1.2. 2D-to-3D Analysis Requirements and Limitations

All multiframe restart files must be available.

Following are the 2D elements and the materials, loads, and boundary conditions that can be used for 2D-to-3D analysis:

Support CategoryRequirements

Solid elements

Reinforcing elements

Contact elements

  • TARGE169

  • CONTA172 with any of the following valid KEYOPT settings:

    KEYOPT (1) = 0
    KEYOPT (2) = 0, 1, 3, 4
    KEYOPT (3) = 0
    KEYOPT (4) = 0, 1, 2, 3
    KEYOPT (5) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    KEYOPT (7) = 0, 1, 2, 3
    KEYOPT (8) = 0
    KEYOPT (9) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    KEYOPT (10) = 0, 2
    KEYOPT (11) = 0
    KEYOPT (12) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    KEYOPT(14) = 0
  • TARGE170

  • CONTA174 with any of the following valid KEYOPT settings:

    KEYOPT (1) = 0
    KEYOPT (2) = 0, 1
    KEYOPT (4) = 0, 2, 3
    KEYOPT (5) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    KEYOPT (7) = 0, 1, 2, 3
    KEYOPT (8) = 0
    KEYOPT (9) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    KEYOPT (10) = 0, 2
    KEYOPT (11) = 0
    KEYOPT (12) = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    KEYOPT(14) = 0

Contact pair behavior[b]

  • Rigid-to-flexible[c]

  • Flexible-to-flexible

  • Self-contact


  • Most structural materials[d][e]

Analysis types
  • Static analysis with geometric nonlinearity (NLGEOM,ON).

Loads and boundary conditions (BCs)[f]

  • Displacements, forces, pressures, and nodal temperatures (BF,TEMP)[g]

  • Tabular displacements[h]

  • Tabular pressures that are functions of time only[h]

  • Fluid-penetration loads applied to contact elements (SFE)[h][i]

  • SFCONTROL not supported

  • .rdb, .rst, .ldhi, .ist, and .cdb.

[a] Axisymmetric (with or without torsion) and plane strain states of stress only. For PLANE182, only the B-Bar method (KEYOPT(1) = 0) is supported. For REINF263 elements, if the fibers have an orientation angle that causes torsion in an axisymmetric analysis, use the axsiymmetrixc-with-torsion option (KEYOPT(3) = 6) for the base elements.

[b] Pilot nodes in 2D are retained as pilot nodes in 3D.

[c] 2D target elements (line) are extruded in 3D as tangent planes or as annuli in axisymmetric extrusion. The extrusion is always planar in plane strain extrusion.

[d] Exceptions are: CAST (cast iron), CDM (Mullins effect), CONCR (concrete), CZM (cohesive zone), DMGE and DMGI (damage), MPLANE (microplane), SMA (shape memory alloy), and SWELL (swelling).

[e] For materials associated with user-defined state variables (TB,STATE), it may be necessary to issue the MAPVAR command. The defined size of state variables must be such that full 3D descriptions of stress and strain tensors can be accommodated (that is, the defined stress and strain tensors must be able to possess six independent components).

[f] Do not remove nodal constraints (DDELE, FDELE, BFDELE, SFDELE) during solution before issuing MAP2DTO3D.

[g] Loads applied on surface-effect elements (such as SURF153) are not supported. Nodal temperatures applied on REINF263, using the mesh-independent method or BFPORT command, are not supported.

[h] The axisymmetric option with torsion is not supported.

The EEXTRUDE command documentation shows the topological mapping of 2D elements (solid, contact, and target) into specific 3D elements.