Time-derivative preconditioning modifies the time-derivative term in Equation 23–74 by pre-multiplying it with a preconditioning matrix. This has the effect of re-scaling the acoustic speed (eigenvalue) of the system of equations being solved in order to alleviate the numerical stiffness encountered in low Mach numbers and incompressible flow.
Derivation of the preconditioning matrix begins by transforming
the dependent variable in Equation 23–74 from conserved
quantities to primitive
using the
chain-rule as follows:
(23–78) |
where is the vector
and the Jacobian
is given by
(23–79) |
(23–80) |
and = 1 for an ideal gas and
= 0 for an incompressible
The choice of primitive variables as dependent variables is desirable for several reasons. First,
it is a natural choice when solving incompressible flows. Second,
when we use second-order accuracy we need to reconstruct
rather than
in order
to obtain more accurate velocity and temperature gradients in viscous
fluxes, and pressure gradients in inviscid fluxes. And finally, the
choice of pressure as a dependent variable allows the propagation
of acoustic waves in the system to be singled out [670].
We precondition the system by replacing the Jacobian matrix (Equation 23–79) with the preconditioning
so that the preconditioned system in conservation
form becomes
(23–81) |
(23–82) |
The parameter is given by
(23–83) |
The reference velocity appearing in Equation 23–83 is chosen locally such that the eigenvalues
of the system remain well conditioned with respect to the convective
and diffusive time scales [699].
The resultant eigenvalues of the preconditioned system (Equation 23–81) are given by
(23–84) |
For an ideal gas, . Thus, when
(at sonic speeds
and above),
and the eigenvalues of the preconditioned
system take their traditional form,
. At low speed, however, as
and all eigenvalues become of the same order as
. For constant-density flows,
of the values of
. As long as the reference velocity
is of the same order as the local velocity, all eigenvalues remain
of the order
. Thus, the eigenvalues of the preconditioned system
remain well conditioned at all speeds.
Note that the non-preconditioned Navier-Stokes equations are
recovered exactly from Equation 23–81 by setting to
the derivative of density with respect to pressure. In this case
reduces exactly to the
Although Equation 23–81 is conservative in the steady state, it is not, in a strict sense, conservative for time-dependent flows. This is not a problem, however, since the preconditioning has already destroyed the time accuracy of the equations and we will not employ them in this form for unsteady calculations.
For unsteady calculations, an unsteady preconditioning is available when the dual-time stepping method is used (Implicit Time Stepping (Dual-Time Formulation)). The unsteady preconditioning enhances the solution accuracy by improving the scaling of the artificial dissipation and maximizes the efficiency by optimizing the number of sub-iterations required at each physical time step [504]. For low Mach number flows in particular, for both low frequency problems (large time steps) and high frequency problems (small time step), significant savings in computational time are possible when compared with the non-preconditioned case.
The unsteady preconditioning adapts the level of preconditioning
based on the user-specified time-step and on the local advective and
acoustic time scales of the flow. For acoustic problems, the physical
time-step size is small as it is based on the acoustic CFL number.
In this case the preconditioning parameter will approach
, which in
effect will turn off the low-Mach preconditioning almost completely.
For advection dominated problems, like the transport of turbulent
vortical structures, and so on, the physical time-step is large as
it is based on the particle CFL number. The corresponding unsteady
preconditioning parameter
will then approach
, which corresponds to the steady preconditioning
choice. For intermediate physical time-step sizes, the unsteady preconditioning
parameter will be adapted to provide optimum convergence efficiency
of the pseudo-time iterations and accurate scaling of the artificial
dissipation terms, regardless of the choice of the physical time step.