For the ε-based models, the following wall functions are available:
The standard wall functions in Ansys Fluent are based on the work of Launder and Spalding [343], and have been most widely used in industrial flows. They are provided as a default option in Ansys Fluent.
The law-of-the-wall for mean velocity yields
(4–343) |
(4–344) |
is the dimensionless velocity.
(4–345) |
is the dimensionless distance from the wall.
and | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The range of values for which wall functions are suitable depend on the overall Reynolds
number of the flow. The lower limit always lies in the order of
~15. Below this limit, wall functions will typically deteriorate and the
accuracy of the solutions cannot be maintained (for exceptions, see Scalable Wall Functions). The upper limit depends strongly on the Reynolds number. For
very high Reynolds numbers (for example, ships, airplanes), the logarithmic layer can extend to
values as high as several thousand, whereas for low Reynolds number flows (for example, turbine
blades, and so on.) the upper limit can be as small as 100. For these low Reynolds number
flows, the entire boundary layer is frequently only of the order of a few hundred
units. The application of wall functions for such flows should therefore be
avoided as they limit the overall number of nodes one can sensibly place in the boundary layer.
In general, it is more important to ensure that the boundary layer is covered with a sufficient
number of (structured) cells than to ensure a certain
In Ansys Fluent, the log-law is employed when . When the mesh is such that
at the wall-adjacent cells, Ansys Fluent applies the laminar stress-strain
relationship that can be written as
(4–346) |
It should be noted that, in Ansys Fluent, the law-of-the-wall for mean velocity and
temperature are based on the wall unit, , rather than
). These quantities are approximately equal in equilibrium turbulent boundary
Reynolds’ analogy between momentum and energy transport gives a similar logarithmic law for mean temperature. As in the law-of-the-wall for mean velocity, the law-of-the-wall for temperature employed in Ansys Fluent is composed of the following two different laws:
linear law for the thermal conduction sublayer, or thermal viscous sublayer, where conduction is important
logarithmic law for the turbulent region where effects of turbulence dominate conduction
The thickness of the thermal conduction layer is, in general, different from the thickness of the (momentum) viscous sublayer, and changes from fluid to fluid. For example, the thickness of the thermal sublayer for a high-Prandtl-number fluid (for example, oil) is much less than its momentum sublayer thickness. For fluids of low Prandtl numbers (for example, liquid metal), on the contrary, it is much larger than the momentum sublayer thickness.
(4–347) |
In highly compressible flows, the temperature distribution in the near-wall region can be significantly different from that of low subsonic flows, due to the heating by viscous dissipation. In Ansys Fluent, the temperature wall functions include the contribution from the viscous heating [673].
The law-of-the-wall is implemented in Ansys Fluent for the non-dimensional temperature using the wall scaling:
(4–348) |
Here the convective-conductive part and viscous heating part
are modeled using the following composite forms:
(4–349) |
(4–350) |
where is computed by using the formula given by Jayatilleke [281]:
(4–351) |
and | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Note that, for the pressure-based solver, the terms
will be included in Equation 4–348 only for compressible flow calculations.
The non-dimensional thermal sublayer thickness, , in Equation 4–348 is computed as the
value at which the linear law and the logarithmic law intersect, given the
molecular Prandtl number of the fluid being modeled.
The procedure of applying the law-of-the-wall for temperature is as follows. Once the
physical properties of the fluid being modeled are specified, its molecular Prandtl number is
computed. Then, given the molecular Prandtl number, the thermal sublayer thickness,
, is computed from the intersection of the linear and logarithmic profiles,
and stored.
During the iteration, depending on the value at the near-wall cell, either the linear or the logarithmic profile in
Equation 4–348 is applied to compute the wall temperature
or heat flux
(depending on the type of the thermal boundary conditions).
The function for given by Equation 4–351 is relevant for the
smooth walls. For the rough walls, however, this function is modified as follows:
(4–352) |
where is the wall function constant modified for the rough walls, defined by
. To find a description of the roughness function
, you may refer to Equation 4–418 in the Fluent Theory Guide.
When using wall functions for species transport, Ansys Fluent assumes that species transport behaves analogously to heat transfer. Similarly to Equation 4–348, the law-of-the-wall for species can be expressed for constant property flow with no viscous dissipation as
(4–353) |
where is the local species mass fraction,
are molecular and turbulent Schmidt numbers, and
is the diffusion flux of species
at the wall. Note that
are calculated in a similar way as
, with the difference being that the Prandtl numbers are always replaced by
the corresponding Schmidt numbers.
In the -
models and in the RSM (if the option to obtain wall boundary conditions
from the
equation is enabled), the
equation is solved in the whole domain including the wall-adjacent cells. The
boundary condition for
imposed at the wall is
(4–354) |
where is the local coordinate normal to the wall.
The production of kinetic energy, , and its dissipation rate,
, at the wall-adjacent cells, which are the source terms in the
equation, are computed on the basis of the local equilibrium hypothesis.
Under this assumption, the production of
and its dissipation rate are assumed to be equal in the wall-adjacent control
Thus, the production of is based on the logarithmic law and is computed from
(4–355) |
and is computed from
(4–356) |
The equation is not solved at the wall-adjacent cells, but instead is computed
using Equation 4–356.
and Reynolds stress equations are solved as detailed in y+-Insensitive Near-Wall Treatment for ω-based Turbulence Models and Wall Boundary Conditions, respectively.
Note that, as shown here, the wall boundary conditions for the solution variables,
including mean velocity, temperature, species concentration, , and
, are all taken care of by the wall functions. Therefore, you do not need to
be concerned about the boundary conditions at the walls.
The standard wall functions described so far are provided as a default option in Ansys Fluent. The standard wall functions work reasonably well for a broad range of wall-bounded flows. However, they tend to become less reliable when the flow situations depart from the ideal conditions that are assumed in their derivation. Among others, the constant-shear and local equilibrium assumptions are the ones that most restrict the universality of the standard wall functions. Accordingly, when the near-wall flows are subjected to severe pressure gradients, and when the flows are in strong non-equilibrium, the quality of the predictions is likely to be compromised.
The non-equilibrium wall functions are offered as an additional option, which can potentially improve the results in such situations.
Important: Standard wall functions are available with the following viscous models:
Reynolds Stress models
Scalable wall functions avoid the deterioration of standard wall functions under grid
refinement below . These wall functions produce consistent results for grids of arbitrary
refinement. For grids that are coarser than
, the standard wall functions are identical.
The purpose of scalable wall functions is to force the usage of the log law in conjunction with the standard wall functions approach. This is achieved by introducing a limiter in the y* calculations such that
(4–357) |
where . The use of Equation 4–357 in the context of the
scalable wall functions concept is straightforward, that is, the y* formulation used for any
standard wall function formula is replaced by
Scalable wall functions can be enabled in the Viscous Model dialog box under Near-Wall Treatment.
In addition to the standard wall function described above (which is the default near-wall treatment) a two-layer-based, non-equilibrium wall function [308] is also available. The key elements in the non-equilibrium wall functions are as follows:
Launder and Spalding’s log-law for mean velocity is sensitized to pressure-gradient effects.
The two-layer-based concept is adopted to compute the budget of turbulence kinetic energy (
) in the wall-neighboring cells.
The law-of-the-wall for mean temperature or species mass fraction remains the same as in the standard wall functions described above.
The log-law for mean velocity sensitized to the pressure gradients is
(4–358) |
(4–359) |
and is the physical viscous sublayer thickness, and is computed from
(4–360) |
where .
The non-equilibrium wall function employs the two-layer concept in computing the budget of
turbulence kinetic energy at the wall-adjacent cells, which is needed to solve the
equation at the wall-neighboring cells. The wall-neighboring cells are assumed
to consist of a viscous sublayer and a fully turbulent layer. The following profile assumptions
for turbulence quantities are made:
(4–361) |
where , and
is the dimensional thickness of the viscous sublayer, defined in Equation 4–360.
Using these profiles, the cell-averaged production of ,
, and the cell-averaged dissipation rate,
, can be computed from the volume average of
of the wall-adjacent cells. For quadrilateral and hexahedral cells for which
the volume average can be approximated with a depth-average,
(4–362) |
(4–363) |
where is the height of the cell (
). For cells with other shapes (for example, triangular and tetrahedral grids),
the appropriate volume averages are used.
In Equation 4–362 and Equation 4–363, the turbulence kinetic energy budget for the wall-neighboring cells is effectively depends on the proportions of the viscous sublayer and the fully turbulent layer, which varies widely from cell to cell in highly non-equilibrium flows. The nonequilibrium wall functions account for the effect of pressure gradients on the distortion of the velocity profiles. In such cases the assumption of local equilibrium, when the production of the turbulent kinetic energy is equal to the rate of its destruction, is no longer valid. Therefore, the non-equilibrium wall functions, in effect, partly account for the non-equilibrium effects that are neglected in the standard wall functions.
Because of the capability to partly account for the effects of pressure gradients, the non-equilibrium wall functions are recommended for use in complex flows involving separation, reattachment, and impingement where the mean flow and turbulence are subjected to pressure gradients and rapid changes. In such flows, improvements can be obtained, particularly in the prediction of wall shear (skin-friction coefficient) and heat transfer (Nusselt or Stanton number).
Important: Non-equilibrium wall functions are available with the following turbulence closures:
Reynolds Stress Transport models
The standard wall functions give reasonable predictions for the majority of high-Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. The non-equilibrium wall functions further extend the applicability of the wall function approach by including the effects of pressure gradient; however, the above wall functions become less reliable when the flow conditions depart too much from the ideal conditions underlying the wall functions. Examples are as follows:
Pervasive low-Reynold-number or near-wall effects (for example, flow through a small gap or highly viscous, low-velocity fluid flow).
Massive transpiration through the wall (blowing/suction).
Severe pressure gradients leading to boundary layer separations.
Strong body forces (for example, flow near rotating disks, buoyancy-driven flows).
High three-dimensionality in the near-wall region (for example, Ekman spiral flow, strongly skewed 3D boundary layers).
If any of the above listed features prevail in the flow you are modeling, and if it is
considered critically important for the success of your simulation, you must employ the
near-wall modeling approach combined with the adequate mesh resolution in the near-wall region.
For such situations, Ansys Fluent provides the enhanced wall treatment (available for the
and the RSM models), as well as the Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment
(available for the
Enhanced Wall Treatment for the -equation is a near-wall modeling method that combines a two-layer model with
so-called enhanced wall functions. If the near-wall mesh is fine enough to be able to resolve
the viscous sublayer (typically with the first near-wall node placed at
), then the enhanced wall treatment will be identical to the traditional
two-layer zonal model (see below for details). However, the restriction that the near-wall mesh
must be sufficiently fine everywhere might impose too large a computational requirement.
Ideally, one would like to have a near-wall formulation that can be used with coarse meshes
(usually referred to as wall-function meshes) as well as fine meshes (low-Reynolds number
meshes). In addition, excessive error should not be incurred for the intermediate meshes where
the first near-wall node is placed neither in the fully turbulent region, where the wall
functions are suitable, nor in the direct vicinity of the wall at
, where the low-Reynold-number approach is adequate.
To achieve the goal of having a near-wall modeling approach that will possess the accuracy of the standard two-layer approach for fine near-wall meshes and that, at the same time, will not significantly reduce accuracy for wall-function meshes, Ansys Fluent can combine the two-layer model with enhanced wall functions, as described in the following sections.
In Ansys Fluent’s near-wall model, the viscosity-affected near-wall region is completely
resolved all the way to the viscous sublayer. The two-layer approach is an integral part of the
enhanced wall treatment and is used to specify both and the turbulent viscosity in the near-wall cells. In this approach, the
whole domain is subdivided into a viscosity-affected region and a fully-turbulent region. The
demarcation of the two regions is determined by a wall-distance-based, turbulent Reynolds
, defined as
(4–364) |
where is the wall-normal distance calculated at the cell centers. In Ansys Fluent,
is interpreted as the distance to the nearest wall:
(4–365) |
where is the position vector at the field point, and
is the position vector of the wall boundary.
is the union of all the wall boundaries involved. This interpretation allows
to be uniquely defined in flow domains of complex shape involving multiple
walls. Furthermore,
defined in this way is independent of the mesh topology.
In the fully turbulent region (;
), the
models or the RSM (described in Standard, RNG, and Realizable k-ε Models
and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM)) are employed.
In the viscosity-affected near-wall region (), the one-equation model of Wolfstein [717] is
employed. In the one-equation model, the momentum equations and the
equation are retained as described in Standard, RNG, and Realizable k-ε Models and Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). However, the turbulent viscosity,
, is computed from
(4–366) |
where the length scale that appears in Equation 4–366 is computed from [103]
(4–367) |
The two-layer formulation for turbulent viscosity described above is used as a part of the
enhanced wall treatment, in which the two-layer definition is smoothly blended with the
high-Reynolds number definition from the outer region, as proposed by Jongen [284]:
(4–368) |
where is the high-Reynolds number definition as described in Standard, RNG, and Realizable k-ε Models or Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) for the
models or the RSM. A blending function,
, is defined in such a way that it is equal to unity away from walls and is
zero in the vicinity of the walls. The blending function has the following form:
(4–369) |
The constant determines the width of the blending function. By defining a width such that
the value of
will be within 1% of its far-field value given a variation of
, the result is
(4–370) |
Typically, would be assigned a value that is between 5% and 20% of
. The main purpose of the blending function
is to prevent solution convergence from being impeded when the value of
obtained in the outer layer does not match with the value of
returned by the Wolfstein model at the edge of the viscosity-affected
The field in the viscosity-affected region is computed from
(4–371) |
The length scales that appear in Equation 4–371 are computed from Chen and Patel [103]:
(4–372) |
If the whole flow domain is inside the viscosity-affected region (),
is not obtained by solving the transport equation; it is instead obtained
algebraically from Equation 4–371. Ansys Fluent uses a procedure for the
blending of
that is similar to the
-blending in order to ensure a smooth transition between the
in the inner region and the
obtained from solution of the transport equation in the outer region.
The constants in Equation 4–367 and Equation 4–372, are taken from [103] and are as follows:
(4–373) |
To have a method that can extend its applicability throughout the near-wall region (that is, viscous sublayer, buffer region, and fully-turbulent outer region) it is necessary to formulate the law-of-the wall as a single wall law for the entire wall region. Ansys Fluent achieves this by blending the linear (laminar) and logarithmic (turbulent) law-of-the-wall using a function suggested by Kader [286]:
(4–374) |
where the blending function is given by:
(4–375) |
where and
Similarly, the general equation for the derivative is
(4–376) |
This approach allows the fully turbulent law to be easily modified and extended to take
into account other effects such as pressure gradients or variable properties. This formula also
guarantees the correct asymptotic behavior for large and small values of and reasonable representation of velocity profiles in the cases where
falls inside the wall buffer region (
The enhanced wall functions were developed by smoothly blending the logarithmic layer formulation with the laminar formulation. The enhanced turbulent law-of-the-wall for compressible flow with heat transfer and pressure gradients has been derived by combining the approaches of White and Cristoph [707] and Huang et al. [260]:
(4–377) |
(4–378) |
(4–379) |
(4–380) |
(4–381) |
where is the location at which the log-law slope is fixed. By default,
. The coefficient
in Equation 4–377 represents the influences of
pressure gradients while the coefficients
represent the thermal effects. Equation 4–377 is an
ordinary differential equation and Ansys Fluent will provide an appropriate analytical solution. If
, and
all equal 0, an analytical solution would lead to the classical
turbulent logarithmic law-of-the-wall.
The laminar law-of-the-wall is determined from the following expression:
(4–382) |
Note that the above expression only includes effects of pressure gradients through
, while the effects of variable properties due to heat transfer and
compressibility on the laminar wall law are neglected. These effects are neglected because they
are thought to be of minor importance when they occur close to the wall. Integration of
Equation 4–382 results in
(4–383) |
Enhanced thermal wall functions follow the same approach developed for the profile of
. The unified wall thermal formulation blends the laminar and logarithmic
profiles according to the method of Kader [286]:
(4–384) |
where the notation for and
is the same as for standard thermal wall functions (see Equation 4–348). Furthermore, the blending factor
is defined as
(4–385) |
where is the molecular Prandtl number, and the coefficients
are defined as in Equation 4–375.
Apart from the formulation for in Equation 4–384, the enhanced thermal wall functions
follow the same logic as for standard thermal wall functions (see Energy), resulting in the following definition for turbulent and
laminar thermal wall functions:
(4–386) |
(4–387) |
where the quantity is the value of
at the fictitious "crossover" between the laminar and turbulent
region. The function
is defined in the same way as for the standard wall functions.
A similar procedure is also used for species wall functions when the enhanced wall treatment is used. In this case, the Prandtl numbers in Equation 4–386 and Equation 4–387 are replaced by adequate Schmidt numbers. See Species for details about the species wall functions.
The boundary conditions for the turbulence kinetic energy are similar to the ones used
with the standard wall functions (Equation 4–354). However, the production of
turbulence kinetic energy, , is computed using the velocity gradients that are consistent with the
enhanced law-of-the-wall (Equation 4–374 and Equation 4–376), ensuring a formulation that is valid throughout the
near-wall region.
Important: The enhanced wall treatment is available for all -equation models (except the Quadratic RSM).
An alternative formulation for -
type models is the Menter-Lechner treatment, which is a
-insensitive near-wall treatment.
-insensitive near-wall treatments are also applied by default for the
following turbulence models:
-equation models
the Spalart-Allmaras model
Note that an alternative blending compared to the Kader-blending for and
is used for the Spalart-Allmaras model and the improved near-wall treatment
for turbulence models based on the
-equation, which is the new default near-wall treatment.
Historically, there are two approaches to model flow near the wall:
wall function approach
low-Reynolds number model
The wall function requires the cell center of the first grid point to lay in the
logarithmic layer, whereas the low-Re formulation requires an integration to the wall using a
resolution of . Both approaches produce large errors if used outside of their range of
validity. The wall function method deteriorates under mesh refinement, whereas the low-Re
formulation results in inaccurate wall values for the wall shear stress (and heat transfer) for
meshes slightly coarser than
In order to provide less sensitive formulations to the CFD user, wall models have been
developed that are insensitive to . This means that the computed wall values (shear stress and heat transfer) are
largely independent of the
value provided by the mesh. Any
-insensitive wall treatment reverts back to its underlying low-Re formulation
if the mesh is sufficiently fine, and reverts to a wall function formulation for coarse meshes.
One of the main obstacles in the formulation of such wall treatments for the
-equation is that no suitable low-Re formulation has been available. While many
such models have been developed and published, each formulation suffered from one or more of the
following problems:
The formulation is complicated, involving numerous highly nonlinear damping terms.
The formulation is not numerically robust for complex applications.
The formulation produces multiple solutions for the same application (that is, non-unique solutions).
The formulation produces “pseudo-transitional” results (that is, unphysical laminar zones).
Because of these problems, the model formulation of choice in today’s industrial
codes for the ε-equation is a so-called two-layer formulation. It avoids the solution of
the -equation in the viscous sublayer and overwrites it with an algebraic
formulation based on a simple mixing length model.
In Fluent, the two-layer model is the basis of the Enhanced Wall Treatment
(EWT-), which is a
-insensitive formulation for all ε-equation based models. In the
two-layer approach, the fluid domain is subdivided into a viscosity-affected region and a fully
turbulent region. The blending of the two regions is determined by a turbulent Reynolds number
(see Enhanced Wall Treatment ε-Equation (EWT-ε) for more details).
However, using a turbulent Reynolds number for the demarcation of the flow regime has some drawbacks:
Regions with very low values of turbulence kinetic energy might easily have a turbulent Reynolds number smaller than 200. These regions will therefore be treated with a near-wall formulation, even though they might be far away from the wall (for example, regions with a very low turbulence level).
The Wolfstein model is not consistent with the
-equation for non-equilibrium (pressure gradient) flows. The solution of the combination therefore depends on the switching location.
For a mesh that is coarse with a
of the first cell near the switching location, the model has a tendency to oscillate, as it switches back and forth between time steps. This oscillation prevents convergence.
In order to avoid such drawbacks, the Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment has been developed
as an alternative formulation that is not based on the two-layer approach. It also uses a new
low-Re formulation that is designed to avoid the previously listed deficiencies of existing
low-Re formulations.
The goal of a -insensitive near-wall treatment is the
-independent prediction of the wall shear stress and wall heat flux (assuming a
sufficient resolution of the boundary layer). The formulation should switch gradually from wall
functions to a low-Re formulation when the mesh is refined. This also requires a blending of
various quantities between the viscous sublayer and the logarithmic region.
The wall shear stress is needed as a boundary condition and is calculated as:
(4–388) |
where denotes the density. Both of the friction velocities (
) are blended between the viscous sublayer and the logarithmic region. The
following formulation is used for the blending of
(4–389) |
For the friction velocity , the following formulation is used:
(4–390) |
The main idea of the Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment is to add a source term to the
transport equation of the turbulence kinetic energy that accounts for near-wall effects. The standard
model is modified as shown in the following equations (for the sake of
simplicity, buoyancy effects are not included):
(4–391) |
(4–392) |
(4–393) |
where ,
, and
The additional source term is active only in the viscous sublayer and accounts for low-Reynolds number
effects. It automatically becomes zero in the logarithmic region. The exact formulation of this
source term is at this point proprietary and is therefore not provided here.
In combination with the Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment, the iterative treatment and
linearization of the -
two-equation model has been improved. This modification is activated by
default when this near-wall treatment is used.
The Menter-Lechner near-wall treatment can be used together with the standard, realizable,
and RNG -
turbulence models.
This option is only available when one of the -
model is enabled. Selecting the User-Defined Wall
Functions under Near-wall Treatment allows you to hook a
Law-of-the-Wall UDF. For more information about user-defined wall
functions, see
in the
Fluent Customization Manual.
Important: User-defined wall functions are available with the -
turbulence closure model: