9.2. Problem Situations

This section describes problems you may encounter when setting up licensing or running an Ansys product, as well as actions you can take to correct the problems.

9.2.1. License Manager Will Not Start

If the license manager will not start, perform the tests below in the order they are listed:

  1. Check the license.log file in the licensing directory on the license server for errors. See the remainder of this chapter for a list of possible errors and their resolutions.

  2. Check the ansysli_server.log file in the licensing directory on the license server for errors.

  3. Verify that TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly. Verify that the IP address is static. See Configuring TCP/IP for information about configuring TCP/IP.

  4. Verify that the hostid has not changed. If the hostid has changed, you must obtain a new license.

Linux x64 Systems:

Linux x64 systems running the Ansys License Manager require the Linux Standard Base (LSB) package. If this package is missing, you will see one of the following errors when the license manager attempts to run:

/lmgrd -h
./lmgrd: No such file or directory

In this case, try installing the LSB package from the Linux installation media.

Three-Server Environment

In a three-server environment, you could see the following message when you start the first server:

***Attempting to start the license manager...

Start the License Manager status:

The license manager failed to start.

This message results when a quorum of servers (2 of the 3) are not yet started. Start the other servers, or verify that they are already started. When at least two of the three servers are started, you will see the Ansys License Management Center of this server change to reflect that it is now running. Do NOT attempt to stop the license manager by clicking the Stop button in the Ansys License Management Center.

If you verify that at least two servers are started and the Ansys License Management Center does not update to running in a reasonable time, follow the three steps noted in License Manager Will Not Start.

Caution:  When you see this message, do NOT click the Start button again. License Manager Will Not Start After Adding a License File

In cases where License Management Center is used to add a UTF-8 formatted license file on a Linux or SuSE system, license manager will not start if the LANG settings are not configured for UTF-8. In this case, you will need modify the LANG settings to accept UTF-8, delete and re-add the license file by following the steps below.

  1. Verify that the license file is UTF-8 formatted by opening the file in a text editor. If the file starts with three question marks (???) then the file is UTF-8 formatted.

  2. If the license file is UTF-8 formatted, modify the LANG settings to accept UTF-8.

    Red Hat








  3. Exit out of your current terminal.

  4. Restart Tomcat by performing the following steps:

    1. Stop the Tomcat server process by executing the stop_lmcenter script.

    2. Start the Tomcat server process with the new port number by executing the start_lmcenter script.

      These scripts can be found in the following directory:


      Note:  Starting the Tomcat server process with the start_lmcenter script will also open Ansys License Management Center.

  5. From the license_files directory, delete the UTF-8 formatted license file that was just added.

  6. Open License Management Center and re-add the UTF-8 formatted license file.

9.2.2. License Manager Will Not Stop

When you attempt to stop the license manager, it may not stop immediately. You should use the Stop the Ansys, Inc. License Manager option of the Ansys License Management Center to stop the license manager. For more information, see Stopping the Ansys License Manager. We do not recommend stopping the license manager manually; however, if you choose to do so, you must stop the components in the following order:

  1. ansysli_monitor

  2. Licensing Interconnect (ansysli_server)

  3. FlexNet components (lmgrd first, followed by ansyslmd)

9.2.3. Unable to stop the license server with the default lmutil.exe

In cases where you have started the lmgrd portion of the ANSYS license manager with the “-local” command, there can be an issue when stopping the server using the following command:

lmutil lmdown -c "C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing\license_files\ansyslmd.lic" -q

Resulting in the following error message:

"Shutdown failed: lmdown/lmreread must be run on the license server machine. (-119,214)"

As a fix for this we have provided an updated version of the lmutil executable which can be found in:

<Installation Drive>:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\bin\winx64\drivers\flexnet\11_17_2_0.zip

Extract this zip file and replace the current version of lmutil with this updated version and then run the “lmutil lmdown” command.

9.2.4. License Manager Will Not Stop in a Three-Server Environment

When you attempt to stop the license manager in a three-server environment, the license manager does not stop immediately. You will see a message stating that the currently-installed license file is a three-server license file. With three-server license files, the license manager could take 60 seconds or longer to successfully stop. Wait at least 60 seconds. When the license manager has successfully stopped, the Ansys License Management Center will show that it is stopped. For more information, see Setting Up Redundant (Triad) Servers.

9.2.5. License Manager Installation's Licensing Configuration Step to Update Site Preferences (Product Order) Fails

Note:  This step is only required if the license server's site preferences have been customized via the ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility's Set Site Preferences > Specify Product Order option. However, it is safe to follow the procedure below even if the site preferences have not been customized. Therefore, if you don't know if the server has customized site preferences, you should follow this procedure.

If the Ansys License Manager's licensing configuration log file (install_licconfig.log) indicates that the step to automatically update any existing site preferences (product order) failed, the following procedure can be used to manually update your modified product order file to include any product changes that have occurred in the most recently installed release of the Ansys License Manager.

  1. Examine the section of the licensing configuration log that contains the error message to see if any details were provided describing why the automatic processing failed. If so, this issue will need to be resolved before continuing.

  2. Follow the section below for your operating system. <install_dir> is the directory in which the Ansys License Manager is installed.


    Open an administrator command prompt window and issue the following command:

    "<install_dir>\Shared Files\Licensing\winx64\ansysli_util.exe" -updatesiteprefs


    Open a command line window and issue the following command:

    "<install_dir>/shared_files/licensing/linx64/ansysli_util" -updatesiteprefs

  3. A message should be displayed after the ansysli_util command is run. (If not, there is a problem.) Examine the message to determine if the command completed successfully. If not, resolve any issues and run the command again. If you are unable to resolve the issues, contact Ansys Technical Support.

  4. Once the command completes successfully, examine the message to see if site preferences were updated or removed. If so, either reread the license manager settings or restart the license manager so the changes are recognized by the Ansys License Manager.

9.2.6. The Application Does Not Show the Correct License(s)

If you do not see the correct licenses in your application, in Client ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set License Preferences for User option, or in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher, check the following:

  1. If you received a new license but your application does not recognize it, you may need to reset your preferences. If you had previously set your license preferences, select Set License Preferences for User from the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and add the new license to your list in the desired order.

  2. If you had previously defined your preferences and have since installed the license manager to a different location, you may need to reset your preferences.

  3. If you do not see the correct licenses in the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set License Preferences for User option or in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher, and you updated your product order at a previous release, you may need to update your product order again. Use the Specify Product Order option under Server ANSLIC_ADMIN's Set Site Preferences.

On the license server machine:

  1. Select the Reset to Default button to see the current release's default product order.

  2. Reorder the products as you want, including any new products.

9.2.7. FlexNet Log File Shows Unexpected Messages When the License Manager Is Stopped

On Windows systems, you may see unexpected error messages in the FlexNet licensing log file when you shut down the license manager. Messages similar to the following could appear:

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Shutting down ansyslmd pid=1860 because of signal 15

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Can't connect to the license server system. Shutdown ansyslmd failed.

13:47:49 ((lmgrd)) 13:47:49 Loop info:(lmgrd) Cannot read data from license server system. (-16,10009:10054 "WinSock: Connection reset by peer")

MT:0 VD_HB:5913:47:49 (lmgrd) reset:0Can't shutdown the license server system. Shutdown ansyslmd failed. clients:013:47:49 (lmgrd) fd's:0EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 15

13:47:49 (lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 58 ()

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server

13:47:49 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.

13:47:49 (lmgrd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 1

13:47:49 (lmgrd) Can't remove statfile C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Macrovision\FlexNet\lmgrd.620: errno No such file or directory

These or similar messages in the FlexNet log file can be safely ignored in most cases. You can verify that the service is shown as stopped, and that the ansysli_server, ansysli_monitor, lmgrd, and ansyslmd processes are stopped via Task Manager.

9.2.8. Unable to Check Out Licenses

If the license manager appears to start but you cannot check out any licenses, perform the tests below in the order they are listed:

  1. Review the Licensing Interconnect debug log file for more information. Use the View Licensing Interconnect Log option of Ansys License Management Center to view the file.

  2. On the license server machine(s), review the FlexNet license.log file for error messages. Use the View FlexNet Debug Log option of Ansys License Management Center to view the file.

  3. If neither log file exists or has a zero length, verify that you have write permissions on the files and on the directory containing the files (the licensing directory by default).

  4. If you have borrowed licenses, verify that you are not attempting to check out a non-borrowed license. Once you have borrowed one or more licenses, you will not be able to use non-borrowed licenses until you have returned all borrowed licenses.

You could also encounter problems with obtaining a license if the Licensing Interconnect is still attempting to restart the FlexNet server. Check the FlexNet license.log file. If you see the following lines multiple times, try rebooting your license server machine:

(lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 28 (Communications error)
(lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server 
(lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
(lmgrd) REStarted ansyslmd (pid 103864)

9.2.9. Jobs Abort When a License Manager Goes Down in Three-Server Environment

If you are running in a three-server environment and Ansys program jobs abort when one of the license managers goes down, perform the tests below in the order they are listed:

  1. If this problem persists after you perform the steps below, you may want to consider switching to a single-server environment.

  2. When using a three-server environment, we strongly recommend that all three servers be on the same subnet. If this is not the case, you should consider using three machines which are in the same physical location and are on the same subnet.

  1. Verify that two of the three license managers are still running. Use the Ansys License Management Center Displaying the FlexNet License Status option. If the license manager is not already running on all servers, start it on all of them.

  2. Check the ansyslmd.ini file in the licensing directory to make sure the server specification is correct.

  3. Check to see whether the ANSYSLI_SERVERS or ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is set. If it is, verify that the settings are correct.

  4. Verify that the same license file exists on all three license servers in the licensing directory. The hostnames of all three servers must appear in these files and in the same order. If the license files are not the same on all three servers, make corrections as necessary and restart the license manager.

  5. Verify that the date and time on all license servers are consistent and correct. Make corrections as necessary and restart the license manager.

  6. Verify that the hostid has not changed on any of the license servers. If any hostid has changed, you need to obtain and install new licenses on all license servers.

  7. Verify that the license manager and utilities are installed locally on each license server. If not, run the installation and choose to install the license server only. See the installation manual for your product and platform for more information.

  8. Verify that the ansyslmd.opt files match exactly on all three license servers.

  9. Check the FlexNet license.log and the licensing interconnect ansysli_server.log files for error messages. See the remainder of this chapter for a list of possible errors and their resolutions.

9.2.10. Licensing Log File Not Created

On Windows, if the license manager starts and licenses can be taken from the license server, but the FlexNet licensing log file and the ansysli_server.log file are not written, check the Administrator account. Verify that the Administrator (as well as the individual user) has write privileges to the directory where the log files are to be written.

9.2.11. Queuing Does Not Work

If queuing does not work, refer to the following list of possible causes and corrections:

  • The license manager is down. In this case, use Ansys License Management Center to start the license manager.

  • The hostname is mistyped in the ansyslmd.ini file or the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. If so, correct the name and retry.

  • You are not licensed for the requested product. In this case, request a product for which you are licensed.

  • All licenses for the requested feature are reserved in the license options file. If so, have the license administrator correct the license options file.

  • The user is excluded via the license options file from using the licenses for the feature(s) that are installed on this machine.

  • You are running an application that does not support queuing.

9.2.12. No Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet Path Available from Display the License Status Option

If you select the Display the License Status option from the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and see a message stating that the Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet path is empty, try the following:

  1. Use the Specify the License Server Machine option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to specify the missing Licensing Interconnect or FlexNet port number. (On Windows, use the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.) If the machine is already specified but the error message states that no FlexNet path has been specified, the FlexNet port number may be missing from the license server specification shown in the Specify the License Server window. Add the machine's FlexNet port number using the Specify the License Server Machine option to add this machine to your FlexNet license path.

    Note:  This particular machine may have been configured to run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect without starting FlexNet. Verify that FlexNet is running on this machine before changing this setting.

  2. Check the ANS_FLEXLM_DISABLE_DEFLICPATH environment variable setting. If this environment variable is set, the Ansys License Manager will not use the license server machine specifications in the ansyslmd.ini file. In this case, only the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variable settings will be used.

9.2.13. Unable to Retrieve License Preferences in ANSLIC_ADMIN

In cases where you are unable to retrieve license preferences through the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, you may be able to resolve the problem by trying the following:

  1. Verify that you have correctly specified the license server machine. You can check this by opening the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN utility and choosing Specify the License Server Machine. Verify that:

    1. A license server machine is specified.

    2. You have access to the specified machine(s).

    3. The license server machine is running and the license server has been started correctly.

  2. Verify that license file has been cached if the FlexNet and Ansys Licensing Interconnect components were started separately. See Advanced Licensing Configuration Options for more information on running the licensing components independently.

9.2.14. Cannot Enter Data in Text Fields

On some Linux systems (for example Red Hat 7 systems), if you cannot enter data in text fields when using the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility, you may be encountering a Tcl incompatibility. To correct the problem, unset the following environment variables before running the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility:


You should reset these environment variables when you are finished using ANSLIC_ADMIN. Do not permanently unset these environment variables as doing so could affect other applications.

Note:   Other Ansys utilities that have interfaces written in the Tcl scripting language could encounter the same issue. (for example, the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher.)

9.2.15. See a "File Not Found" Message When Running a Licensing Utility

Linux x64 System:  —  Linux x64 systems running the Ansys License Manager require the Linux Standard Base (LSB) package. If this package is missing, you will see a message similar to one of the following errors when the license manager attempts to run, or when you attempt to run a licensing utility, such as ANSLIC_ADMIN, getFLEXid, or lmutil.

/lmgrd -h
./lmgrd: No such file or directory

If you have confirmed that the file listed does exist, try installing the LSB package from the Linux installation media.

9.2.16. Cannot See Attached Dongle

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to see an attached dongle. Review the list below to troubleshoot the issue.

  • Occasionally, dongles may work loose. Verify that the dongle is fully inserted in the appropriate USB port.

  • The required dongle driver must be manually installed on the machine. To determine which version of the driver is required for this release of the Ansys License Manager and for information on installing the driver, see Using Dongles with the Ansys License Manager.

  • Additional dongle-specific troubleshooting information can be found in Dongle Troubleshooting at the end of the Using Dongles with the Ansys License Manager section of this guide.

9.2.17. Unable to Run a Bookmarked Version Ansys License Management Center

To run the Ansys License Management Center, Tomcat must be running. Start Tomcat prior to starting the Ansys License Management Center from a bookmark.

9.2.18. Unable to View PDF Files in Ansys License Management Center

To view PDF files in the  Ansys License Management Center the appropriate PDF plugin for your browser must be enabled.

For Internet Explorer and Firefox: Enable the Adobe PDF plugin.

For Chrome: Enable the Chrome PDF Viewer plugin.

9.2.19. Unable to Search PDF Files in Ansys License Management Center

To perform searches of PDF files displayed in the  Ansys License Management Center the appropriate PDF plugin for your browser must be enabled.

For Internet Explorer and Firefox: Enable the Adobe PDF plugin.

For Chrome: Enable the Chrome PDF Viewer plugin.

9.2.20. Starting Ansys License Management Center Causes Error Messages (Linux Only)

Installing the Ansys License Manager as root and subsequently attempting to run  Ansys License Management Center as a non-root user may display one of the following permission issues:

  • Ansys License Management Center hangs up, displaying the message, "Determining license manager status..."

  • ERROR: In attempting to write to /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/logs/catalina.out, Tomcat will not be able to start successfully. Please check the file permissions.

    /bin/sh: /var/tmp/cmd.out: Permission denied

  • ERROR: Attempt to delete file "/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh.old" failed.

  • ERROR: Attempt to rename file " /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh" to " /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh.old" failed.

  • ERROR: The new value of export ANSYSLM_ROOT_DIR=/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/../.. was not updated in the Tomcat/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh file.

    Existing PID file found during start.

    Removing/clearing stale PID file.

    Unable to remove or clear stale PID file. Start aborted.

These permission issues may be resolved by running the following commands:

chmod 777 -R /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/bin
chmod 777 -R /ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/tools/tomcat/logs

9.2.21. Manually Changing the Tomcat Port Number

During the default Ansys License Manager installation, the Tomcat port number is set to 1084. To change this port number, see, Modifying the Tomcat Port Number

9.2.22. Cannot Access a License After Disconnecting from VPN

There is a known issue with some VPN tools in which the tool does not clear the IPs correctly or does not clear them immediately after the VPN disconnection.

To address this issue, you need to force a DNS clear by performing the following steps:

  1. From a comand prompt, issue the following command:

    ipconfig /release

  2. Then issue the following command:

    ipconfig /renew

9.2.23. The Ansys Licensing Interconnect Shuts Down Unexpectedly

The Ansys Licensing Interconnect shuts down with the following message:

2017/09/27 05:43:30 ERROR Error determining if process <PROCESS NAME BEING CHECKED FOR> is running:

Couldn't get hold of a new file descriptor. Too many open files

This is caused by exceeding the Linux "Open Files Limit". To correct this issue, increase the open files limit for the license server.

9.2.24. I See CHECKIN/CHECKOUT Actions for Names that do Not Correspond to License Features in the License File

For each license checkout request, you will see at least two log entries, one for the actual license feature that is checked out from FlexNet and one or more for the capability request to the Licensing Interconnect. (See the Capability definition in Glossary).