the adjoint momentum equation in each cell.
- Angular Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the angle between the radial vector and the position vector. The radial vector is obtained by transforming the default radial vector (y-axis) by the same rotation that was applied to the default axial vector (z-axis). This assumes that, after the transformation, the default axial vector (z-axis) becomes the reference axis. The angle is positive in the direction of cross-product between reference axis and radial vector.
- Artificial Dissipation
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the adjoint dissipation stabilization scheme is enabled and shows the location and amount of the nonlinear damping that has been introduced to damp the growth of instabilities that lead to adjoint solution divergence.
- Aspect Ratio
(in the Mesh... category) is a measure of the stretching of a cell. It is computed as the ratio of the maximum value to the minimum value of any of the following distances: the normal distances between the cell centroid and face centroids (computed as a dot product of the distance vector and the face normal), and the distances between the cell centroid and nodes.
- Average Number of Particles in Soot Aggregate
(In the Soot… category) is an average number of primary particles in a soot aggregate (
in equation Equation 9–176 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- Axial Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the distance from the origin in the axial direction. The axis origin and (in 3D) direction is defined for each cell zone in the Fluid Dialog Box or Solid Dialog Box. The axial direction for a 2D model is always the
direction, and the axial direction for a 2D axisymmetric model is always the
direction. The unit quantity for Axial Coordinate is length.
- Axial Pull Velocity
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) is the axial-direction component of the pull velocity for the solid material in a continuous casting process. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Axial Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the component of velocity in the axial direction. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Axial-Wall Shear Stress
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the axial component of the force per unit area acting tangential to the surface due to friction. Its unit quantity is that of pressure.
- BCD Scheme Boundedness
(in the Derivatives... category) is the non-dimensional boundedness strength of the bounded central differencing scheme, see Bounded Central Differencing Scheme in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Beam Irradiation Flux (Band-b)
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is specified as an incident heat flux (
) for each wavelength band.
- Blending Function for GEKO
(in the Turbulence... category) is the blending function
for the GEKO model.
- Boundary Cell Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is an integer that indicates the approximate number of cells from a boundary zone.
- Boundary Layer Cells
(in the Mesh... category) identifies boundary layer cells, that is, the prismatic cells in layers that are adjacent to a boundary zone (not including periodic zones or shells). Prismatic cells are hexahedral cells or wedge or polyhedral cells that have the same number of nodes on the top and bottom faces relative to the direction that is normal to the boundary. Boundary layer cells have a value of 1, whereas all other cells have a value of 0. Only cell values are useful when displaying this identifier, so you should ensure that the Node Values option is disabled in the Contours dialog box.
- Boundary Normal Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is the distance of the cell centroid from the closest boundary zone.
- Boundary Volume Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is the cell volume distribution based on the Boundary Volume, Growth Factor, and normal distance from the selected Boundary Zones defined in the Boundary cell register.
- Bubble Area Fraction
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the bubble area fraction of the boiling model (
in Equation 14–511 and Equation 14–512 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Bubble Departure Diameter
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the bubble departure diameter of the boiling model (
in Equation 14–519 through Equation 14–521 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Bubble Departure Frequency
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the bubble departure frequency of the boiling model (
in Equation 14–515 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Bubble Nucleation Site Density
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the bubble nucleation site density of the boiling model (see Equation 14–516 in the Fluent Theory Guide). This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Bubble Waiting Time
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the bubble waiting time of the boiling model defined as:
is a coefficient to correct the waiting time between departures of consecutive bubbles, and
is the bubble departure frequency.
This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Built-in Correlation for GEKO Blending Function
(in the Turbulence... category) is the built-in correlation for the Blending Function for GEKO. It may be used for defining the effective Blending Function for GEKO as an expression referring to the value of the built-in correlation.
- Capillary-Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is the capillary pressure acting on a wetting (secondary) phase in a multiphase flow through a porous zone. Note that, although this item is available for both non-wetting and wetting phases, meaningful values are reported only for the wetting phase. See Specifying the Capillary Pressure for details.
- Cathode Film Mass
(in the Lithium... category) is the accumulated mass of the film formed at the cathode due to cathode film growth. The unit quantity is kg/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Cathode Film Reaction Rate
(in the Lithium... category) is the rate of the film formation at the cathode. The unit quantity is A/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Cell Acoustic Courant Number
(in the Velocity... category) is a ratio of the time step size to the acoustic wave propagation time based on the cell size.
- Cell Convective Courant Number
(in the Velocity... category) is a ratio of the time step size to the convective wave propagation time based on the cell size.
- Cell Element Type
(in the Cell Info... category) is the integer cell element type identification number. Each cell can have one of the following element types:
triangle 1 tetrahedron 2 quadrilateral 3 hexahedron 4 pyramid 5 wedge 6 polyhedra 7
- Cell Equiangle Skew
(in the Mesh... category) is a nondimensional parameter calculated using the normalized angle deviation method, and is defined as
= largest angle in the face or cell
= smallest angle in the face or cell
= angle for an equiangular face or cell (for example, 60 for a triangle and 90 for a square)
A value of 0 indicates a best case equiangular cell, and a value of 1 indicates a completely degenerate cell. Degenerate cells (slivers) are characterized by nodes that are nearly coplanar (collinear in 2D). Cell Equiangle Skew applies to all elements.
- Cell Equivolume Skew
(in the Mesh... category) is a nondimensional parameter calculated using the volume deviation method, and is defined as
where optimal-cell-size is the size of an equilateral cell with the same circumradius. A value of 0 indicates a best case equilateral cell and a value of 1 indicates a completely degenerate cell. Degenerate cells (slivers) are characterized by nodes that are nearly coplanar (collinear in 2D). Cell Equivolume Skew applies only to triangular and tetrahedral elements.
- Cell Id
(in the Cell Info... category) is a unique integer identifier associated with each cell.
- Cell Info...
includes quantities that identify the cell and its relationship to other cells.
- Cell Refine Level
(in the Mesh... category) is an integer that indicates the number of times a cell has been subdivided by the adaption process, compared with the original mesh. For example, if one quad cell is split into four quads, the Cell Refine Level for each of the four new quads will be 1. If the resulting four quads are split again, the Cell Refine Level for each of the resulting 16 quads will be 2. This value is only available at the cell center and is only exported at the cell center when exported to Common Fluids Format - Post.
- Cell Reynolds Number
(in the Velocity... category) is the value of the Reynolds number in a cell. (Reynolds number is a dimensionless parameter that is the ratio of inertia forces to viscous forces.) Cell Reynolds Number is defined as
is density,
is velocity magnitude,
is the effective viscosity (laminar plus turbulent), and
is Cell Volume
for 2D cases and Cell Volume
in 3D or axisymmetric cases.
- Cell Surface Area
(in the Mesh... category) is the total surface area of the cell, and is computed by summing the area of the faces that compose the cell. This value is only available at the cell center and is only exported at the cell center when exported to Common Fluids Format - Post.
- Cell Volume
(in the Mesh... category) is the volume of a cell. In 2D the volume is the area of the cell multiplied by the unit depth. For axisymmetric cases, the cell volume is calculated using a reference depth of 1 radian. The unit quantity of Cell Volume is volume.
- Cell Volume Derivative
(in the Mesh... category) is the change of a cell volume over time.
- Cell Volume Error
(in the Mesh... category) is the cell volume over the unsteady cell volume.
- 2D Cell Volume
(in the Mesh... category) is the two-dimensional volume of a cell in an axisymmetric computation. For an axisymmetric computation, the 2D cell volume is scaled by the radius. Its unit quantity is area.
- Cell Volume Change
(in the Mesh... category) is the maximum volume ratio of the current cell and its neighbors.
- Cell Wall Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is the distribution of the normal distance of each cell centroid from the wall boundaries. Its unit quantity is length. By default, it is calculated using an exact geometric method. You have the option to specify that it is instead calculated using a Laplacian approach that estimates the value based on the transport equation; this can be useful if your case requires too much memory with the geometric wall distance method. Note that the transport equation method is not recommended for coarse meshes, since it may produce inaccurate wall distance results and subsequently decrease the accuracy of the solutions. To use the transport equation method, enter the following text command prior to running the calculation:
mesh/wall-distance-method transport-eqn
.- Cell Warpage
(in the Mesh... category) is the square root of the ratio of the distance between the cell centroid and cell circumcenter and the circumcenter radius:
This value is only available at the cell center and is only exported at the cell center when exported to Common Fluids Format - Post.
- Cell Zone Index
(in the Cell Info... category) is the integer cell zone identification number. In problems that have more than one cell zone, the cell zone ID can be used to identify the various groups of cells.
- Cell Zone Type
(in the Cell Info... category) is the integer cell zone type ID. A fluid cell has a type ID of 1, a solid cell has a type ID of 17, and an exterior cell (parallel solver) has a type ID of 21.
- Compressibility Factor
(in the Properties... category) is the ratio of the ideal gas density of the fluid divided by the real gas fluid density in the same flow conditions. Compressibility Factor is defined as
is the compressibility factor,
is the absolute pressure,
is the temperature, and
(the universal gas constant
divided by the molecular weight
). The compressibility factor is available only with the real gas models.
- Compressible Wall Reynolds Number
(in the Velocity... category) is defined as
is the density,
is the speed of sound,
is the laminar viscosity, and
is the grid spacing in the normal direction of the wall. The Compressible Wall Reynolds Number is defined at the wall and applies only for laminar flows. To accurately predict the heat transfer on the wall, a Compressible Wall Reynolds Number less than one is recommended.
- Conjugate Heat Transfer
(in the Perforated Walls... category) is the heat transfer between solid walls and fluid calculated by Equation 7–133. Its unit quantity is power.
- Contact Cell Mark
(in the Cell Info... category) is an integer identifier designating whether a cell is marked for flow blocking as part of a contact detection simulation that uses the contact marks method of flow control. Marked cells have a value of 1, whereas unmarked cells have a value of 0. This field variable is only available if you have enabled the following text command:
. Only cell values may be displayed for Contact Cell Mark, so you must ensure that the Node Values option is disabled in the Contours dialog box. See Contact Detection Settings for more information.- Contact Resistivity
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) is the additional resistance at the wall due to contact resistance. It is equal to
, where
is the contact resistance,
is the liquid fraction, and
is the cell height of the wall-adjacent cell. The unit quantity for Contact Resistivity is thermal-resistivity.
- Critical Pressure
(in the Properties... category) is the mixture critical pressure. This property is available when a composition dependent option is selected for critical pressure in the cases with Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model and species transport.
- Critical Specific Volume
(in the Properties... category) is the mixture critical specific volume. This property is available when a composition dependent option is selected for critical specific volume in the cases with Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model and species transport.
- Critical Strain Rate
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is a parameter that takes into account the stretching and extinction of premixed flames (
in Equation 8–89 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is time-inverse.
- Critical Temperature
(in the Properties... category) is the mixture critical temperature. This property is available when a composition dependent option is selected for critical temperature in the cases with Aungier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model and species transport
- Curvature Correction Function fr
(in the Turbulence... category) is the multiplier of the production term when curvature correction is selected for Spalart-Allmaras or two equation models. See Curvature Correction for the Spalart-Allmaras and Two-Equation Models in the Fluent Theory Guide for details.
- Custom Field Functions...
are scalar field functions defined by you. You can create a custom function using the Custom Field Function Calculator Dialog Box. All defined custom field functions will be listed in the lower drop-down list. See Custom Field Functions for details.
- Damkohler Number
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is a nondimensional parameter that is defined as the ratio of turbulent to chemical time scales.
- Density...
includes variables related to density.
- Density
(in the Density... category) is the mass per unit volume of the fluid. Plots or reports of Density include only fluid cell zones. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. The unit quantity for Density is density.
- Density All
(in the Density... category) is the mass per unit volume of the fluid or solid material. Plots or reports of Density All include both fluid and solid cell zones. The unit quantity for Density All is density.
- Derivatives...
are the viscous derivatives. For example, dX-Velocity/dx is the first derivative of the
component of velocity with respect to the
-coordinate direction. You can compute first derivatives of velocity, angular velocity, and pressure in the pressure-based solver, and first derivatives of velocity, angular velocity, temperature, and species in the density-based solvers.
- DES Length Scale
(in the Turbulence... category) is available when you retain the temporary solver memory using the
text command. It is defined by Equation 4–272 in the Theory Guide for the Spalart-Allmaras based DES model and Equation 4–279 in the Theory Guide for the realizable k-epsilon based DES model. The DES length scale for the BSL / SST k-omega based DES model is defined by, where
is a calibration constant used in the DES model and has a value of 0.61 and
is the maximum local grid spacing (
- DES TKE Dissipation Multiplier
(in the Turbulence... category) is either the multiplier function
for Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) with BSL, SST, or Transition SST (see DES with the BSL or SST k-ω Model and DES with the Transition SST Model in the Theory Guide for details) or the function
for DES with Spalart-Allmaras or Realizable
(see Theory Guide DES with the Spalart-Allmaras Model or DES with the Realizable k-ε Model, respectively).
- Diameter
(in the Properties... category) is the diameter of particles, droplets, or bubbles of the secondary phase selected in the Phase drop-down list. Its unit quantity is length.
- Diffusion Coef. of Scalar-n
(in the User Defined Scalars... category) is the diffusion coefficient for the
th user-defined scalar transport equation. See the Fluent Customization Manual for details about defining user-defined scalars.
- Discrete Phase Sources...
includes quantities related to the discrete phase model sources. See Modeling Discrete Phase for details about this model.
- Discrete Phase Variables...
includes non-source quantities related to the discrete phase model. See Modeling Discrete Phase for details about this model.
- Dissociation Vibration Source
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category)is the vibrational-electronic energy change due to chemical reactions (
in Equation 5–28 in the Fluent Theory Guide).
- DPM Absorption Coefficient
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the absorption coefficient for discrete-phase calculations that involve radiation (
in Equation 5–56 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is length-inverse.
- DPM Accretion
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the accretion rate calculated at a wall boundary:
is the mass flow rate of the particle stream, and
is the area of the wall face where the particle strikes the boundary. This item will appear only if the optional erosion/accretion model is enabled. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Accretion is mass-flux.
- DPM Burnout
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of mass from the discrete to the continuous phase for the combustion law (Law 5) and is proportional to the solid phase reaction rate. The burnout exchange has units of mass-flow and is reported as the rate occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Collision Rate
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the time rate of particle-to-particle collisions per unit volume. Its unit quantity is collision-rate.
- DPM Concentration
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the total concentration of the particles in all phases in a cell. Its unit quantity is density. Note that Lagrangian wall film particles are not included when calculating the concentration.
- DPM Conc of
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the concentration of the chemical
, as part of DPM particles, in the cell (that is, the mass of that particle component in the cell, divided by the cell volume). Its unit quantity is density. When using DDPM, this is calculated separately for each DDPM phase, but always using the entire cell volume. (The name of the component will replace<component>
in DPM Conc of<component>
, and for DDPM calculations, the field variable name will be appended with the phase name.)- DPM Density
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean particle density. This is computed as the mean density of the particles in each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is density.
- DPM D20
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the surface mean diameter for the discrete phase particles within a cell. This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length. For the definition of the D20 diameter, refer to Summary Reporting of Current Particles.
- DPM D30
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the volume mean diameter for the discrete phase particles within a cell. This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length. For the definition of the D30 diameter, refer to Summary Reporting of Current Particles.
- DPM D32
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the Sauter mean diameter for the discrete phase particles within a cell. This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length. For the definition of the Sauter diameter, refer to Summary Reporting of Current Particles.
- DPM D43
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean diameter over volume (also called De Brouckere mean diameter) for the discrete phase particles within a cell. This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length. For the definition of the De Brouckere diameter, refer to Summary Reporting of Current Particles.
- DPM Diameter
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean particle diameter. This is computed as the mean diameter of the discrete phase particles in each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length.
- DPM Emission
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the amount of radiation emitted by a discrete-phase particle per unit volume. Its unit quantity is heat-generation-rate.
- DPM Enthalpy
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the specific enthalpy. Depending on the particle type, the DPM Enthalpy is computed as:
Inert particles: Integral of the material specific heat over a temperature range from 298.15°K to the current particle temperature.
Droplets: Same as for inert particles, corrected by the latent heat at the reference temperature and the heat of pyrolysis. The latent heat at the reference temperature is automatically calculated from the specified latent heat at the boiling point and the specified specific heats for liquid and vapor.
Multicomponent: Sum of the mass-fraction-weighted enthalpies of the particle components corrected by the component latent heat at the reference temperature and the heat of pyrolysis.
Combusting particles: Same as for droplets with a correction for the reaction heat.
Its unit quantity is specified in terms of enthalpy per unit mass.
- DPM Enthalpy Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of enthalpy (sensible enthalpy plus heat of formation) from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. The exchange is positive when the particles are a source of heat in the continuous phase. The unit quantity for DPM Enthalpy Source is power and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Erosion Rate (DNV)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the DNV erosion rate calculated using the DNV formulation. (See DNV Erosion Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for background information about this model.) This item will appear only if the DNV option is enabled in the Physical Models tab of the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details.
- DPM Erosion Rate (Generic)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the erosion rate calculated at a wall boundary face using Equation 12–346 in the Fluent Theory Guide based on the values entered in the Generic Erosion Model Parameters dialog box (see Setting Particle Erosion and Accretion Parameters). This item will appear only if the Erosion/Accretion option is selected in the Physical Models tab of the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box and the Generic Model option is enabled in the DPM tab of the Wall Dialog Box. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Erosion Rate (Generic) is mass-flux.
- DPM Erosion Rate (Finnie)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the Finnie erosion rate calculated using the Finnie formulation. (See Finnie Erosion Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for background information about this model.) This item will appear only if the Finnie option is enabled in the Physical Models tab of the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Erosion Rate (Finnie) is mass-flux.
- DPM Erosion Rate (McLaury)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the McLaury erosion rate calculated using the McLaury formulation. (See McLaury Erosion Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for background information about this model.) This item will appear only if the McLaury erosion model is enabled in the Physical Models tab of the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Erosion Rate (McLaury) is mass-flux.
- DPM Erosion Rate (Oka)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the Oka erosion rate calculated using the Oka formulation. (See Oka Erosion Model in the Fluent Theory Guide for background information about this model.) This item will appear only if the Oka erosion model is enabled in the Physical Models tab of the Discrete Phase Model Dialog Box. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Erosion Rate (Oka) is mass-flux.
- DPM Erosion Rate (Wall Shear)
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the abrasive erosion rate calculated using the shear stress formulation. See Modeling Erosion Rates in Dense Flows in the Fluent Theory Guide for background information about this model. See Monitoring Erosion/Accretion of Particles at Walls for details. The unit quantity for DPM Erosion Rate (Wall Shear) is mass-flux. This quantity is available for dense flows for which DPM erosion is enabled and with the disperse granular secondary phase.
- DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of mass, due to droplet-particle evaporation or combusting-particle devolatilization, from the discrete phase to the evaporating or devolatilizing species. If you are not using the non-premixed combustion model, the mass source for each individual species ( DPM
Source , below) is also available; for non-premixed combustion, only this sum is available. The unit quantity for DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization is mass-flow and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.- DPM Granular Temperature
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean Granular Temperature for the discrete phase particles within a cell. Its unit quantity is turbulent kinetic energy. This quantity is only available when using a granular secondary phase in the Dense Discrete Phase Model.
- DPM Mass Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the total exchange of mass from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. The mass exchange is positive when the particles are a source of mass in the continuous phase. If you are not using the non-premixed combustion model, DPM Mass Source will be equal to the sum of all species mass sources ( DPM
Source , below); if you are using the non-premixed combustion model, it will be equal to DPM Burnout plus DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization. The unit quantity for DPM Mass Source is mass-flow and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.- DPM Mixture Fraction Secondary Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of secondary mixture fraction from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. DPM Mixture Fraction Secondary Source is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Mixture Fraction Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of mixture fraction from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. DPM Mixture Fraction Source is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Inert Source
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the exchange of the inert stream from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. DPM Inert Source is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Number Density
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the number of particles per unit cell volume. This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is volume-inverse.
- DPM Parcels in Cell
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category)
For steady particle tracking, this is the count of trajectories that entered the cell during the last DPM iteration.
For unsteady particle tracking, this is the count of particle parcels that entered the cell during the last DPM iteration. Each parcel is weighted by the fraction of the fluid flow time step that it actually resides in the cell.
This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase.
- DPM Particles in Cell
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category)
For steady particle tracking, this is the time-constant number of particles that is represented by all trajectories in the cell.
For unsteady particle tracking, this is the number of particles in all parcels that entered the cell during the last DPM iteration, where each parcel is weighted by the fraction of the fluid flow time step that it actually resides in the cell.
This is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase.
- DPM RMS Diameter
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the RMS particle diameter. This is computed as the RMS particle diameter within each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM, this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is length.
- DPM RMS Temperature
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the RMS particle temperature. This is computed as the RMS particle temperature within each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is temperature.
- DPM RMS X, Y, Z Velocity
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) are the RMS X, Y, and Z Velocity components of the discrete phase. These are computed as the mean discrete phase RMS velocities and are computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM these quantities are available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- DPM Scattering
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the scattering coefficient for discrete-phase calculations that involve radiation (
in Equation 5–56 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is length-inverse.
- DPM Sensible Enthalpy Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of sensible enthalpy from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. The exchange is positive when the particles are a source of heat in the continuous phase. Its unit quantity is power and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
Source (in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of mass, due to droplet-particle evaporation or combusting-particle devolatilization, from the discrete phase to the evaporating or devolatilizing species. (The name of the species will replace
in DPMspecies-n
Source .) These species can be specified in the Set Injection Properties Dialog Box, and their descriptions can be found in Defining Injection Properties. The unit quantity is mass-flow and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases. Note that this variable will not be available if you are using the non-premixed combustion model; use DPM Evaporation/Devolatilization instead.- DPM Specific Heat
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean particle specific heat. This is computed as the mean specific heat of the particles within each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is specific-heat.
- DPM Swirl Momentum Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) is the exchange of swirl momentum from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. This value is positive when the particles are a source of momentum in the continuous phase. The unit quantity is force and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM Temperature
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the mean particle temperature. This is computed as the mean temperature of the particles within each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is temperature.
- DPM Volume Fraction
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the volume fraction of the discrete phase. This is computed as the mean discrete phase volume fraction within each cell and is computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM this quantity is available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase.
- DPM Wall Normal Pressure
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) is the magnitude of the wall force vector per unit area.
- DPM Wall X, Y, Z Force
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) are the X, Y, and Z components of the DPM particle-wall force. These are computed on all wall boundary conditions. For steady-state simulations, the reported forces are the mean forces exerted by the particles per unit time. For transient simulations, the reported forces are the time-averaged particle-wall forces over the fluid time step.
- DPM X, Y, Z Momentum Source
(in the Discrete Phase Sources... category) are the exchange of
-, and
-direction momentum from the discrete phase to the continuous phase. These values are positive when the particles are a source of momentum in the continuous phase. The unit quantity is force and is reported as the rate of exchange occurring in each cell. A unit cell depth is used for 2D cases, and a reference cell depth of 1 radian is used for 2D axisymmetric cases.
- DPM X, Y, Z Velocity
(in the Discrete Phase Variables... category) are the X, Y, and Z Velocity components of the discrete phase. These are computed as the mean discrete phase velocities and are computed per phase. Therefore, when using DDPM these quantities are available for each discrete phase and the mixture phase. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- dPotential/dx, dPotential/dy, dPotential/dz
(in the Potential... category) are the
, and
components of the potential gradient field (
, and
), respectively.
- DRG Reduced Number of Reactions
(in the Reactions… category) is the number of retained reactions in reduced mechanism. This variable quantifies the size of the reduced mechanism at each cell or particle in the domain.
- DRG Reduced Number of Species
(in the Species... category) is the number of retained species in reduced mechanism. This variable quantifies the size of the reduced mechanism at each cell or particle in the domain.
- Dynamic Cell Volume Change
- Dynamic Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is defined as
. Its unit quantity is pressure.
- Echem Reaction Rate of Reaction-n
(in the Reactions... category) is the
th electrochemical reaction rate. This quantity is only available if the electrochemical reaction model is enabled.
- Eff Diff Coef of
(in the Species... category) is the sum of the laminar and turbulent diffusion coefficients of a species into the mixture:
(The name of the species will replace
in Eff Diff Coef ofspecies-n
.) The unit quantity is mass-diffusivity.- Effective Prandtl Number
(in the Turbulence... category) is the ratio
, where
is the effective viscosity,
is the specific heat, and
is the effective thermal conductivity.
- Effective Thermal Conductivity
(in the Properties... category) is the sum of the laminar and turbulent thermal conductivities,
, of the fluid. A large thermal conductivity is associated with a good heat conductor and a small thermal conductivity with a poor heat conductor (good insulator). Its unit quantity is thermal-conductivity.
- Effective Viscosity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the sum of the laminar and turbulent viscosities of the fluid. Viscosity,
, is defined by the ratio of shear stress to the rate of shear. Its unit quantity is viscosity.
- Electric Potential
(in the Potential... category) is the electric potential
used in Equation 7–130 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Electrical Conductivity
(in the Properties... category) is the electric conductivity
used in Equation 7–125 in the Fluent Theory Guide. Note that when postprocessing solid material properties, the electrical conductivity will be displayed as zero if the anisotropic electrical conductivity model is used for a solid material.
- Electrical Conductivity XX, Electrical Conductivity XY, Electrical Conductivity XZ, Electrical Conductivity YX, Electrical Conductivity YY, Electrical Conductivity YZ, Electrical Conductivity ZX, Electrical Conductivity ZY, Electrical Conductivity ZZ
(in the Properties... category) are the components of the electrical conductivity matrix used in Equation 18–4 in the Fluent Theory Guide. These properties are available only when anisitropic, orthotropic or cyl-orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Electrical Conductivity for one or more solid materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box. Note that when the orthotropic thermal conductivity is used, the electrical conductivity matrix is symmetric, and the Electrical Conductivity YX | ZX | ZY variables are not available to avoid redundancy.
- Electric Current Magnitude
(in the Potential... category) is the magnitude of the electric current vector in the field,
- Electrode Surface Potential
(in the Potential... category) is either the electrode potential (
in the Butler-Volmer Equation 7–120 in the Fluent Theory Guide) for walls with Faradaic reaction, or the wall potential after considering the contact resistance effect for walls without Faradaic reaction.
- Electrolyte Potential
(in the Potential... category) is the electrolyte potential
used in Equation 20–4 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Enthalpy
(in the Temperature... category) is defined differently for compressible and incompressible flows, and depending on the solver and models in use.
For compressible flows,
and for incompressible flows,
are, respectively, the mass fraction and enthalpy of species
. (See Enthalpy of
, below). For the pressure-based solver, the second term on the right-hand side of Equation 42–10 is included only if the pressure work term is included in the energy equation (see Inclusion of Pressure Work and Kinetic Energy Terms in the Theory Guide). For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. For all reacting flow models, the Enthalpy plots consist of the thermal (or sensible) plus chemical energy. The unit quantity for Enthalpy is specific-energy.In the case of the inert model (Using the Non-Premixed Model with the Inert Model in the Theory Guide), the enthalpy in a cell is split into the contributions from the inert and the reacting fractions of the gas phase species in the cell. The cell enthalpy is partitioned as
is the fraction of inert species in the cell. The quantity
is the enthalpy of the inert species at the cell temperature, similarly
is the enthalpy of the active species at the cell temperature. It is assumed that the cell temperature is common to both inert and active species, so
and the cell temperature are chosen so that Equation 42–11 is satisfied.
- Enthalpy of
(in the Species... category) is defined differently depending on the solver and models options in use. The quantity:
is the formation enthalpy of species
at the reference temperature
, is reported only for non-adiabatic PDF cases, or if the density-based solver is selected. The quantity:
, is reported in all other cases. The unit quantity for Enthalpy of
is specific-energy.- Entropy
(in the Temperature... category) is a thermodynamic property defined by the equation
the entropy is computed using the equation
The unit quantity for entropy is specific-heat.
Important: Note that for the real gas models the entropy is computed accordingly by the appropriate equation of state formulation.
- Face Area Magnitude
(in the Mesh... category) is the magnitude of the face area vector for noninternal faces (that is, faces that only have
and noc1
). The values are stored on the face itself and used when required. This variable is intended only for zone surfaces and not for other surfaces created for postprocessing.- Face Handedness
(in the Mesh... category) is a parameter that is equal to one in cells that are adjacent to left-handed faces, and zero elsewhere. It can be used to locate mesh problems.
- Faradaic Current Density
(in the Potential... category) is the electric current density produced by the electrochemical reaction at Faradaic interfaces (Equation 7–127 in the Fluent Theory Guide). Faradaic current density is positive if electric current flows from the electrode zone to the electrolyte zone, and negative if the electric current flows in the reverse direction.
- Faradaic Heat Source
(in the Potential... category) is the energy source term due to the electrochemical reaction at Faradaic interfaces (Equation 7–132 in the Fluent Theory Guide).
- Fifth Invariant
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the Fifth Invariant flow feature.
- Film Courant Number
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the Courant number of the wall film.
- Film Coverage
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the value of film wet area fraction as defined in Equation 17–30 in the Fluent Theory Guide. In reporting, the face integral of this variable gives the area covered by the film. This item is available when Solve Momentum is enabled in the Eulerian Wall Film dialog box.
- Film DPM Energy Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the additional energy of discrete particles being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film DPM Mass Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the additional mass of discrete particles being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film DPM X-Momentum Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the x-component of any additional momentum of discrete particles being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film DPM Y-Momentum Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the y-component of any additional momentum of discrete particles being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film DPM Z-Momentum Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the z-component of any additional momentum of discrete particles being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film Effective Pressure
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the effective pressure of the wall film.
- Film Height Fraction
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the ratio of the film half-thickness to the cell center height next to the film wall.
- Film Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the mass of the wall film.
Film Mass Fraction of
(in the Wall Film... category) is the mass fraction of the discrete phase material i in the wall film. (The name of the material will replace
in Film Mass Fraction ofmaterial-i
.)- Film Outflow Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the cumulative mass of film outflow.
- Film Passive Scalar
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the passive scalar for the wall film scalar equation.
- Film Phase Change Rate
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the phase change rate, with positive value as the condensation rate and negative value as the vaporization rate. This item is available when Phase Change is enabled.
- Film Secondary Phase Collection Coef
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the coefficient of secondary phase collection. This item is available when Phase Accretion is enabled.
- Film Secondary Phase Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the mass of secondary phase collection. This item is available when Phase Accretion is enabled.
- Film Separated Diam
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the diameter of separated wall film droplet. This item is available when Edge Separation is enabled.
- Film Separation Rate
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the mass of secondary phase collection. This item is available when Edge Separation is enabled.
- Film Stripped Diam
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the diameter of stripped wall film droplets.
- Film Stripped Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the cumulative mass of stripped wall film.
- Film Surface Temperature
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the surface temperature of the wall film.
- Film Surface Velocity Magnitude
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the magnitude of the surface velocity of the wall film.
- Film Surface X-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the x-component of the surface velocity of the wall film.
- Film Surface Y-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the y-component of the surface velocity of the wall film.
- Film Surface Z-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the z-component of the surface velocity of the wall film.
- Film Temperature
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the temperature of the wall film.
- Film Thickness
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the thickness of the wall film.
- Film Thickness
(in the Lithium... category) is the thickness of the film at the electrode/electrolyte interface. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Film Total Equivalent Height Fraction
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the sum of the film height fraction and the height fraction computed from the VOF equivalent film thickness.
- Film Total Equivalent Thickness
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the sum of film VOF equivalent thickness and the film thickness.
- Film Total Equivalent Volume Fraction
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the sum of the film volume fraction and the liquid phase volume fraction in the VOF solution.
- Film Velocity Magnitude
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the magnitude of the velocity of the wall film.
- Film VOF Equivalent Thickness
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the equivalent film thickness computed from the liquid phase volume fraction from the VOF solution in the cell adjacent to the film wall.
- Film VOF Exchanged Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the total exchanged mass rate between the EWF and VOF multiphase models. A positive value indicates net mass transfer from the VOF to the film solution, and a negative value indicates net mass transfer from the film to the VOF solution.
- Film VOF Mass Exchange
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the mass exchange between the EWF and VOF multiphase models during the last flow time step. A positive value indicates mass transfer from the VOF to film solution, and a negative value indicates mass transfer from the film to the VOF solution.
- Film Volume Fraction
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the ratio of the film liquid volume to the cell volume next to the film wall.
- Film Weber Number
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the Weber number of the wall film.
- Film X-Momentum Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the x-component of any additional momentum being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film Y-Momentum Source
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the y-component of any additional momentum being absorbed into the wall film.
- Film X-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the x-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Film Y-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the y-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Film Z-Velocity
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the z-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Fine Scale Mass Fraction of
(in the Species... category) is the term
in Equation 7–42 in the Theory Guide.
- Fine Scale Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the temperature of the fine scales, which is calculated from the enthalpy when the reaction proceeds over the time scale (
in Equation 7–45 in the Theory Guide), governed by the Kinetic rates of Equation 7–21 in the Theory Guide. Its unit quantity is temperature.
- Fine Scale Transfer Rate
(in the Species... category) is the transfer rate of the fine scales, which is equal to the inverse of the time scale (
in Equation 7–45 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is time-inverse.
- 1-Fine Scale Volume Fraction
(in the Species... category) is a function of the fine scale volume fraction (
in Equation 7–44 in the Theory Guide). The quantity is subtracted from unity to make it easier to interpret.
- Film Separated Mass
(in the Eulerian Wall Film... category) is the cumulative mass of separated wall film.
- Flow-Blocking Gap Interface
(in the Cell Info... category) identifies the interfaces of flow-blocking gap regions. All cells that have at least one face that applies the zero-mass-flux boundary for the gap region have a value of 1, whereas all other cells have a value of 0. For further details, see Controlling Flow in Narrow Gaps for Valves and Pumps.
- Flow Regime Blending Factors Fcc, Flow Regime Blending Factors Fcd, Flow Regime Blending Factors Fdc, Flow Regime Blending Factors Fdd
(in the Phase Interaction... category) are the blending factors for the continuous-continuous, continuous-dispersed, dispersed-continuous, and dispersed-dispersed phase interactions, respectively, which are used for the flow regime detection. The blending factors must satisfy the following restriction:
This item is available only for mixture multiphase cases with the flow regime modeling. For further details, see Flow Regime Modeling in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Forward Reaction Rate of
PDF scalar-n
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the rate of production of
due to forward reactions for scalarin kg/m 3 /s (
in Equation 8–122 in the Fluent Theory Guide). (The name of the PDF scalar will replace
PDF scalar-n
in Forward Reaction Rate ofPDF scalar-n
.)- Fourth Invariant
This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the Fourth Invariant flow feature.
- Frozen Sound Speed
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is defined as
is the translational-rotational heat capacity ratio.
- Fvar Prod
(in the Pdf... category) is the production term in the mixture fraction variance equation solved in the non-premixed combustion model (that is, the last two terms in Equation 8–5 in the Theory Guide).
- Fvar2 Prod
(in the Pdf... category) is the production term in the secondary mixture fraction variance equation solved in the non-premixed combustion model. See Equation 8–5 in the Theory Guide.
- Gap ID
(in the Cell Info... category) is the gap region ID, as identified using the button in the Gap Model Dialog Box. All cells that are not marked for a gap region have a value of 0. For further details, see Controlling Flow in Narrow Gaps for Valves and Pumps.
- Gap Type
(in the Cell Info... category) is the type of gap region. Cells that are marked as part of a flow-blocking gap region have a value of 1, cells that are marked as part of a flow-modeling gap region have a value of 2, and cells that are not marked for a gap region have a value of 0. For further details, see Controlling Flow in Narrow Gaps for Valves and Pumps.
- Gas Constant (R)
(in the Properties... category) is the gas constant of the fluid. Its unit quantity is specific-heat.
- Geometric Roughness Height
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the roughness correlation of the Transition SST model. See Equation 4–189 in the Theory Guide.
- Gradient Quality Measure
(in the Mesh... category) is a measure used to apply poor mesh numerics to cells when the cell gradient quality criterion is enabled; poor cells have a value closer to 0, whereas good cells have a value closer to 1.
- Granular Conductivity
(in the Properties... category) is equivalent to the diffusion coefficient in Equation 14–375 in the Theory Guide. For more information, see Granular Temperature in the Theory Guide. Its unit quantity is kg/m-s.
- Granular Pressure...
includes quantities for reporting the solids pressure for each granular phase (
in Equation 14–346 in the Theory Guide). See Solids Pressure in the Theory Guide for details. Its unit quantity is pressure. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Granular Temperature...
includes quantities for reporting the granular temperature for each granular phase (
in Equation 14–375 in the Theory Guide). See Granular Temperature in the Theory Guide for details. Its unit quantity is
. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- hcn Density
(in the NOx... category) is the mass per unit volume of HCN. The unit quantity is density. The hcn Density will appear only if you are modeling fuel NOx. See Fuel NOx Formation in the Theory Guide for details.
- Heat of Heterogeneous Reaction
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the heat added or removed due to heterogeneous chemical reactions. For exothermic reactions the Heat of Heterogeneous Reaction is reported as a positive quantity, while for endothermic reactions it will be a negative quantity. If you have more than one heterogeneous reaction defined in your case, the Heat of Heterogeneous Reaction reported is the sum of the heat for all heterogeneous reactions. The unit quantity of Heat of Heterogeneous Reaction is Watt.
- Heat of Reaction
(in the Reactions... category) is the heat added or removed due to chemical reactions. The quantity reported by Fluent is the volumetric heat of reaction, as defined in Equation 5–11 in the Theory Guide multiplied by the cell volume. For exothermic reactions, the heat of reaction is reported as a positive quantity, while for endothermic reactions it is reported as a negative quantity. If you have more than one reaction defined in your case, the Heat of Reaction reported is the sum of the heat for all reactions. The unit of measurement for the heat of reaction is Watts. The Heat of Reaction is not available for the non-premixed and partially-premixed models.
- Heat Release Rate
(in the Pdf... category) is the rate of heat generated due to chemical reaction (J/m3/s) as defined in Equation 5–11 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Helicity
(in the Velocity... category) is defined by the dot product of vorticity and the velocity vector.
Vorticity is a measure of the rotation of a fluid element as it moves in the flow field.
- Incident Radiation
(in the Radiation... category) is the total radiation energy,
, that arrives at a location per unit time and per unit area:
is the radiation intensity and
is the solid angle.
is the quantity that the P-1 radiation model computes. For the DO radiation model, the incident radiation is computed over a finite number of discrete solid angles, each associated with a vector direction. For the MC model, the radiation intensity is computed by tallying the distance traveled by photons in each cell. The unit quantity for Incident Radiation is heat-flux.
- Incident Radiation (Band n)
(in the Radiation... category) is the radiation energy contained in the wavelength band
for the non-gray P-1, DO, or MC radiation models. Its unit quantity is heat-flux.
- Injection Hole Mass Flow Rate
(in the Perforated Walls... category) is the mass flow rate calculated by Equation 7–131 (incompressible flow) or Equation 7–132 (compressible flow). Note that the mass flow rate will be the same for the faces that belong to the same effusion surface (uniform type) or perforated hole (discrete type).
- Injection Pressure
(in the Perforated Walls... category) is the averaged pressure used in the mass flow rate calculation in Equation 7–131 (incompressible flow) or Equation 7–132 (compressible flow). Note that the injection pressure will be the same for the faces that belong to the same effusion surface (uniform type) or perforated hole (discrete type).
- Interface Overlap Fraction
(in the Mesh... category) is a metric for measuring the quality of the intersection between interface zones for non-conformal interfaces. It is calculated on each element of the interface zone and ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 means no intersection, and 1 means full intersection.
- Intermittency
(in the Turbulence... category) is a measure of the probability that a given point is located inside a turbulent region. Upstream of transition the intermittency is zero. Once the transition occurs, the intermittency is ramped up to one until the fully turbulent boundary layer regime is achieved.
- Intermittency Effective
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the coupling of the Transition model and the SST Transport equations (see Coupling the Transition Model and SST Transport Equations in the Theory Guide for details).
- Internal Energy
(in the Temperature... or Two-Temperature Model... category) is the summation of the kinetic and potential energies of the molecules of the substance per unit volume (and excludes chemical and nuclear energies). Internal Energy is defined as
. Its unit quantity is specific-energy.
- Jet Acoustic Power
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic power for turbulent axisymmetric jets (see Equation 11–20 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Jet Acoustic Power Level (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic power for turbulent axisymmetric jets, reported in dB (see Equation 11–33 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Joule Heat Source
(in the Potential... category) is the energy source term due to the Joule heating (Equation 18–2 in the Fluent Theory Guide).
- Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n
(in the Reactions... category) is given by the following expression (see Equation 7–21 in the Theory Guide for definitions of the variables shown here):
The reported value is independent of any particular species, and has units of kmol/
To find the rate of production/destruction for a given species
due to reaction
, multiply the reported reaction rate for reaction
by the term
, where
is the molecular weight of species
, and
are the stoichiometric coefficients of species
in reaction
For particle reactions it is the global rate of the particle reaction n expressed in kmol/s/m3. This is computed as
, where
is the rate of particle species depletion (or generation) given by Equation 7–102 in the Theory Guide,
is the particle species molecular weight, and
is the cell volume.
- Lambda 2 Criterion
(in the Velocity... category) is a postprocessing quantity used for visual inspection of turbulence structures.
- Lam Diff Coef of
(in the Species... category) is the laminar diffusion coefficient of a species into the mixture,
. Its unit quantity is mass-diffusivity.
- Laminar Flame Speed
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the propagation speed of laminar premixed flames (
in Equation 8–79 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Laminar Kinetic Energy (kl)
(in the Turbulence...category) is a measure of the “laminar” streamwise fluctuations present in the pre-transitional region of the boundary layer subjected to free-stream turbulence. A transport equation of kl is considered by the k-kl-omega transition model.
- Latent Heat
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the latent heat for the
th mass transfer mechanism that you defined.- LEE Self-Noise X-Source, LEE Self-Noise Y-Source, LEE Self-Noise Z-Source
(in the Acoustics... category) are the self-noise source terms in the linearized Euler equation for the acoustic velocity component (see Equation 11–38 in the Theory Guide). They are available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- LEE Shear-Noise X-Source, LEE Shear-Noise Y-Source, LEE Shear-Noise Z-Source
(in the Acoustics... category) are the shear-noise source terms in the linearized Euler equation for the acoustic velocity component (see Equation 11–38 in the Theory Guide). They are available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- LEE Total Noise X-Source, LEE Total Noise Y-Source, LEE Total Noise Z-Source
(in the Acoustics... category) are the total noise source terms in the linearized Euler equation for the acoustic velocity component (see Equation 11–38 in the Theory Guide). The total noise source term is the sum of the self-noise and shear-noise source terms. They are available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Length Ratio
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the length ratio flow feature.
- LES Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the eddy viscosity that is determined by the local algebraic sub-grid scale model in an embedded LES zone, which actually affects the momentum transport equations (see Embedded Large Eddy Simulation (ELES) in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is viscosity.
- Lilley’s Self-Noise Source
(in the Acoustics... category) is the self-noise source term in the linearized Lilley’s equation (see Equation 11–42 in the Theory Guide), available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Lilley’s Shear-Noise Source
(in the Acoustics... category) is the shear-noise source term in the linearized Lilley’s equation (see Equation 11–42 in the Theory Guide), available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Lilley’s Total Noise Source
(in the Acoustics... category) is the total noise source term in the linearized Lilley’s equation (see Equation 11–42 in the Theory Guide). The total noise source term is the sum of the self-noise and shear-noise source terms, available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Liquid Fraction
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) is the liquid fraction
computed by the solidification/melting model:
- Liquid Subcooling
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the liquid subcooling of the boiling model defined as:
are the saturation and liquid temperatures.
This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Lithium Concentration
(in the Lithium... category) is the lithium concentration in the electrode (
in Equation 18–18 in the Fluent Theory Guide) or in the electrolyte (
in Equation 18–19 in the Fluent Theory Guide). The unit quantity is kmol/m 3.
- Li Intercalation Reaction Rate
(in the Lithium... category) is the desirable lithium intercalation/deintercalation reaction rate. The unit quantity is A/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Li-Plating Mass
(in the Lithium... category) is the accumulated Li-plating mass due to the li-plating reaction. The unit quantity is A/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Li-Plating Reaction Rate
(in the Lithium... category) is the Li-plating reaction rate at the anode during battery charging. The unit quantity is kg/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- log10(Shape Sensitivity Magnitude)
(in the Sensitivities... category) provides a convenience function that plots
of the magnitude, in view of the large range of values possible for the shape sensitivity magnitude. This allows the importance of the surfaces in a domain to be ranked more easily based on how they affect the observation of interest when they are reshaped.
- Logarithmic Streamwise Schlieren
(in the Density... category) is defined as:
is density, and
is velocity. The term
provides directional information on the density gradient.
yields a positive value in the shock and a negative value in the expansion fan. Therefore, shocks and expansions can be differentiated using the Logarithmic Streamwise Schlieren definition. The Logarithmic function is introduced to display numerical data over a wide range and simultaneously maintain the sign of
. Plots or reports of Logarithmic Streamwise Schlieren include only fluid cell zones.
- Lump Asph. by Orthogonality
(in the Lump Detection... category) is a measure of the non-sphericity of the liquid lump according to the surface-radius orthogonality method.
- Lump Asph. by Rad. Std. Dev.
(in the Lump Detection... category) is a measure of the non-sphericity of the liquid lump according to the radius standard deviation method.
- Lump Density
( in the Lump Detection... category) is a volume-weighted average of the lump density.
- Lump Diameter
(in the Lump Detection... category) is the diameter of a volume-equivalent sphere.
- Lump Enthalpy
(in the Lump Detection... category) is the average specific enthalpy of the lump. This quantity is available only when the energy equation is enabled.
- Lump ID
(in the Lump Detection... category) is a unique integer value for every contiguous portion of liquid. One ID is assigned to the liquid core, and other IDs are assigned to each detached lump.
- Lump Pressure
(in the Lump Detection... category) is the average pressure of the lump. This quantity is available only when the energy equation is enabled.
- Lump Temperature
(in the Lump Detection... category) is the average temperature of the lump. This quantity is available only when the energy equation is enabled.
- Lump X, Y, Z Coordinate
(in the Lump Detection... category) are the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center of gravity of the liquid lump.
- Lump X, Y, Z Velocity
(in the Lump Detection... category) are the X, Y, and Z components of the liquid lump velocity vector.
- Mach Number
(in the Velocity... category) is the ratio of velocity and speed of sound.
- Magnitude of Lithium Mass Flux Vector
(in the Lithium... category) is the magnitude of the lithium mass flux vector
in Equation 18–8 in the Fluent Theory Guide. The unit quantity is kmol/m2 s-1.
- Magnitude of Sensitivity to Body Forces (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) is the magnitude of the adjoint velocity primitive field. This field can be interpreted as the magnitude of the sensitivity of the observable to body force per unit volume. It can be used to identify regions in the domain where small changes to the momentum balance in the flow can have a large or small effect on the observable. This field is often observed to be large, for example, upstream of a body for which drag sensitivity is of interest, with the field diminishing in the upstream direction. This indicates the interference effect for an object positioned at various locations upstream of the object of interest.
- Mahalanobis distance
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model is selected for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box. Large values for the Mahalanobis distance suggest large deviations in flow features compared to the training data results.
- Mark Poor Elements
(in the Mesh... category) is a parameter that can be used to mark and/or display invalid and poor elements. The solver variable can take a value of 1 to 6 and can be visualized:
1.0 user_defined_poor_elements
2.0 poor_quality_cells
3.0 modified_centroid_cells
4.0 cell adjacent to small_face_area
5.0 invalid_cells
6.0 solver_identified_poor_cells
By default 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 are active. 2.0 is recommended.
- Mass-Averaged Relaxation Time
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the mass-averaged translational-vibrational relaxation time.
- Mass Concentration of
(Phase Level) (in the Species... category) is the mass of a component
in phase
per unit phase volume:
is the density of phase
, and
is the mass fraction of component
in phase
- Mass Concentration of
(Mixture Level) (in the Species... category) is the mass of a component
in phase
per unit cell volume:
is the density of phase
is the mass fraction of component
in phase
, and
is the volume fraction of phase
. You can use a volume integral of this quantity to report the mass of a phase component as described in Multiphase Species Transport.
- Mass fraction of Pollutant hcn, Mass fraction of Pollutant nh3, Mass fraction of Pollutant no, Mass fraction of Pollutant n2o
(in the NOx... category) are the mass of HCN, the mass of NH3, the mass of NO, and the mass of N2O per unit mass of the mixture (for example, kg of HCN in 1 kg of the mixture). The Mass fraction of Pollutant hcn and the Mass fraction of Pollutant nh3 will appear only if you are modeling fuel NOx. See Fuel NOx Formation in the Theory Guide for details.
- Mass fraction of nuclei
(in the Soot... category) is the number of particles per unit mass of the mixture (in units of particles
/kg) The Mass fraction of nuclei will appear only if you use the two-step soot model. See Soot Formation for details.
- Mass fraction of soot
(in the Soot... category) is the mass of soot per unit mass of the mixture (for example, kg of soot in 1 kg of the mixture). See Soot Formation for details.
- Mass fraction of
(in the Species... category) is the mass of a species per unit mass of the mixture (for example, kg of species in 1 kg of the mixture).
- Mass Transfer Coefficient (Kl)
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the interphase mass transfer coefficient. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Mass Transfer Rate
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the mass transfer rate for the
th mass transfer mechanism that you defined.- Mean n
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the iteration- or time-averaged value of a solution variable n (for example, Static Pressure). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
- Mean- cff_n
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the iteration- or time-averaged value of a custom field function cff_n (for example, uns-custom-function-0). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
- Mean DPM n
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the iteration- or time-averaged value of a discrete phase variable n (for example, Volume Fraction). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
- Meridional Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the normalized (dimensionless) coordinate that follows the flow path from inlet to outlet. Its value varies from
- Mesh...
includes variables related to the mesh.
- Moving Mesh Courant Number
(in the Velocity... category) is a non-dimensional value that indicates the number of cells that might be swept in a single time step due to a mesh motion. This field variable is available for transient cases that involve either dynamic mesh or cell zones with frame or mesh motion.
- Mesh X-Velocity, Mesh Y-Velocity, Mesh Z-Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) are the vector components of the mesh velocity for moving-mesh problems (rotating or multiple reference frames, mixing planes, sliding meshes, or solid motion). Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Mixture Fraction Variance
(in the Pdf... category) is the variance of the mixture fraction solved for in the non-premixed combustion model. This is the second conservation equation (along with the mixture fraction equation) that the non-premixed combustion model solves. (See Definition of the Mixture Fraction in the Theory Guide.)
- Modified Turbulent Viscosity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the transported quantity
that is solved for in the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and in DES with the Spalart-Allmaras model (see Equation 4–15 in the Theory Guide). The turbulent viscosity,
, is computed directly from this quantity using the relationship given by Equation 4–16 in the Theory Guide. Its unit quantity is viscosity.
- Molar Concentration of
(in the Species... category) is the moles per unit volume of a species. Its unit quantity is concentration.
- Mole fraction of
(in the Species... category) is the number of moles of a species in one mole of the mixture.
- Mole fraction of Pollutant hcn, Mole fraction of Pollutant nh3, Mole fraction of Pollutant no, Mole fraction of Pollutant n2o
(in the NOx... category) are the number of moles of HCN,
, NO, and N 2 O in one mole of the mixture. The Mole fraction of Pollutant hcn and the Mole fraction of Pollutant nh3 will appear only if you are modeling fuel NOx. See Fuel NOx Formation in the Theory Guide for details.
- Mole fraction of soot
(in the Soot... category) is the number of moles of soot in one mole of the mixture.
- Molecular Prandtl Number
- Molecular Viscosity
(in the Properties... category) is the laminar viscosity of the fluid. Viscosity,
, is defined by the ratio of shear stress to the rate of shear. Its unit quantity is viscosity. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. For a granular phase, the molecular viscosity is multiplied by the granular volume fraction.
- Momentum Thickness Re (
(in the Turbulence... category) is based on the momentum thickness of the boundary layer. The SST transition model is considering a nonlocal empirical correlation for the value of
in the free-stream, based on turbulence intensity, pressure gradient, and so on, and a transport equation to allow the free-stream value to diffuse into the boundary layer.
- Multiphase Minimum Time Scale
(in the Velocity... category) is the minimum of all the selected and relevant time scales in the whole domain. Note that the final time-step size is estimated only from interfacial cells. This field variable is available for transient VOF cases that involve Multiphase Specific Time Stepping.
- nh3 Density, no Density, n2o Density
(in the NOx... category) are the mass per unit volume of NH 3, NO, and N 2 O. The unit quantity for each is density. The nh3 Density will appear only if you are modeling fuel NOx. See Fuel NOx Formation in the Theory Guide for details.
- NLBF Averaged Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the average temperature determined by the non-local boundary field (NLBF) model. This item is available when NLBF Model is enabled in the in the Boiling Model dialog box.
- Non-Equilibrium Parameter
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the Non-Equilibrium Parameter flow feature.
- Non-Equilibrium Thermal Model Source
(in the Temperature... category) is the scaled value of thermal conductivity for the fluid zone (
) or for the overlapping solid zone (
), where
is the porosity,
is the fluid phase thermal conductivity (including the turbulent contribution,
), and
is the solid medium thermal conductivity. These terms can be seen in Equation 7–14 and Equation 7–15.
See Non-Equilibrium Thermal Model Equations and Using the Non-Equilibrium Thermal Model for details about the non-equilibrium thermal model.
- Normal Optimal Displacement
(in the Sensitivities... category) shows the normal component of the optimal displacement computed from the adjoint design tool calculation. This field is defined only for portions of walls lying within the control-volume specified for morphing. A positive value of displacement indicates that the surface will be displaced into the flow domain, whereas a negative value of displacement corresponds to wall movement outwards from the flow domain. This field eliminates the component of the optimal displacement vector that lies in the plane of the wall.
- Normal Shape Sensitivity
(in the Sensitivities... category) shows the normal component of the shape sensitivity. A positive value indicates an orientation directed into the domain, while a negative value indicates that the shape sensitivity is oriented outwards from the domain. This field eliminates the component of the vector shape sensitivity field that lies in the plane of the wall.
- Normalized Concentration of Nuclei
(in the Soot... category) is the normalized soot particle number density.
- Normalized Soot Aggregation Moments
(in the Soot... category) is the normalized soot aggregate moments. This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- Normalized soot moments
(in the Soot... category) are the normalized soot moments. This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- NOx...
contains quantities related to the NOx model. See NOx Formation for details about this model.
- Optimal Displacement X-Component, Optimal Displacement Y-Component, Optimal Displacement Z-Component
(in the Sensitivities... category) are the individual components of the optimal displacement computed from the adjoint design tool calculation. These fields are defined only for portions of walls lying within the control-volume specified for morphing.
- Orthogonal Quality
(in the Mesh... category) is a measure of the quality of a mesh, and is computed as described in Mesh Quality. The worst cells will have an Orthogonal Quality closer to 0, with better cells closer to 1.
- Osmotic Drag
(in the Potential... category) is the third term in Equation 18–38 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Over Potential
(in the Potential... category) is the surface overpotential
in Equation 20–5 and Equation 20–6 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Overset Cell Type
(in the Cell Info... category) is an integer value indicating the overset cell type. Each cell can have one of the following values:
Cell Type
Integer Function Value
- Overset Donor Count
(in the Cell Info... category) shows the number of donor cells a receptor cell has for data interpolation. A value of zero indicates that the cell is not a receptor, or that the receptor cell is an orphan cell.
- Overset Donor Size Ratio
(in the Mesh... category) is the ratio of the donor cell volume (
) divided by its smallest receptor cell volume (
). This field variable allows you to determine if your donor cells are excessively large and so in need of refinement.
- Overset Receptor Count
(in the Cell Info... category) shows the number of receptor cells referencing a donor cell. A value of zero indicates that the cell is not a donor cell.
- Primary Particle Diameter
(in the Soot... category) is a soot primary particle diameter within soot aggregates. This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- Partition Boundary Cell Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is the smallest number of cells that must be traversed to reach the nearest partition (interface) boundary.
- Partition Neighbors
(in the Cell Info... category) is the number of adjacent partitions (that is, those that share at least one partition boundary face (interface)). It gives a measure of the number of messages that will have to be generated for parallel processing.
- Pdf...
contains quantities related to the non-premixed combustion model, which is described in Modeling Non-Premixed Combustion.
- PDF Table Adiabatic Enthalpy
is the adiabatic enthalpy corresponding to the cell value of mixture fraction. For single mixture fraction cases it is given by the following equation:
and for cases involving a secondary stream it is given by the following equation:
= mixture fraction
= secondary mixture fraction
= total enthalpy of the fuel stream
= total enthalpy of the secondary stream
= total enthalpy of the oxidizer stream
For adiabatic cases the PDF Table Adiabatic Enthalpy is equal to the value of Enthalpy. The unit of measurement is specific-energy.
- PDF Table Heat Loss/Gain
is given by the following equation:
if the cell enthalpy is less than the adiabatic enthalpy, and by the following equation:
if the cell enthalpy is higher than adiabatic
= total enthalpy
= the PDF Table Adiabatic Enthalpy
= the minimum Enthalpy defined in the PDF table
= the maximum Enthalpy defined in the PDF table
The PDF Table Heat Loss/Gain is dimensionless and ranges in value from -1, when
is equal to
, to +1, when
is equal to
. If H is equal to the adiabatic enthalpy it will be 0.
- Phases...
contains quantities for reporting the volume fraction of each phase. See Modeling Multiphase Flows for details.
- Pitchwise Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the normalized (dimensionless) coordinate in the circumferential (pitchwise) direction. Its value varies from
- Porous Deposition Rate of
(in the Species... category) is the amount of a surface species that is deposited on porous zones. Its unit quantity is mass-flux.
- Preconditioning Reference Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the reference velocity used in the coupled solver’s preconditioning algorithm. See Preconditioning in the Theory Guide for details.
- Premixed Combustion...
contains quantities related to the premixed combustion model, which is described in Modeling Premixed Combustion.
- Pressure...
includes quantities related to a normal force per unit area (the impact of the gas molecules on the surfaces of a control volume).
- Pressure Coefficient
(in the Pressure... category) is a dimensionless parameter defined by the equation
is the reference dynamic pressure defined by
. The reference pressure, density, and velocity are defined in the Reference Values Task Page.
- Pressure Discontinuity Sensor
(in the Pressure... category) is a binary identifier based on whether a cell is in proximity to a pressure discontinuity (in which case the value = 1) or not (value = 0). Note that this field variable will display only the strongest part of the shock front and not necessarily the entire shock system; often the shock runs longer than indicated. For details, see Enabling High-Speed Numerics.
- Pressure Hessian Indicator
(in the Derivatives... category) is an indicator of the solution error, as approximated from the Hessian (the matrix of second derivatives) of the pressure distribution. The error is expected to be higher in cells that have a higher value compared to other cells in the domain, and so this field variable may indicate where refinement is needed to increase accuracy. This indicator is used as part of the predefined criteria for adaption (under Aerodynamics... / Error-based / Pressure Hessian Indicator), as described in Aerodynamics Adaption. For further details on how the indicator is calculated, see the description of the Hessian approach in Approaches For Deriving Field Values.
- Pressure Spectrum Im n
(in the Acoustics... category) is the imaginary part of the complex Fourier amplitudes for Fourier mode n, as calculated by the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for details.
- Pressure Spectrum Re n
(in the Acoustics... category) is the real part of the complex Fourier amplitudes for Fourier mode n, as calculated by the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for details.
- Product Formation Rate
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the source term in the progress variable transport equation (
in Equation 8–72 in the Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is time-inverse.
- Production of k
(in the Turbulence... category) is the rate of production of turbulence kinetic energy (times density). Its unit quantity is turb-kinetic-energy-production. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Production of laminar k
(in the Turbulence... category) is the production of laminar kinetic energy used in the
transition model. See Transport Equations for the k-kl-ω Model in the Theory Guide for more details (Equation 4–150).
- Progress Variable
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is a normalized mass fraction of the combustion products (
) or unburnt mixture products (
), as defined by Equation 8–109 in the Theory Guide.
- Progress Variable Variance
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the variance of the reaction progress variable
that is solved in the partially-premixed combustion model.
- Properties...
includes material property quantities for fluids and solids.
- PSD of dp/dt for Octave Band at x Hz , PSD of dp/dt for 1/3-Octave Band at x Hz , PSD of dp/dt for Const Width Band n
(in the Acoustics... category) is the power spectral density of the flow pressure time derivative dp/dt. It is an integral value for the standard technical octave band (or the standard technical 1/3-octave band) at the central frequency x, or for the user-defined constant width band number n. These fields are calculated in the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for the workflow details, and Specifying a Function for the Y Axis for the calculation recipe of PSD for a frequency band. Note that the Fourier magnitude of an individual dp/dt harmonic at frequency f is computed based on the magnitude of the correspondent harmonic of pressure by multiplying it with 2π f.
- Q Criterion Normalized
(in the Velocity... category) is a postprocessing quantity used for visual inspection of turbulence structures. It is defined by the equation:
are reference length and velocity, defined in the Reference Values Task Page.
and the definitions of
in the following definition of Q Criterion Raw in Equation 42–32.
Note: In the TUI, Q Criterion Normalized is referred to as
.- Q Criterion Raw
(in the Velocity... category) is a postprocessing quantity used for visual inspection of turbulence structures. It is defined by the equation:
are norms of the vorticity and the strain rate tensors, respectively:
The definitions of Vorticity Magnitude and Strain Rate, which are provided separately in this list, are equivalent to the definitions of
Note: In the TUI, Q Criterion Raw is referred to as
.- Radial Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the length of the radius vector in the polar coordinate system. The radius vector is defined by a line segment between the node and the axis of rotation. You can define the rotational axis in the Fluid Dialog Box. (See also Velocity Reporting Options.) The unit quantity for Radial Coordinate is length.
- Radial Pull Velocity
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) is the radial-direction component of the pull velocity for the solid material in a continuous casting process. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Radial Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the component of velocity in the radial direction. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Radial Velocity is velocity. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Radial-Wall Shear Stress
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the radial component of the force per unit area acting tangential to the surface due to friction. Its unit quantity is that of pressure.
- Radiation...
includes quantities related to radiation heat transfer. See Modeling Radiation for details about the radiation models available in Ansys Fluent.
- Radiation Heat Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the rate of radiation heat transfer through the control surface. It is calculated by the solver according to the specified radiation model. Heat flux out of the domain is negative, and heat flux into the domain is positive. The unit quantity for Radiation Heat Flux is heat-flux.
- Radiation Intensity.Normalized Std Deviation
(in the Radiation... category) is the statistical standard deviation for the spherical mean radiation intensity.
- Radiation Temperature
(in the Radiation... category) is the quantity
, defined by
is the Incident Radiation. The unit quantity for Radiation Temperature is temperature.
- Rate of Coagulation
(in the Soot... category) is the rate of the coagulation of soot particles.
- Rate of NO
(in the NOx... category) is the overall rate of formation of NO due to all active NO formation pathways (for example, thermal, prompt, and so on).
- Rate of Nucleation
(in the Soot... category) is the rate of nucleation of the soot particles.
- Rate of Nuclei
(in the Soot... category) is the overall rate of formation of nuclei.
- Rate of N2OPath NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the N 2 O pathway only (only available when N 2 O pathway is active).
- Rate of Oxidation
(in the Soot... category) is the rate of oxidation of the soot particles.
- Rate of Prompt NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the prompt pathway only (only available when prompt pathway is active).
- Rate of Reburn NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the reburn pathway only (only available when reburn pathway is active).
- Rate of SNCR NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the SNCR pathway only (only available when SNCR pathway is active).
- Rate of Soot
(in the Soot... category) is the overall rate of formation of soot mass.
- Rate of Soot Mass Nucleation
(in the Soot... category) is the overall rate of soot nucleation.
- Rate of Surface Growth
(in the Soot... category) is the rate of the soot particle surface growth due to reactions at soot particle surface.
- Rate of Thermal NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the thermal pathway only (only available when thermal pathway is active).
- Rate of Fuel NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to the fuel pathway only (only available when fuel pathway is active).
- Rate of USER NO
(in the NOx... category) is the rate of formation of NO due to user defined rates only (only available when user-defined function rates are added).
- Rate of Reaction-n
(in the Reactions... category) is the effective rate of progress of
th reaction. For the finite-rate model, the value is the same as the Kinetic Rate of Reaction-n. For the eddy-dissipation model, the value is equivalent to the Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n. For the finite-rate/eddy-dissipation model, it is the lesser of the two.
For particle reactions it is the global rate of the particle reaction n expressed in kmol/s/m 3. This is computed as
is the rate of particle species depletion (or generation) given by Equation 7–102 in the Theory Guide,
is the particle species molecular weight, and
is the cell volume.
- Reactions...
includes quantities related to finite-rate reactions. See Modeling Species Transport and Finite-Rate Chemistry for information about modeling finite-rate reactions.
- Reactor Net Mass Fraction of
(in the Species... category) is the mass of a species per unit mass of the mixture in the reactor network.
- Reactor Net Temperature
(in the Species... category) is the computed temperature of the reactor network.
- Reactor Net Zone ID
(in the Species... category) a unique identifier associated with each reactor network.
- Reduced Temperature
(in the Properties... category) is the ratio
of the fluid temperature
divided by the critical temperature
. The reduced temperature
is available only with the Angier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model.
- Reduced Pressure
(in the Properties... category) is the ratio
of the fluid pressure
divided by the critical pressure
. The reduced pressure
is available only with the Angier-Redlich-Kwong real gas model.
- Reflected Radiation Flux (Band-n)
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of radiative heat flux reflected by a semi-transparent wall for a particular band of radiation. Its unit quantity is heat-flux.
- Reflected Visible Solar Flux, Reflected IR Solar Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of solar heat flux reflected by a semi-transparent wall or porous jump boundary for a visible or infrared (IR) radiation.
- Refractive Index
(in the Radiation... category) is a nondimensional parameter defined as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to that in a material. See Specular Semi-Transparent Walls in the Theory Guide for details.
- Relative Axial Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the axial-direction component of the velocity relative to the reference frame motion. See Velocity Reporting Options for details. The unit quantity for Relative Axial Velocity is velocity.
- Relative Humidity
(in the Species... category) is the ratio of the partial pressure of the water vapor actually present in an air-water mixture to the saturation pressure of water vapor at the mixture temperature. Ansys Fluent computes the saturation pressure,
, from the following equation [129]:
= 22.089 MPa
= 647.286 K
= 0.01 [1/K]
= 338.15 K
= dimensionless constants with the following values:
- Relative Mach Number
(in the Velocity... category) is the nondimensional ratio of the relative velocity and speed of sound.
- Relative Radial Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the radial-direction component of the velocity relative to the reference frame motion. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Relative Radial Velocity is velocity.
- Relative Swirl Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the tangential-direction component of the velocity relative to the reference frame motion, in an axisymmetric swirling flow. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Relative Swirl Velocity is velocity.
- Relative Tangential Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the tangential-direction component of the velocity relative to the reference frame motion. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Relative Tangential Velocity is velocity.
- Relative Total Enthalpy
(in the Temperature... category) is defined as
is enthalpy and
is the relative velocity magnitude.
- Relative Total Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is the stagnation pressure computed using relative velocities instead of absolute velocities; that is, for incompressible flows the dynamic pressure would be computed using the relative velocities. (See Velocity Reporting Options for more information about relative velocities.) The unit quantity for Relative Total Pressure is pressure.
- Relative Total Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the stagnation temperature computed using relative velocities instead of absolute velocities. (See Velocity Reporting Options for more information about relative velocities.) The unit quantity for Relative Total Temperature is temperature.
- Relative Velocity Angle
(in the Velocity... category) is similar to the Velocity Angle except that it uses the relative tangential velocity, and is defined as
Its unit quantity is angle.
- Relative Velocity Magnitude
(in the Velocity... category) is the magnitude of the relative velocity vector instead of the absolute velocity vector. The relative velocity (
) is the difference between the absolute velocity (
) and the mesh velocity. For simple rotation, the relative velocity is defined as
is the angular velocity of a moving reference frame about the origin and
is the position vector. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Relative Velocity Magnitude is velocity.
- Relative X Velocity, Relative Y Velocity, Relative Z Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) are the
-, and
-direction components of the velocity relative to the reference frame motion. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for these variables is velocity.
- Relaxation Time
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the characteristic time it takes for a particle to reach a steady state. It is calculated as:
= relaxation time of dispersed phase
= density of dispersed phase
= diameter of dispersed phase
= viscosity of continuous phase
This item is available only for mixture multiphase cases with the flow regime modeling.
- Rescaled Schlieren
(in the Density... category) is defined as:
is density. Plots or reports of Rescaled Schlieren include only fluid cell zones. The unit quantity for Rescaled Schlieren is length-inverse.
- Rescaled Streamwise Schlieren
(in the Density... category) is defined as:
is density and
is velocity. The term
provides directional information on the density gradient.
yields a positive value in the shock and a negative value in the expansion fan. Therefore, shocks and expansions can be differentiated using the Rescaled Streamwise Schlieren definition. Plots or reports of Rescaled Streamwise Schlieren include only fluid cell zones. The unit quantity for Rescaled Streamwise Schlieren is length-inverse.
- Residuals...
contains different quantities for the pressure-based and density-based solvers:
For the density-based solver, by default only the Time Step is available. If you enable the retention of cell residuals (as described in Postprocessing Residual Values), this category also includes the residuals of the continuity, momentum, and energy conservation equations. The displayed residuals are defined as the rate of change of the conserved quantity (as described in Monitoring Residuals). They are computed as the summation of the Euler, viscous, and dissipation fluxes divided by the local cell volume. Note that the residuals that are made available for postprocessing are the unscaled values.
For the pressure-based solver, only the Mass Imbalance in each cell is reported (unless you have requested others, as described in Postprocessing Residual Values). At convergence, this quantity should be small compared to the average mass flow rate.
- Reverse Reaction Rate of
PDF scalar-n
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the rate of consumption of
due to reverse reactions for scalarin kg/m 3 /s (
in Equation 8–122 in the Fluent Theory Guide). (The name of the PDF scalar will replace
PDF scalar-n
in Reverse Reaction Rate ofPDF scalar-n
.)- RMS (
) Mass Fraction (in the Species... category) is the root mean square value of the mass of a species per unit mass of the mixture.
- RMSE n
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the root mean squared error value of a solution variable n (for example, Static Pressure ). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
- RMSE- cff_n
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the root mean squared error value of a custom field function cff_n (for example, uns-custom-function-0). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
(in the Steady Statistics... or Unsteady Statistics... category) is the root mean square value of a discrete phase variable n (for example, Volume Fraction). See Performing Steady-State Calculations and Postprocessing for Time-Dependent Problems for details.
- RMS of Temperature
(in the NOx... category) is the root-mean-square (RMS) of the normalized temperature in the flow field. It is calculated from Equation 9–113 in the Theory Guide.
- Rothalpy
(in the Temperature... category) is defined as
is the enthalpy,
is the relative velocity magnitude, and
is the magnitude of the rotational velocity
- Saturation Temperature
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the saturation temperature of the boiling mass transfer mechanism. This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Saturation Temperature
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the saturation temperature of the
th mass transfer mechanism that you defined. This item is available only for the evaporation-condensation model. See Including Semi-Mechanistic Boiling for more information about the semi-mechanistic boiling model.-
Saturation Vapor Pressure
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the saturation vapor pressure for the
th cavitation mass-transfer mechanism that you defined.- Scalar-n
(in the User Defined Scalars... category) is the value of the
th scalar quantity you have defined as a user-defined scalar. See the Fluent Customization Manual for more information about user-defined scalars.
- Scalar Dissipation
(in the Pdf... category) is one of two parameters that describes the species mass fraction and temperature for a laminar flamelet in mixture fraction spaces. It is defined as
is the mixture fraction and
is a representative diffusion coefficient (see The Flamelet Concept in the Theory Guide for details). Its unit quantity is time-inverse.
- Scalar Mass Fraction of
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the mass fraction of the
in the PDF mixture that is solved as a transported scalar in the partially-premixed FGM model. (The name of the species will replacespecies-n
in Scalar Mass Fraction ofspecies-n
).- Scattering Coefficient
(in the Radiation... category) is the property of a medium that describes the amount of scattering of thermal radiation per unit path length for propagation in the medium. It can be interpreted as the inverse of the mean free path that a photon will travel before undergoing scattering (if the scattering coefficient does not vary along the path). The unit quantity for Scattering Coefficient is length-inverse.
- Schlieren
(in the Density... category) is defined as:
is density. Plots or reports of Schlieren include only fluid cell zones. The unit quantity for Schlieren is density-gradient.
- Second Invariant
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the Second Invariant flow feature.
- Secondary Mean Mixture Fraction
(in the Pdf... category) is the mean ratio of the secondary stream mass fraction to the sum of the fuel, secondary stream, and oxidant mass fractions. It is the secondary-stream conserved scalar that is calculated by the non-premixed combustion model. See Definition of the Mixture Fraction in the Theory Guide.
- Secondary Mixture Fraction Variance
(in the Pdf... category) is the variance of the secondary stream mixture fraction that is solved for in the non-premixed combustion model. See Definition of the Mixture Fraction in the Theory Guide.
- SEI Formation Reaction Rate
(in the Lithium... category) is the SEI layer formation reaction rate at the anode during battery charging. The unit quantity is A/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- SEI Mass
(in the Lithium... category) is the accumulated SEI mass due to the SEI reaction. The unit quantity is kg/m2. This item is available when the physics-battery aging model is enabled.
- Sensible Enthalpy
(in the Temperature... category) is available when any of the species models are active and displays only the thermal (sensible) enthalpy.
- Sensitivity to Body Force X-Component (Cell Values), Sensitivity to Body Force Y-Component (Cell Values), and Sensitivity to Body Force Z-Component (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) are the components of the adjoint velocity primitive field. These fields can be interpreted as the magnitude of the sensitivity of the observable to components of a body force per unit volume. Consider a body force distribution, expressed as a force per unit volume. The volume integral of the vector product of that distribution with the components of this field gives a first-order estimate of the net effect of the body force on the observation.
- Sensitivity to Boundary Heat Flux
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the energy adjoint equation is solved and is defined on walls where a heat flux boundary condition is imposed. The field shows the sensitivity of the observation of interest to variations in the boundary heat flux through the wall. Its properties are analogous to those of Sensitivity to Boundary Temperature.
- Sensitivity to Boundary Pressure
(in the Sensitivities... category) is defined on boundaries where there is a user-specified pressure as part of a boundary condition, such as on a pressure outlet. The field shows the sensitivity of the observation of interest to variations in the boundary pressure across the flow boundary. It is interesting to note that even though the original boundary condition specification may be for a uniform pressure on the domain boundary, the effect of a non-uniform pressure perturbation is available, The effect of any specific boundary pressure change can be estimated as an integral of the product of the change to the pressure with the plotted sensitivity field. Viewing this field will also indicate whether or not the assumption of a uniform pressure is adequate for the simulation.
- Sensitivity to Boundary Temperature
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the energy adjoint equation is solved and is defined on boundaries where a temperature boundary condition is applied. This includes walls, velocity inlets, mass-flow inlets, pressure inlets, and pressure outlets where a backflow temperature may be specified. The field shows the sensitivity of the observation of interest to variations in the boundary temperature across the boundaries. Note that even if the original boundary condition specification is for a uniform temperature on the boundary, the effect of a non-uniform temperature perturbation is available. The effect of any specific boundary temperature change can be estimated as an integral of the product of the change to the temperature with the plotted sensitivity field. This field can be used to indicate whether or not the assumption of a uniform temperature is adequate for the simulation.
- Sensitivity to Boundary X-Velocity, Sensitivity to Boundary Y-Velocity, and Sensitivity to Boundary Z-Velocity
(in the Sensitivities... category) are defined on those boundaries where a user-specification of a boundary velocity is made for the original flow calculation. This includes no-slip walls. The field shows how sensitive the observable of interest is to changes in the boundary velocity at any point. It is interesting to note that even though the original boundary condition specification may be for a uniform velocity on the domain boundary, the effect of a non-uniform velocity perturbation is available, The effect of any specific boundary velocity change can be estimated as an integral of the vector product of the change to the velocity with the plotted sensitivity field. A plot of this quantity on a velocity inlet, for example, can be very useful for assessing whether or not the inlet is positioned too close to key parts of the system. That is, it addresses the question of whether or not the flow domain is too small to achieve a successful computation of the performance measure of interest. Viewing this field will also indicate whether or not the assumption of a uniform inflow is adequate.
- Sensitivity to CCURV
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved for a case in which the Curvature Correction option is enabled in the Viscous Model dialog box. It is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the curvature correction parameter, CCURV, which is used to optimize the strength of the curvature correction if needed for a specific flow.
- Sensitivity to Energy Sources (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the energy adjoint equation is solved and is the primitive adjoint temperature field. It can be interpreted as the sensitivity of the observable with respect to thermal energy sources or sinks per unit volume in the domain.
- Sensitivity to Flow Blockage
(in the Sensitivities... category) is provided as a convenient tool for identifying portions of the flow domain where the introduction of blockages or obstructions in the flow can affect the observation of interest. Consider a blockage in the flow that generates a reaction force on the flow that is proportional to the local flow speed, and acting in the opposite direction to the local flow:
is a local coefficient for the reaction force. The local contribution of this force on the observation of interest is determined by the vector product of this force with the adjoint velocity field. The flow blockage field that is plotted is
, namely the negative of the vector product of the flow velocity and the adjoint velocity (Cell Value).
- Sensitivity to GEKO Blending Function
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the blending function,
, which is used to deactivate GEKO parameters inside boundary layers.
- Sensitivity to GEKO CMIX
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the
parameter, which is used to optimize strength of mixing in free shear flows.
- Sensitivity to GEKO CNW
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the
parameter, which is used to optimize flow in non-equilibrium near wall regions (such as heat transfer or
- Sensitivity to GEKO CSEP
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the
parameter, which is used to optimize flow separation from smooth surfaces.
- Sensitivity to Mass Sources (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) is the primitive adjoint pressure field. This field can be interpreted as the sensitivity of the observable with respect to mass sources or sinks in the domain. Consider a mass source / sink distribution, expressed as mass flow rate per unit volume. The volume integral of that distribution, weighted by the local value of this field, gives the effect of the sources / sinks on the observation. When plotted on a boundary, this field indicates the effect of the addition or removal of fluid from the domain upon the quantity of interest. It is important to note that in this scenario the effect of the momentum of the fluid that is added or removed is not taken into account. The boundary velocity sensitivity should be plotted if that effect is also of interest.
- Sensitivity to Specific Dissipation Rate Sources (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the specific dissipation rate (
) sources per unit volume in the domain.
- Sensitivity to Turbulent Kinetic Energy Sources (Cell Values)
(in the Sensitivities... category) is available when the turbulence adjoint equations are solved and is the sensitivity of the observable with respect to the turbulent kinetic energy (
) sources per unit volume in the domain.
- Sensitivity to Viscosity
(in the Sensitivities... category) shows the sensitivity of the quantity of interest to variations in the turbulent effective viscosity for a turbulent problem, or the laminar viscosity in a laminar case. The sensitivity is normalized by the cell volume to account for cell size variations in the mesh.
- Shape Sensitivity Magnitude
(in the Sensitivities... category) is the magnitude of the sensitivity of the observable with respect to a deformation applied to the mesh (both boundary and interior mesh). When plotted on the surface of a body the locations where this quantity is large indicates where small changes to the surface shape can have a large effect on the observable of interest. If the shape sensitivity magnitude is small then the effect of shape changes in this region can be expected to have a small effect on the observable of interest. When viewing this field, it is often observed that the magnitude varies by many orders of magnitude. Contour plots will clearly draw attention to regions with the highest sensitivity (often sharp edges and corners). However, it should be remembered that a relatively small surface movement that is distributed over a large area can have a cumulative effect that is large.
- Shape Sensitivity X Component, Shape Sensitivity Y Component, and Shape Sensitivity Z Component
(in the Sensitivities... category) are the individual components of the sensitivity of the observable of interest with respect to the mesh node locations. It is plotted as cell data and is computed as the average of the nodal sensitivities for a given cell, divided by the cell volume. Note that for this discrete adjoint solver the sensitivity of the result with respect to node locations both on and off boundaries is computed. The normalization by cell volume indicates that the fields that are plotted are the weighting factors for a continuous spatial deformation field. (Note that the nodal sensitivity data itself is used when mesh morphing is performed, and predictions about the effect of shape changes are made.)
- Shielding Function for SBES or SDES
(in the Turbulence... category) is the shielding function
used as part of the Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation turbulence model and the Shielded Detached Eddy Simulation turbulence model. For details, see Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) and Shielded Detached Eddy Simulation (SDES) in the Fluent Theory Guide, as well as Including the SDES or SBES Model with RANS Models.
- Sigma XX, Sigma YY, Sigma XY, Sigma ZZ, Sigma YZ, Sigma XZ
(in the Structure... category) are the components of the stress tensor. These variables are intended only for solid zones and/or their adjacent walls in intrinsic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations.
- Skin Friction Coefficient
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is a nondimensional parameter defined as the ratio of the wall shear stress and the reference dynamic pressure
is the wall shear stress, and
are the reference density and velocity defined in the Reference Values Task Page. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Slip X-velocity, Slip Y-velocity, Slip Z-velocity
(in the Phase Interaction... category) are the
, and
components of the slip velocity vector, which is the difference between velocity vectors of phases
Each component of the slip velocity can be postprocessed separately for each phase pair. This item is available only for mixture multiphase cases with the flow regime modeling. For further details, see Flow Regime Modeling in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- SMB Nucleate Boiling Heat Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the nucleate boiling phase heat flux in the semi-mechanistic boiling model. This item is available only when Semi-Mechanistic is selected as the Boiling Model in the Evaporation-Condensation Model dialog box.
- SMB Single Phase Heat Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the single phase heat flux in the semi-mechanistic boiling model. This item is available only when Semi-Mechanistic is selected as the Boiling Model in the Evaporation-Condensation Model dialog box.
- Smoothed VOF Gradient-dX, Smoothed VOF Gradient-dY, Smoothed VOF Gradient-dY
(in the Phases... category) are the components of the volume fraction gradient based on the smoothed volume fraction field. These variables are only available when you enable Surface Tension Force Modeling in the Multiphase Model dialog box (Phase Interaction > Forces tab).
- Smooth VOF Gradient Magnitude
(in the Phases... category) is the magnitude of the smoothed volume fraction gradient. This variable is only available when you enable Surface Tension Force Modeling in the Multiphase Model dialog box (Phase Interaction > Forces tab).
- Solar Heat Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the rate of solar heat transfer through the control surface. Heat flux out of the domain is negative and heat flux into the domain is positive.
- Solidification/Melting...
contains quantities related to solidification and melting.
- Solution and Cell Quality Measure
(in the Mesh... category) is a measure that indicates the cells that have poor mesh numerics applied to them when the solution and cell quality criterion is enabled; after an iteration is calculated, cells with a criterion value below the threshold (that is, poor cells) and their neighboring cells are assigned a value of 1, whereas all other cells (that is, good cells) are assigned a value of 0.
- Soot...
contains quantities related to the Soot model, which is described in Soot Formation.
- Soot Density
(in the Soot... category) is the mass per unit volume of soot. The unit quantity is density. See Fuel NOx Formation in the Theory Guide for details.
- Soot Mean Diameter
(in the Soot... category) is the average diameter of the soot particles. This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- Soot Surface Area
(in the Soot... category) is the total surface area of the soot particles. This quantity is available only with the Method of Moments model.
- Soot Volume fraction
- Sound Speed
(in the Properties... category) is the acoustic speed. It is computed from
. Its unit quantity is velocity.
Important: Note that for the real gas models the sound speed is computed accordingly by the appropriate equation of state formulation.
- Sound dP/dt
(in the Acoustics... category) is the time derivative of the Sound Pressure. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used. Its unit quantity is pressure divided by time.
- Sound Pressure
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic pressure, resulting from the acoustics wave equation. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used. Its unit quantity is pressure.
- Sound Potential
(in the Acoustics... category) is the acoustic potential, which is a potential of the acoustics particle velocity, resulting from the acoustics wave equation. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used. Its unit quantity is velocity times length.
- Sound Sponge Layer Marker
(in the Acoustics... category) is the marker showing a sponge region of the acoustics wave equation. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used.
- Sound WaveEq Model Source
(in the Acoustics... category) is the original model source term of the acoustics wave equation, before the application of the time filter. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used. Its unit quantity is square of velocity divided by time.
- Sound WaveEq Model Source Mask
(in the Acoustics... category) is the marker showing a masking region of the model source term of the acoustics wave equation. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used.
- Sound WaveEq Model Source Smoothed
(in the Acoustics... category) is the model source term of the acoustics wave equation, smoothed by the time filter. It is available only when the acoustics wave equation model is used. Its unit quantity is square of velocity divided by time.
- Spanwise Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) is the normalized (dimensionless) coordinate in the spanwise direction, from hub to casing. Its value varies from
Source Term (in the Species... category) is the source term in each of the species transport equations due to reactions. The unit quantity is always kg/m 3 -s.
- Species...
includes quantities related to species transport and reactions.
- Specific Dissipation Rate (Omega)
(in the Turbulence... category) is the rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy in unit volume and time. Its unit quantity is time-inverse.
- Specific Heat (Cp)
(in the Properties... category) is the thermodynamic property of specific heat at constant pressure. It is defined as the rate of change of enthalpy with temperature while pressure is held constant. Its unit quantity is specific-heat.
- Specific Heat Ratio (gamma)
(in the Properties... category) is the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume.
- Spinodal Temperature
(in the Properties... category) is the temperature of the gas phase at which the derivative of pressure with respect to molar volume becomes positive. The spinodal temperature defines the point beyond which the equation of state is no longer valid. If the temperature of your case approaches the spinodal temperature in some regions, this indicates that the flow conditions in these regions probably fall inside the saturation dome. The Spinodal Temperature is available only with the Cubic Equation of State Real Gas models.
- SPL for Octave Band at x Hz (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the surface pressure level (in decibels) of the standard technical octave band at the octave central frequency x, as calculated by the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for details. Note that the transformation to the decibel units is done by default using the standard acoustic reference pressure value of 2 x 10 -5 Pa; you can change this value using the Acoustics Model Dialog Box.
- SPL for 1/3-Octave Band at x Hz (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the surface pressure level (in decibels) of the standard technical 1/3-octave band at the 1/3-octave central frequency x, as calculated by the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for details. Note that the transformation to the decibel units is done by default using the standard acoustic reference pressure value of 2 x 10 -5 Pa; you can change this value using the Acoustics Model Dialog Box.
- SPL for Const Width Band n (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the surface pressure level (in decibels) of the user-defined constant band n, as calculated by the Acoustic Sources FFT Dialog Box. See FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure Spectra for details. Note that the transformation to the decibel units is done by default using the standard acoustic reference pressure value of 2 x 10 -5 Pa; you can change this value using the Acoustics Model Dialog Box.
- Sponge Blending Function
(in the Mesh... category) shows how a blending function changes across a sponge layer, where a value of 0 means the solver density is used and a value of 1 means the far-field value is used. For details on sponge layers, see Sponge Layers.
- Sponge Layer Distance
(in the Mesh... category) is the distance from each cell inside a sponge layer to the interior boundary of a sponge layer. It changes linearly from 0 at the interior boundary to the thickness value of the sponge layer at the boundary zone. For details on sponge layers, see Sponge Layers.
- Static Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is the static pressure of the fluid. It is a gauge pressure expressed relative to the prescribed operating pressure. The absolute pressure is the sum of the Static Pressure and the operating pressure. Its unit quantity is pressure.
- Static Temperature
(in the Temperature... and Premixed Combustion... categories) is the temperature in the fluid / solid. Its unit quantity is temperature. For a wall or shadow wall surface, the Static Temperature is the temperature of the adjacent fluid / solid cells; for a shell surface (see Postprocessing Shells), it is the temperature of the shell layer cells on the c0 side (that is, the side closer to the associated wall surface).
Note that Static Temperature will appear in the Premixed Combustion... category only for adiabatic premixed combustion calculations. See Postprocessing for Premixed Combustion Calculations.
- Steady Statistics...
includes mean and root mean square error (RMSE) values of solution variables and custom field functions derived from steady state flow calculations (with Data Sampling for Steady Statistics enabled).
- Stored Cell Partition
(in the Cell Info... category) is an integer identifier designating the partition to which a particular cell belongs. In problems in which the mesh is divided into multiple partitions to be solved on multiple processors using the parallel version of Ansys Fluent, the partition ID can be used to determine the extent of the various groups of cells. The active cell partition is used for the current calculation, while the stored cell partition (the last partition performed) is used when you save a case file. See Partitioning the Mesh Manually and Balancing the Load for more information.
- Strain Rate
(in the Derivatives... category) relates shear stress to the viscosity. Also called the shear rate (
in Equation 8–36), the strain rate is related to the second invariant of the rate-of-deformation tensor
. Its unit quantity is time-inverse. In 3D Cartesian coordinates, the strain rate,
, is defined as
For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Strained Laminar Flame Speed
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the speed of the strained laminar flame inside the domain. The strained laminar flame speed is stored as a function of mixture fraction and strain rate. This item is available only for the partially-premixed FGM model. See Modeling Strained Laminar Flame Speed for more information.
- Stream Function
(in the Velocity... category) is formulated as a relation between the streamlines and the statement of conservation of mass. A streamline is a line that is tangent to the velocity vector of the flowing fluid. For a 2D planar flow, the stream function,
, is defined such that
constant values of stream function defining two streamlines is the mass rate of flow between the streamlines.
The accuracy of the stream function calculation is determined by the text command
.- Stretch Factor
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is a nondimensional parameter that is defined as the probability of unquenched flamelets (
in Equation 8–85 in the Theory Guide).
- Subcritical Condition
(in the Properties... category) has a value of 1 if the flow condition is subcritical and 0 if the flow condition is supercritical and is available with the Cubic Equation of State Real Gas models.
- Subgrid Dissipation Rate
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulence dissipation rate of the unresolved eddies,
, only active for the LES and Kinetic Energy Subgrid-Scale Model. It is defined as
Its unit quantity is turbulent-energy-diss-rate.
- Subgrid Dynamic Prandtl Number
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the calculation of the subgrid-scale turbulent flux of a scalar
. See Equation 4–304 in Subgrid-Scale Models in the Theory Guide.
- Subgrid Dynamic Sc of Species
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the calculation of the subgrid-scale turbulent flux for Species (see Subgrid Dynamic Prandtl Number).
- Subgrid Dynamic Viscosity Const
(in the Turbulence... category) is the Smagorinsky model constant as determined by the dynamic procedure described in Dynamic Smagorinsky-Lilly Model in the Theory Guide). Additional information with respect to the Embedded LES (E-LES) model can be found in Postprocessing for Turbulent Flows.
- Subgrid Filter Length
(in the Turbulence... category) is a mixing length for subgrid scales of the LES turbulence model (defined as
in Equation 4–307 in the Theory Guide).
- Subgrid Kinetic Energy
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass of the unresolved eddies,
, calculated using a transport equation, only active for the LES and Kinetic Energy Subgrid-Scale Model. It is defined as
Additional information with respect to the Embedded LES (E-LES) model can be found in Postprocessing for Turbulent Flows. Its unit quantity is turbulent-kinetic-energy.
- Subgrid Test–Filter Length
(in the Turbulence... category) is the test filter width
described in Dynamic Smagorinsky-Lilly Model in the Theory Guide). Additional information with respect to the Embedded LES (E-LES) model can be found in Postprocessing for Turbulent Flows.
- Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulent (dynamic) viscosity of the fluid calculated using the LES turbulence model. It expresses the proportionality between the anisotropic part of the subgrid-scale stress tensor and the rate-of-strain tensor. (See Equation 4–298 in the Theory Guide.) Its unit quantity is viscosity.
- Subgrid Turbulent Viscosity Ratio
(in the Turbulence... category) is the ratio of the subgrid turbulent viscosity of the fluid to the laminar viscosity, calculated using the LES turbulence model.
- Subtest Kinetic Energy
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulence kinetic energy of filtered eddies,
, only active for the LES and Kinetic Energy Subgrid-Scale Model. It is defined as
being the normal components of the Leonard stress.
Its unit quantity is turbulent-kinetic-energy
- Surface Acoustic Power
(in the Acoustics... category) is the Acoustic Power per unit area generated by boundary layer turbulence (see Equation 11–37 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used. Its unit quantity is power per area.
- Surface Acoustic Power Level (dB)
(in the Acoustics... category) is the Acoustic Power per unit area generated by boundary layer turbulence, and represented in dB (see Equation 11–37 in the Theory Guide). It is available only when the Broadband Noise Sources acoustics model is being used.
- Surface Cluster ID
(in the Radiation... category) is used to view the distribution of surface clusters in the domain. Each cluster has a unique integer number (ID) associated with it.
- Surface Corrosion Rate of
(in the Species... category) is the rate of
th solid species consumption/deposition. A positive value indicates corrosion of the solid species on the interface, and a negative value indicates deposition of the solid species.
- Surface Coverage of
(in the Species... category) is the amount of a surface species that is deposited on the substrate at a specific point in time.
- Surface Deposition Rate of
(in the Species... category) is the amount of a surface species that is deposited on the substrate. Its unit quantity is mass-flux.
- Surface dpdt RMS, definition
(in the Acoustics... category) is the RMS value of the time-derivative of static pressure (
). It is available when the Ffowcs-Williams & Hawkings acoustics model is being used.
- Surface Heat Transfer Coef.
(in the Wall Fluxes... category), as defined in Ansys Fluent, is given by the equation
is the reference temperature defined in the Reference Values Task Page. Note that
is a constant value that should be representative of the problem. Its unit quantity is the heat-transfer- coefficient.
- Surface Incident Radiation
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the net incoming radiation heat flux on a surface. Its unit quantity is heat-flux.
- Surface Nusselt Number
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is a local nondimensional coefficient of heat transfer defined by the equation
- Surface Stanton Number
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is a nondimensional coefficient of heat transfer defined by the equation
are reference values of density and velocity defined in the Reference Values Task Page, and
is the specific heat at constant pressure.
- Swirl Pull Velocity
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) is the tangential-direction component of the pull velocity for the solid material in a continuous casting process. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Swirl Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the tangential-direction component of the velocity in an axisymmetric swirling flow. See Velocity Reporting Options for details. The unit quantity for Swirl Velocity is velocity. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Swirl-Wall Shear Stress
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the swirl component of the force per unit area acting tangential to the surface due to friction. Its unit quantity is that of pressure.
- Tagged Face
(in the Perforated Walls... category) shows the tagged faces where the injection or extraction conditions are applied. A value of 1 indicates an injection face. A value of -1 indicates an extraction face.
- Tangential Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) is the velocity component in the tangential direction. (See Velocity Reporting Options for details.) The unit quantity for Tangential Velocity is velocity.
- Temperature...
indicates the quantities associated with the thermodynamic temperature of a material.
- Thermal Conductivity
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate through a material via Fourier’s law (
). A large thermal conductivity is associated with a good heat conductor and a small thermal conductivity with a poor heat conductor (good insulator). Its unit quantity is thermal-conductivity. Note that when postprocessing solid material properties, the Thermal Conductivity will be displayed as zero if an anisotropic thermal conductivity model is being used for a solid material.
- Thermal Conductivity XX
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (XX in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity XY
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (XY in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity XZ
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (XZ in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity YX
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (YX in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity YY
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (YY in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity YZ
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (YZ in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity ZX
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (ZX in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity ZY
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (ZY in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Conductivity ZZ
(in the Properties... category) is a parameter (
) that defines the conduction rate in the
components (ZZ in the global reference frame) of the thermal conductivity of a material via Fourier’s law (
). The components of thermal conductivity are only available when anisotropic or orthotropic is selected as the method for specifying Thermal Conductivity for one or more materials in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.
- Thermal Diff Coef of
(in the Species... category) is the thermal diffusion coefficient for the
th species (
in Equation 7–2, Equation 7–4, and Equation 7–8 in the Fluent Theory Guide). Its unit quantity is viscosity.
- Third Invariant
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the Third Invariant flow feature.
- Time Step
(in the Residuals... category) is the local time step size of the cell,
, at the current iteration level. Its unit quantity is time.
- Time Step Scale
(in the Species... category) is the factor by which the time step is reduced for the stiff chemistry solver (available in the density-based solver only). The time step is scaled down based on an eigenvalue and positivity analysis.
- Total Echem Heat Source
(in the Potential... category) is the summation of the Joule and Faradaic heat sources. The total heat source due to electrochemical chemical reactions is added to the energy equation.
- Total Energy
(in the Temperature... category) is the total energy per unit mass. Its unit quantity is specific-energy. For all species models, plots of Total Energy include the sensible, chemical and kinetic energies. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Total Enthalpy
(in the Temperature... category) is defined as
is the Enthalpy, as defined in Equation 5–8 in the Theory Guide, and
is the velocity magnitude. Its unit quantity is specific-energy. For all species models, plots of Total Enthalpy consist of the sensible, chemical and kinetic energies. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Total Enthalpy Deviation
(in the Temperature... category) is the difference between Total Enthalpy and the reference enthalpy,
, where
is the reference enthalpy defined in the Reference Values Task Page. However, for non-premixed and partially premixed models, Total Enthalpy Deviation is the difference between Total Enthalpy and total adiabatic enthalpy (total enthalpy where no heat loss or gain occurs). The unit quantity for Total Enthalpy Deviation is specific-energy. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Total Pressure
(in the Pressure... category) is the pressure at the thermodynamic state that would exist if the fluid were brought to zero velocity and zero potential. For compressible flows, the total pressure is computed using isentropic relationships. For constant
, this reduces to:
For incompressible flows (constant density fluid), we use Bernoulli’s equation,
, where
is the local dynamic pressure. Its unit quantity is pressure.
Important: Note that in the postprocessing, the total pressure is presented as gauge pressure, for compressible and incompressible flows. If the total absolute pressure is needed, then add the value of the reference pressure to the total gauge pressure.
- Total Surface Corrosion Rate
(in the Potential... category) is the total rate of solid species consumption/deposition. A positive value indicates corrosion of the solid species on the interface, and a negative value indicates deposition of the solid species. It’s computed as the sum of the surface corrosion rates ( Surface Corrosion Rates of
reported under the Species category) of all species.- Total Surface Heat Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the rate of total heat transfer through the control surface. It is calculated by the solver according to the boundary conditions being applied at that surface. By definition, heat flux out of the domain is negative, and heat flux into the domain is positive. The unit quantity for Total Surface Heat Flux is heat-flux.
- Total Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the temperature at the thermodynamic state that would exist if the fluid were brought to zero velocity. For compressible flows, the total temperature is computed from the total enthalpy using the current
method (specified in the Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box). For the Two-Temperature model, local thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed when computing the total temperature from the total enthalpy. For incompressible flows, the total temperature is equal to the static temperature, unless kinetic energy is explicitly added. For solid zones, the total temperature is equal to the static temperature. The unit quantity for Total Temperature is temperature.
- Transfer Current
(in the Potential... category) is the volumetric transfer current
in Equation 20–5 and Equation 20–6 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Translational-Rotational Energy
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the sum of the translational and rotational energy (
in Equation 5–38 in the Fluent Theory Guide).
- Translational-Rotational over Vibrational-Electronic Temperature:
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the ratio of translational-rotational temperature over vibrational-electronic temperature.
- Translational-Rotational Temperature
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is
in Equation 5–23 in the Fluent Theory Guide. It is equivalent to the Static Temperature field under the Temperature... category.
- Transmitted Radiation Flux (Band-n)
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of radiative heat flux transmitted by a semi-transparent wall for a particular band of radiation. Its unit quantity is heat-flux.
- Transmitted Visible Solar Flux, Transmitted IR Solar Flux
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the amount of solar heat flux transmitted by a semi-transparent wall or porous jump boundary for a visible or infrared radiation.
- Turbulence...
includes quantities related to turbulence. See Modeling Turbulence for information about the turbulence models available in Ansys Fluent.
- Turbulence Intensity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the ratio of the magnitude of the RMS turbulent fluctuations to the reference velocity:
is the turbulence kinetic energy and
is the reference velocity specified in the Reference Values Task Page. The reference value specified should be the mean velocity magnitude for the flow. Note that turbulence intensity can be defined in different ways, so you may want to use a custom field function for its definition. See Custom Field Functions for more information.
- Turbulent Dissipation Rate (Epsilon)
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulent dissipation rate. Its unit quantity is turbulent-energy-diss-rate. This quantity is available for the k-epsilon and k-omega based turbulence models, where the epsilon/omega relationship is defined as
For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Turbulent Flame Speed
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the turbulent flame speed computed by Ansys Fluent using Equation 8–79 in the Theory Guide. Its unit quantity is velocity.
- Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k)
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass defined as
- Turbulent Rate of Reaction-n
(in the Reactions... category) is the rate of progress of the
th reaction computed by Equation 7–39 or Equation 7–40 (in the Theory Guide). For the “eddy-dissipation” model, the value is the same as the Rate of Reaction-n. For the “finite-rate” model, the value is zero.
- Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_y)
(in the Turbulence... category) is a nondimensional quantity defined as
is turbulence kinetic energy,
is the distance to the nearest wall, and
is the laminar viscosity.
- Turbulent Reynolds Number (Re_t)
(in the Turbulence... category) is a nondimensional quantity defined as
- Turbulent Reynolds Number (Scaled)
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the scaled turbulent reynolds number flow feature.
- Turbulent Viscosity
(in the Turbulence... category) is the turbulent viscosity of the fluid computed using the turbulence model. Its unit quantity is viscosity. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. Additional information with respect to the Embedded LES (E-LES) model can be found in Postprocessing for Turbulent Flows.
- Turbulent Viscosity (large-scale)
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the
transition model.See Transport Equations for the k-kl-ω Model in the Theory Guide for more details (Equation 4–151).
- Turbulent Viscosity (small-scale)
(in the Turbulence... category) is used in the
transition model. See Transport Equations for the k-kl-ω Model in the Theory Guide for more details (Equation 4–145).
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio
(in the Turbulence... category) is the ratio of turbulent viscosity to the laminar viscosity. Additional information with respect to the Embedded LES (E-LES) model can be found in Postprocessing for Turbulent Flows.
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio (Scaled)
(in the Sensitivities... category) This field is available when the Neural Network Model has been applied for turbulence model optimization within the Optimizer Design Variables dialog box, and is the scaled turbulent viscosity ratio flow feature.
- User Memory <n>
(in the User Defined Memory... category) is the value of the quantity in the
th user-defined memory location.
- User Node Memory <n>
(in the User Defined Memory... category) is the value of the quantity in the
th user-defined node memory location.
- Unburnt Fuel Mass Fraction
(in the Premixed Combustion... category) is the mass fraction of unburnt fuel. This function is available only for non-adiabatic models.
- Unsteady Statistics...
includes mean and root mean square error (RMSE) values of solution variables and custom field functions derived from transient flow calculations.
- User Defined Memory...
includes quantities that have been allocated to a user-defined memory location. See the separate Fluent Customization Manual for details about user-defined memory.
- User-Defined Scalars...
includes quantities related to user-defined scalars. See the separate Fluent Customization Manual for information about using user-defined scalars.
- User Energy Source
(in the Temperature... category) is the user-defined energy source term in watts.
- User Volumetric Energy Source
(in the Temperature... category) is the user-defined energy source term in watts/volume.
- UU Reynolds Stress
- UV Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is the
- Resolved UV Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is defined as:
at time
. This variable is only available if you enable Data Sampling for Time Statistics in the Run Calculation Task Page. Time
represents the time Data Sampling for Time Statistics is first enabled, which is not necessarily the first timestep.
- UW Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is the
- Resolved UW Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is defined as:
at time
. This variable is only available if you enable Data Sampling for Time Statistics in the Run Calculation Task Page. Time
represents the time Data Sampling for Time Statistics is first enabled, which is not necessarily the first timestep.
- Variance of Species
(in the NOx... category) is the variance of the mass fraction of a selected species in the flow field. It is calculated from Equation 9–113 or Equation 9–114 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Variance of Species 1, Variance of Species 2
(in the NOx... category) are the variances of the mass fractions of the selected species in the flow field. They are each calculated from Equation 9–113 or Equation 9–114 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Velocity...
includes the quantities associated with the rate of change in position with time. The instantaneous velocity of a particle is defined as the first derivative of the position vector with respect to time,
, termed the velocity vector,
- Velocity Angle
(in the Velocity... category) is defined as follows:
For a 2D model,
For a 2D or axisymmetric model,
For a 3D model,
Its unit quantity is angle.
- Velocity Magnitude
(in the Velocity... category) is the speed of the fluid. Its unit quantity is velocity. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Vibrational-Electronic Conductivity
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the vibrational-electronic conductivity of the mixture.
- Vibrational-Electronic Energy
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the sum of the vibrational and electronic energy (
in Equation 5–38 in the Fluent Theory Guide).
- Vibrational-Electronic Specific Heat
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is the vibrational-electronic specific heat of the mixture.
- Vibrational-Electronic Temperature
(in the Two-Temperature Model... category) is
in Equation 5–23 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Volume fraction
(in the Phases... category) is the volume fraction of the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Volumetric Absorbed Radiation
(in the Radiation... category) is the spherical mean absorbed radiation and, for a single spectral band, can be defined as:
is the radiation intensity and
is the absorption coefficient.
- Volumetric Emitted Radiation
(in the Radiation... category) is the spherical mean emitted radiation and, for a single spectral band, can be defined as.
is the blackbody fraction,
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant,
is the temperature, and
is the absorption coefficient.
- Vorticity Magnitude
(in the Velocity... category) is the magnitude of the vorticity vector. Vorticity is a measure of the rotation of a fluid element as it moves in the flow field, and is defined as the curl of the velocity vector:
- VV Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is the
- VW Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is the
- Resolved VW Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is defined as:
at time
. This variable is only available if you enable Data Sampling for Time Statistics in the Run Calculation Task Page. Time
represents the time Data Sampling for Time Statistics is first enabled, which is not necessarily the first timestep.
- Wall Adjacent Heat Transfer Coef.
(in the Wall Fluxes… category) is defined as:
is the surface heat flux,
is the wall face temperature, and
is the wall adjacent cell temperature.
- Wall Adjacent Temperature
(in the Temperature… category) is the temperature of the fluid cell adjacent to the wall.
- Wall Coverage
(in the Wall Film… category) is the fraction of the wall surface covered by the wall film.
- Wall Deposition Thickness
(in the Wall Fluxes… category) is the thickness of the solid species deposition on the wall. This item is available only for transient species transport cases that involve wall surface reactions and is calculated as:
= value specified for Initial Deposition Thickness in the Wall dialog box (Species tab).
= deposition rate of the surface species on the wall
= value specified for Solid Species Density in the Wall dialog box (Species tab).
= time step
- Wall Film Face Pressure
(in the Wall Film… category) is the face pressure of the wall film.
- Wall Film Height
(in the Wall Film… category) is the height of the wall film.
- Wall Film Heat Flux
(in the Wall Film… category) is the heat flux of the wall film to the wall.
- Wall Film Heat Transfer Coefficient
(in the Wall Film… category) is the film to wall heat transfer coefficient of the wall film.
- Wall Film Impingement Mass Flux
(in the Wall Film… category) is the mass flux impinging on the wall film.
- Wall Film Mass
(in the Wall Film… category) is the mass of the wall film (in units of mass).
- Wall Film Surface Temperature
(in the Wall Film… category) is the surface temperature of the wall film.
- Wall Film Temperature
(in the Wall Film… category) is the temperature of the wall film.
- Wall Film Velocity Magnitude
(in the Wall Film… category) is the velocity magnitude of the wall film.
- Wall Film Viscosity
(in the Wall Film… category) is the viscosity of the wall film.
- Wall Film X-Velocity
(in the Wall Film… category) is the x-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Wall Film Y-Velocity
(in the Wall Film… category) is the y-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Wall Film Z-Velocity
(in the Wall Film… category) is the z-component of the velocity of the wall film.
- Wall Fluxes...
includes quantities related to forces and heat transfer at wall surfaces.
- Wall Func. Heat Tran. Coef.
is generally defined by the equation
is the specific heat,
is the near-wall turbulence velocity scale,
is the viscous heating (included only for variable density flows, Equation 4–350 in the Fluent Theory Guide),
is the dimensionless law-of-the-wall temperature defined for the standard wall functions in Equation 4–349 in the Fluent Theory Guide. For the enhanced wall treatment, the combined forms for
(Equation 4–349 and Equation 4–350 in the Fluent Theory Guide) are replaced by the corresponding functions obtained using the blending of Kader, explained in Enhanced Wall Treatment for Momentum and Energy Equations in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- Wall Irradiation Flux.Normalized Std Deviation
(in the Radiation... category) is the statistical standard deviation for the hemispherical mean irradiation flux.
- Wall Leidenfrost Temperature
(in the Wall Film… category) is the wall temperature at which the insulating vapor layer fully covers the hot wall preventing the liquid from boiling rapidly.
- Wall Power Density
(in the Aeromechanics... category) is the power performed on the wall by the fluid per unit of area. It is calculated as:
is the mesh velocity and
is the area unit vector.
- Wall Shear Stress
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is the magnitude of the wall shear stress vector, that is, the force per unit area acting tangential to the surface due to friction. Its unit quantity is that of pressure. For cases that are not axisymmetric, you can view the components of the vector through the X-Wall Shear Stress, Y-Wall Shear Stress and (for 3D cases) Z-Wall Shear Stress field variables; for 2D axisymmetric cases, you can view the components of the vector through the Axial-Wall Shear Stress, Radial-Wall Shear Stress, and (for swirling flows) Swirl-Wall Shear Stress field variables. When Wall Shear Stress is used to visualize a multiphase flow simulation result, its value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list. For more information, see Shear-Stress Calculation Procedure at Wall Boundaries.
- Wall Superheat
(in the Phase Interaction... category) is the wall superheat of the boiling model defined as:
are the wall and saturation and liquid temperatures.
This item is available for the Eulerian multiphase boiling model only.
- Wall Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the temperature on a surface (including wall surfaces, shadow wall surfaces, and shell surfaces). For an illustration of such surfaces for thin walls and shells, see Figure 7.56: A Thin Wall and Figure 16.8: A Boundary Wall with Shell Conduction, respectively.
- Wall Temperature (Thin)
(in the Temperature... category) is for thin walls only, and reports the temperature on the surface that is separated from the fluid / solid cells by the wall thickness, as shown in Figure 7.56: A Thin Wall. Note that the wall thermal boundary conditions are applied on this surface.
- Wall Work Density
(in the Aeromechanics... category) is the work performed on the wall by the fluid per unit of area. It is calculated as:
is the relative mesh displacement and
is the area unit vector.
- Wall Yplus
(in the Turbulence... category) is a nondimensional parameter defined by the equation
is the friction velocity,
is the distance from point
to the wall and is adopted for certain two-equation turbulence models in combination with the Standard Roughness Model,
is the fluid density, and
is the fluid viscosity at point
. See Near-Wall Treatments for Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows in the Fluent Theory Guide and Wall Roughness Effects in Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows in the Fluent Theory Guide for details. For multiphase models, this value corresponds to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Wall Ystar
(in the Turbulence... category) is a nondimensional parameter defined by the equation
is the turbulence kinetic energy at point
is the distance from point
to the wall and is adopted for certain two-equation turbulence models in combination with the Standard Roughness Model,
is the fluid density, and
is the fluid viscosity at point
. See Near-Wall Treatments for Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows in the Fluent Theory Guide and Wall Roughness Effects in Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flows in the Fluent Theory Guide for details.
- Water Content
(in the Potential... category) is the water content
used in Equation 18–42 in the Fluent Theory Guide. This item is available only for the Electrolyses and H2 Pump model when the Water Content option is enabled in the Potential/Electrochemistry dialog box (Model tab).
- Water Phase Change
(in the Potential... category) is the rate of the mass change between water vapor and liquid water,
in Equation 18–38 in the Fluent Theory Guide. This item is available only for the Electrolyses and H2 Pump model when the Phase Change option is enabled in the Potential/Electrochemistry dialog box (Model tab).
- WMLES Blending Function
(in the Turbulence... category) is the blending function
of Generic Algebraic WMLES model. For details, see Generic Algebraic WMLES: LES with a Near Wall RANS Layer in the Fluent Theory Guide.
- WW Reynolds Stress
(in the Turbulence... category) is the
- X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate, Z-Coordinate
(in the Mesh... category) are the Cartesian coordinates in the
-axis, and
-axis directions respectively. The unit quantity for these variables is length.
- X Current, Y Current, Z Current
(in the Potential... category) are the
, and
components of electric current (
, and
), respectively.
- X Displacement, Y Displacement, Z Displacement
(in the Structure... category) are the components of the displacement. These variables are intended only for solid zones and/or their adjacent walls in intrinsic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations.
- X Face Area, Y Face Area, Z Face Area
(in the Mesh... category) are the components of the face area vector for noninternal faces (that is, faces that only have
and noc1
). The values are stored on the face itself and used when required. These variables are intended only for zone surfaces and not for other surfaces created for postprocessing.- X Imaginary Periodic Displacement, Y Imaginary Periodic Displacement, Z Periodic Displacement
(in the Mesh... category) are the interpolated imaginary mode shape profile components.
- X Lithium Mass Flux, Y Lithium Mass Flux, Z Lithium Mass Flux
(in the Lithium... category) are the
, and
components of the mass flux vector of the lithium-ion species (
in Equation 18–8 in the Fluent Theory Guide). The unit quantity is kmol/m2 s-1.
- X Periodic Displacement, Y Periodic Displacement, Z Periodic Displacement
(in the Mesh... category) are the interpolated real mode shape profile components.
- X Pull Velocity, Y Pull Velocity, Z Pull Velocity
(in the Solidification/Melting... category) are the
, and
components of the pull velocity for the solid material in a continuous casting process. The unit quantity for each is velocity.
- X Relative Mesh Displacement, Y Relative Mesh Displacement, Z Relative Mesh Displacement
(in the Mesh... category) are components for the difference between the current time step and the previous time step mesh node position.
- X Total Mesh Displacement, Y Total Mesh Displacement, Z Total Mesh Displacement
(in the Mesh... category) are components for the difference between the current time step and the reference (non-deformed) mesh node position.
- X Velocity, Y Velocity, Z Velocity
(in the Velocity... category) are the components of the velocity vector in the
-axis, and
-axis directions, respectively. The unit quantity for these variables is velocity. For multiphase models, these values correspond to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- X-Vorticity, Y-Vorticity, Z-Vorticity
(in the Velocity... category) are the
, and
components of the vorticity vector.
- X-Wall Shear Stress, Y-Wall Shear Stress, Z-Wall Shear Stress
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) are the
, and
components of the force per unit area acting tangentially to the surface due to friction. The unit quantity for these variables is that of pressure. For multiphase models, these values correspond to the selected phase in the Phase drop-down list.
- Yplus Based Heat Transfer Coefficient
(in the Wall Fluxes... category) is based on the temperature of the fluid, which is estimated at a user-specified
value, from the Reference Values Task Page:
where is the surface heat flux,
is the wall face temperature, and
is the Yplus Based Heat Transfer Reference Temperature.
Like the pair of field variables Wall Adjacent Heat Transfer Coefficient and Wall Adjacent
Temperature, theYplus Based Heat Transfer Coefficient and its reference temperature
are both local, hence more suitable for complex flows than Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient with
its single global
, Equation 42–50. Different from the Wall Adjacent Heat Transfer
is approximately mesh-insensitive due to the reconstruction of the reference temperature
at the user-specified mesh-independent
- Yplus Based Heat Transfer Reference Temperature
(in the Temperature... category) is the temperature of fluid at the
value, which is specified by a user as Yplus for Heat Tran. Coef. in the Reference Values Task Page.
is calculated from the logarithmic temperature profile
at a distance from the wall corresponding to the specified
is the surface heat flux,
is the wall velocity scale of turbulence ( see Equation 4–348 in the Theory Guide), fluid density
and specific heat capacity
are taken from the wall-adjacent cell. To approximate the local external fluid temperature by
, you should specify the
value possibly close to its maximum in the logarithmic law range for a simulated flow.