Damping may be introduced into a transient, harmonic, or damped modal analysis as well as a response spectrum or PSD analysis. The type of damping allowed depends on the analysis, as follows:
The damping matrix, [C], may be used in transient generation:
In its most general form, the damping matrix is composed of the following components:
(14–37) |
DMPSFreqTab on DMPSTR) |
Element damping matrices are available for:
LINK11 | Linear Actuator | MATRIX50 | Superelement |
COMBIN14 | Spring-Damper | SURF153 | 2D Structural Surface Effect |
MATRIX27 | Stiffness, Damping, or Mass Matrix | SURF154 | 3D Structural Surface Effect |
COMBIN37 | Control | SURF159 | General Axisymmetric Surface |
FLUID38 | Dynamic Fluid Coupling | MPC184 | Multipoint Constraint (Joint) Element |
COMBIN40 | Combination | COMBI214 | Bearing |
CONTA174 | Surface-to-Surface Contact | COMBI250 | Bushing |
CONTA178 | Node-to-Node Contact |
Note: , the structural stiffness matrix,
, the portion of structural matrix based on material
, may include plasticity and/or large-deflection effects (that is,
may be the tangent matrix), but not
, the portion of element
structural stiffness matrix based on section
. In the case of a rotating structure, it may also include spin softening or
rotating damping effects. Stiffness matrices generated by contact elements and joint elements
are not included in the damping matrix generation.
For the special case of thin-film fluid behavior, damping parameters may be computed for structures and used in a subsequent structural analysis (see Extraction of Modal Damping Parameter for Squeeze Film Problems).
For damped modal analysis (ANTYPE,MODAL with
MODOPT,QRDAMP or MODOPT,DAMP), the damping matrix
is complex and is written as:
(14–38) |
Element imaginary stiffness matrices are available for:
The damping matrix () used in harmonic analyses
= FULL, AUTO, or VT on
the HROPT command) is composed of the following components:
(14–39) |
The input exciting frequency, , is defined in the range between
command) |
command) |
Substituting Equation 14–39 into the harmonic response equation of motion (Equation 15–68) and rearranging terms yields:
(14–40) |
The complex stiffness matrix in the first row of the equation consists of the normal
stiffness matrix augmented by the structural damping terms given by ,
, and
which produce an imaginary contribution. Structural damping is independent of
the forcing frequency,
, and produces a damping force proportional to displacement (or strain). The
, and
are damping coefficients and not damping ratios.
The second row consists of the usual viscous damping terms and is linearly dependent on the
forcing frequency, , and produces forces proportional to velocity.
Viscoelastic damping (see Harmonic Viscoelasticity) introduces a contribution to the complex stiffness matrix via the
loss moduli. Note that the stresses are also computed using the loss moduli, whereas in the case
of structural damping, which is a phenomenological model, the stresses are computed only using
the real material properties and g is not used in the stress calculations.
For mode-superposition based analyses:
the damping matrix is not explicitly calculated, but rather the damping is defined
directly in terms of a damping ratio . The damping ratio is the ratio between actual damping and
critical damping.
The damping ratio for mode i is the combination of:
(14–41) |
The modal damping ratio can be defined for each mode directly via the MDAMP command
(undamped modal analyses only).
Alternatively, for the case where multiple materials are present whose damping ratios are
different, an effective mode-dependent damping ratio can be defined in the modal analysis if material-dependent damping is defined
and the element results are calculated during the expansion (MXPAND,,,,YES). This effective damping ratio is computed from the
ratio of the strain energy in each material in each mode using:
(14–42) |
Nm = number of materials |
These mode-dependent (and material-dependent) ratios, , will be carried over into the subsequent mode-superposition or spectrum
analysis. Note that any manually-defined damping ratios (MDAMP) will overwrite
those computed in the modal analysis via Equation 14–42.
For harmonic analyses (ANTYPE,HARM with HROPT,MSUP), constant structural damping may also be included. In this case, the harmonic equation of motion in modal coordinates (Equation 15–88) is:
(14–43) |
When QRDAMP is used for the modal analysis, the modal damping matrix used for the mode superposition analysis contains the contribution of the global damping, the damping ratios, as well as the element and material dependent damping:
(14–44) |
is the global damping contribution
Note that the second term is not necessarily a diagonal matrix.
is the damping ratios contribution
is the element and material dependent damping contribution
is the damping matrix defined in Equation 14–39 without the first two terms for mode superposition analysis and Equation 14–37 without the first two terms for the mode superposition transient analysis.