The substructure analysis (ANTYPE,SUBSTR) uses the technique of matrix reduction to reduce the system matrices to a smaller set of degrees of freedom.
The following substructuring analysis topics are available:
Any degree of freedom can be used.
The elements have constant stiffness, damping, and mass effects (for example, material properties do not change with temperature).
Coupled-field elements using load-vector coupling and elements with Lagrange multipliers cannot be used.
A superelement simply represents a collection of elements that are reduced to act as one element. This one (super) element can then be used in the actual analysis (use pass) or be used to generate more superelements (generation or use pass). To reconstruct the detailed solutions (for example, displacements and stresses) within the superelement, an expansion pass may be done. See the Substructuring Analysis Guide for loads which are applicable to a substructure analysis.
Although a superelement can be used in any type of structural analysis (except a buckling or explicit dynamics analysis), only static
and transient analyses are considered in the following sections to derive the reduced forms of
the structural matrices (stiffness , mass
, damping
, load vector
For first-order non-structural analyses (thermal, electric, magnetic, diffusion) and
second-order non-structural analyses (fluid), matrices associated with zero order terms
(), first order terms (
), and second order terms (
) are reduced with the same logic. For coupled-field analyses, only
the reduction of
is possible.
Consider the basic form of the static equations (Equation 15–1):
(15–116) |
includes nodal, pressure, and temperature effects. It does not include
(see Newton-Raphson Procedure). The equations may be partitioned into two
groups, the master (retained) DOFs, here denoted by the subscript
, and the condensed (removed) DOFs, here denoted by the subscript
(15–117) |
or expanding:
(15–118) |
(15–119) |
The master DOFs should include all DOFs of all nodes on surfaces that connect to other parts
of the structure. If accelerations are to be used in the use pass or if the use pass will be a
transient analysis, master DOFs throughout the rest of the structure should also be used to
characterize the distributed mass. Solving Equation 15–119
(15–120) |
Substituting into Equation 15–118
(15–121) |
(15–122) |
(15–123) |
(15–124) |
(15–125) |
are the superelement coefficient (for example, stiffness)
matrix and load vector, respectively.
This development is equivalent to reduce the nodal displacement vector as:
(15–126) |
is a transformation matrix with the form:
(15–127) |
The vectors constituting are also called static constraint modes (see Craig and Bampton [342]).
It follows that:
(15–128) |
(15–129) |
Note: The expression of in Equation 15–120 can be derived from Equation 15–126 by adding the static correction term
to the lower part.
In the preceding development, the load vector for the superelement has been treated as a total load vector. The same derivation may be applied to any number of independent load vectors, which in turn may be individually scaled in the superelement use pass. For example, the analyst may wish to apply thermal, pressure, gravity, and other loading conditions in varying proportions. Expanding the right-hand sides of Equation 15–118 and Equation 15–119 one gets, respectively:
(15–130) |
(15–131) |
Substituting into Equation 15–124:
(15–132) |
To have independently scaled load vectors in the use pass, expand the left-hand side of Equation 15–132
(15–133) |
Substituting Equation 15–133 into Equation 15–132 :
(15–134) |
If the load vectors are scaled in the use pass such that:
(15–135) |
where is the scaling factor (
on the SFE,,,SELV command), then
Equation 15–120 becomes:
(15–136) |
Equation 15–136 is used in the expansion pass to obtain the DOF values at
the condensed DOFs if the backsubstitution method is
chosen (SEOPT command). If the resolve method is chosen for expansion pass,
then the program will use Equation 15–117 to resolve for
. In doing so, the program makes
as the internally prescribed displacement boundary conditions since
are known in expansion pass. As the program treats DOFs associated with
as displacement boundary conditions, the reaction forces by resolve method will
be different from that computed at those master DOFs by the backsubstitution method. However,
they are all in self-equilibrium satisfying Equation 15–117.
The above section Statics is equally applicable at an element level for elements with extra displacement shapes. The master DOFs become the nodal DOFs and the condensed DOFs become the nodeless or extra DOFs.
The general form of the equations for transients is Equation 15–5:
(15–137) |
For substructuring, an equation of the form:
(15–138) |
is needed.
are computed as they are for the static case (Equation 15–123 and Equation 15–124 or Equation 15–128 and Equation 15–129). As suggested by Guyan ([14]), the mass matrix is also reduced through
the transformation matrix given in Equation 15–127. The reduced mass matrix is calculated by:
(15–139) |
The damping matrix is handled similarly:
(15–140) |
Equation 15–136 is also used to expand the DOF values to the condensed DOFs in the transient case if the backsubstitution method is chosen. If the resolve method is chosen, the program will use Equation 15–117 and make {um} as displacement boundary conditions the same way as the static expansion method does.
Component mode synthesis is an option used in substructure analysis (accessed with the CMSOPT command) when DOFs are structural. It reduces the system matrices to a smaller set of interface DOFs between substructures (components) and truncated sets of normal mode generalized coordinates (see Craig [341]).
For a damped system, each CMS substructure is defined by a stiffness matrix, a mass matrix, and a damping matrix. The matrix equation of motion is:
(15–141) |
Partitioning the matrix equation into interface and interior DOFs:
(15–142) |
where subscripts and
refer to:
Similarly to Equation 15–126, the nodal displacement
vector, , may be represented in terms of master DOFs completed by
component generalized coordinates (see Craig [341]) as in Equation 15–143.
(15–143) |
Fixed-Interface Method
For the fixed-interface method, also commonly referred to as the Craig-Bampton method (see Craig and Bampton [342]), the transformation matrix has the form:
(15–144) |
Free-Interface Method
For the free-interface method, also commonly referred to as the Herting method (see Hintz [406], Herting [409]), the transformation matrix has the form:
(15–145) |
Fbddef ). Any rigid body
modes present are not included in |
For the free-interface method, a subset of master DOFs can be constrained during the mode-extraction analysis. Let the master DOFs set be
separated into subset , the master DOFs constrained during the mode-extraction analysis, and subset
, the master DOFs that remain free. A master DOF is part of
is set to ON in the
M command. Those pseudo-constraints apply only during the mode-extraction
Enough master DOFs must be defined with pseudo-constraints so that the truncated set of normal modes no longer contains rigid body modes. Those mixed-free interface normal modes can be partitioned as:
(15–146) |
= matrix of the master DOF partition of the mixed-free interface normal modes
that are constrained during the mode-extraction analysis.
= matrix of the master DOF partition of the mixed-free interface normal modes
that remain free during the mode-extraction analysis.
The transformation matrix takes the form:
(15–147) |
Residual-Flexible Free-Interface Method
For the Residual-Flexible Free-Interface (RFFB) method, also commonly referred to as the Martinez method (see Martinez et al. [407]), the transformation matrix has the form:
(15–148) |
Any rigid body modes present are included in
The residual vectors are also called residual attachment modes. Partitioning the residual
flexibility matrix given in Equation 14–148, the residual attachment modes are
defined as:
(15–149) |
As for the free-interface method, a subset of master DOFs can be constrained during the mode-extraction analysis. With the same partitioning as Equation 15–146 , the transformation matrix takes the form:
(15–150) |
After applying the transformation in Equation 15–143 into the matrix equation of motion Equation 15–141 , the equation of motion in the reduced space is obtained. The reduced stiffness, mass, and damping matrices and the reduced load vector of the CMS substructure will be:
(15–151) |
(15–152) |
(15–153) |
(15–154) |
In the reduced system, master DOFs will be used to couple the CMS superelement to other elements and/or CMS superelements.
For the fixed-interface method, if the fixed-interface normal modes are mass normalized, the reduced stiffness, mass, and damping matrices, and the reduced load vector have the final form:
(15–155) |
(15–156) |
(15–157) |
(15–158) |
Recovery of the Condensed Displacements
The displacements at condensed or interior DOFs
are recovered from the lower part of Equation 15–143. For
the fixed-interface method, they are:
(15–159) |
When reduced load vectors are scaled in the use pass, for instance in a full or mode-superposition transient analysis or in a full or mode-superposition harmonic analysis, static correction vectors are added. Equation 15–159 becomes:
(15–160) |
Equation 15–159 and Equation 15–160 are also
valid for the free-interface method except that
should be replaced with
For the RFFB method,
is recovered from Equation 15–143 and Equation 15–148 as:
(15–161) |
Default Expansion Pass
The default expansion pass is based on the calculation of element results from the complete displacement solution.
Expansion Pass Preceded by Element Results Calculation in the Generation Pass
If the element results of the component modes were calculated during
the generation pass (Elcalc
= YES on CMSOPT), they
are combined in the expansion pass in the same way as the displacements. This is illustrated for
the fixed-interface method. Let Equation 15–160 be rewritten in the
(15–162) |
For the stresses, if the stress-displacement matrix of element
is noted as
, the stress vector
of element
(15–163) |
Partitioning the system into interface and interior DOFs:
(15–164) |
For the fixed interface method, introducing Equation 15–162 into Equation 15–164 gives:
(15–165) |
The matrix of static constraint mode stresses of element :
(15–166) |
and the matrix of fixed-interface normal mode stresses of element :
(15–167) |
and the matrix of static correction vectors stresses of element :
(15–168) |
are calculated and stored during the generation pass. Then in the expansion pass, the stress
vector of element
is calculated as:
(15–169) |
The preceding development is also valid for the free-interface method except that
should be replaced by
For fixed-interface and free-interface methods, the static correction
vectors are taken into account only if ExpMth
was set to MODDIR or
BCLV on the SEOPT command, and KeyStat
was set to
ON on the EXPASS command. As in the RFFB method, static correction terms are
never calculated while displacement and element results are combined in the following Equation 15–161.
Modal Damping Ratios
Damping ratio commands DMPRAT and MDAMP can be used to
include damping terms to elements of the diagonal of the reduced damping matrix (ANTYPE,SUBSTR with CMSOPT and
SEOPT,,3). The terms are:
(15–170) |
When the fixed-interface method is used (CMSOPT,FIX), terms of Equation 15–170 are added on the diagonal of
in Equation 15–157
. The ith mode shape is the ith
fixed-interface normal mode.
When the free-interface method (CMSOPT,FREE) or the residual-flexible
free-interface method (CMSOPT,RFFB) is used, terms of Equation 15–170 are added on the lower-left part of the
reduced damping matrix, which is . The ith mode shape is the ith free-interface normal mode. If modal
damping ratios are defined with the MDAMP command, only damping ratios
associated with non-rigid body modes are considered. For example, if there are six rigid-body
modes, only data defined for
≥ 7 are considered.
Unsymmetric Matrices
The reduction of a skew-symmetric damping matrix due to the effect of gyroscopic damping (CORIOLIS,ON,,,ON) is supported. The damping matrix must contain the gyroscopic effect only. For all three methods, the modes used in the transformation basis are those of the conservative system. The resulting reduced damping matrix is also skew-symmetric.