9.3. Licensing Error Messages

*** Licensed number of users already reached.

You may have reached the number of Ansys product tasks that you have licensed. Wait until a task has been freed up and try again. If this error occurs on a regular basis, you may want to talk to your Ansys sales representative about obtaining additional licenses.

This error may also occur when licenses have been reserved for certain users, or when certain users have been excluded from licenses via the license options file.

*** All licenses are reserved for others.

This error may occur if you have multiple INCREMENT lines for the same feature in the license file, and there are differing fields on each INCREMENT line (such as VENDOR_STRING and the version field), and licenses have been reserved for this feature. In this situation, the number of reserved licenses is reserved out of each INCREMENT, rather than the sum total of both.

*** Cannot connect to license server.


***Unable to connect to FlexNet license server

The license manager is currently not running. Use Ansys License Management Center to start the license manager. Your license must exist on the license server prior to starting the license manager.

If you install the license manager and a license file, and it appears that the server is running, but you cannot connect to your license server, try rebooting.

If you think the license manager should already be running, check the FlexNet license log file and the ansysli_server.log file for errors.

Some other possible causes for this error include:

  • If Windows Firewall is enabled on the license server, ansyslmd.exe, lmgrd.exe, and ansysli_server.exe need to be included in the exceptions.

  • The wrong hostname is in the license file (machine ID is correct in the file and when the license keys were generated). The license manager could not be started.

  • The wrong license file is on the system (both hostname and machine ID are incorrect and the license keys were created with the wrong ID). The license manager could not be started.

  • The wrong license file is on the system AND the user changed the server line to have the machine's hostid but not the hostname. The license manager could not be started.

  • An incorrect port number was used on the SERVER line(s) in the ansyslmd.ini file or in the setting of the licensing path environment variable ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE

  • All of the installed license files have expired.

If none of the above causes are applicable, the Licensing Interconnect may not have started because it was not able to start the FlexNet server or may have exited after failing to restart the FlexNet server. Check the FlexNet license log file (license.log). If you see the following lines multiple times, try rebooting your license server machine:

(lmgrd) ansyslmd exited with status 28 (Communications error)
(lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server 
(lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
(lmgrd) REStarted ansyslmd (pid 103864)

*** Feature removed during lmreread, or wrong SERVER line hostid

Some possible causes of this message include:

  • There is a typographical error in the license file's SERVER line. Typically, the machine ID was mistyped when manually entering the license file on a machine.

  • You tried to install another machine's license file on a machine and changed the SERVER line in the file to have this machine's hostname but not the machine ID.

  • A laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station and the license file was made using this card's Ethernet address.

  • The feature was removed during lmreread but the client is reading an old copy of the license file that still contains the removed feature.

*** Clock difference too large between client and server.

This message will appear if the date on the client machine has changed. The date should never be set ahead or behind the actual date.

*** License server does not support this feature.

This message can be generated if the feature has expired (on the server), or has not yet started, or the version is greater than the highest supported version, or the license file has been edited while the license server is running and the license file is not reread. Additional causes for this message include:

  • If you are trying to install another machine's license file on a machine AND changes both the hostname and the machine ID information on the SERVER line to be this machine's information. The INCREMENT lines contained in the license file are still invalid for this machine.

  • If new information for the requested feature was added to the license file but neither an lmreread was issued nor was the license manager restarted.

  • If a laptop with a docking station (with an Ethernet card in it) is removed from the docking station, and the license was made using this card's Ethernet address, AND the user edited the SERVER line, replacing the Ethernet address with the disk signature of the machine (in an attempt to fix the problem). Such an attempt will not succeed because the INCREMENT lines were created using the docking station's Ethernet address, which in this situation can no longer be seen on this machine.

  • If one or more INCREMENT lines that were made for machine A were installed in machine B's license file and those features were trying to be checked out from machine B.

*** Feature has expired.

Your license has expired; contact your Ansys sales representative for a renewal.

*** No such feature exists.

  • A license does not exist for the requested product. Verify that the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable and the ansyslmd.ini file are pointing to the correct license server.

  • Verify that you are running the correct product. Use the Set License Preferences for User option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to specify the products and the product order you want to use.

  • If you are not licensed to run this product, contact your Ansys sales representative to obtain a license.

  • If you are licensed to run this product, install the license from the license supplied by Ansys, Inc. or your Ansys sales representative using Ansys License Management Center. If you have already created the license, use Ansys License Management Center to reread the license file.

  • You could also see this message if you are trying to use a license manager daemon from a previous release. For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software.

Failover feature <product name> specified in license preferences is not available.

You may see this message if no license for that product is currently available in the license path. Check the following:

  • The license may have expired.

  • All of your licenses may be in use.

  • You do not have the specified license.

  • The license is not included in your license preferences as set with the Specify License Preferences for User in the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility.

  • Your Technology Enhancements and Customer Support (TECS) for this version may have expired.

*** License file does not support this version.

The build date in the program is newer than the version in the license file. You may not be authorized to run a new release or you may not have installed your new license. If this is the case, install the license using the Ansys License Management Center. If you have installed the new license, use the Ansys License Management Center to reread the license file.

*** Invalid (inconsistent) license key

For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software. Verify that you are not using the license manager daemons supplied with a previous release.

This error can also occur if the license key contains incorrect characters or format (sometimes caused by transferring the file).

Invalid license file: None of the hostnames in the license file match the system hostname.

This message occurs when you install the license file if the hostname of the system you are running on does not match any of the hostnames in your license file. Some possible reasons why this can happen include:

  • You are attempting to run on a system that has not been included in your license.

  • The hostname of the system you are working on has been changed since it was used to generate the license information.

  • A typographical error was introduced when the hostname was entered when creating the license key.

  • On some newer Linux machines, the system hostname is not listed consistently in the /etc/hosts file. When you run the Get System Hostid Information option of the Ansys License Management Center, the utility uses the localhost information instead of the correct system hostname. An example of the problematic /etc/hosts file might look like this:

    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   localhost       abclinux5      abclinux5       abclinux5
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname 
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname -s
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$

    In this example, the Get System Hostid Information option would incorrectly use the localhost information.

    To correct the problem, you need to edit the /etc/hosts file and change the order of the hostname lines. The example shown above would then look like this:

    # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
    # that require network functionality will fail.      abclinux5       abclinux5       localhost.localdomain   localhost       abclinux5
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname 
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$ hostname -s
    [root@abclinux5 ~]$ 

    In the corrected example, the Get System Hostid Information option would correctly use the abclinux5 hostname.

*** Local checkout filter rejected request.

View the license debug log files (FlexNet license.log and the Licensing Interconnect ansysli_server.log) to find the specific cause of this message.

*** Cannot find server hostname in network database.

This message will appear if one or more of the SERVER computer names do not appear in the client computer's /etc/hosts file (Linux) or the services file (Windows).

***The Ansys license manager server is down. Unless a connection is reestablished, Ansys will exit in nn minutes.

A message similar to this one occurs in a one-server license environment if your license manager has quit running. In a three-license server environment, the Ansys license manager must be running on at least two of the three license server machines at all times. If two of the license server machines go down, or two of the machines are not running the license manager, this error message will appear in the program output or in a message box. The program will continue to run for nn minutes to allow the license manager to be restarted or to be started on a second machine if using redundant servers. When this error message appears, start the license manager on the other machines designated as license servers.

If you get this message and determine that the license manager is still running, and you are running in a one-server environment, then the IP address of the license server machine was changed while the Ansys product was running (this is usually caused by connecting to or disconnecting from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that dynamically allocates IP addresses). To correct this situation, you must return the IP address to the same address that the license server had when the Ansys product was started.

If the IP address changes after you start the Ansys product (either because you connected to or disconnected from your ISP), you can correct the error by restarting the Ansys product. You should not need to restart the license manager.

You can avoid this problem by remaining connected to or disconnected from the ISP the entire time you are running the application.

*** version of vendor daemon is too old.

For the current version of FlexNet, see Compatibility with Other FlexNet-Licensed Software. Verify that you are not using the license manager daemons supplied with a previous release.

Your version of the Ansys license client software is out of date. Refer to Licensing Error Messages in the Troubleshooting section of the Ansys Licensing Guide.

The version of the license client ansysli_client [version] must be greater or equal to the client Ansys application [version].

This message indicates that you are attempting to start an Ansys, Inc. application with an out-of-date version of the license client.

If you are using different installation directories for the current and prior versions, you need to ensure that each version is running from the appropriate installation directory.

If you are using the same installation directory for the current version as you used for the prior version, try the following solutions:

  • The license client was running during the installation process and was not replaced. In this case, close all Ansys, Inc. applications, making sure that the license client closes, and then run the Complete Unfinished Licensing Installation Configuration option from the Client ANSLIC_ADMIN’s Tools menu.

  • The license client was running during the installation process and was replaced, but the application is not reading the new client. In this case, close all Ansys, Inc. applications, making sure that the license client closes, and restart the Ansys, Inc. application.

Your version of the Ansys license manager software is out of date. Download and install the current Ansys license manager from the Ansys customer site.

The version of the license server ansysli_server [version] must be greater or equal to the client Ansys application [version].

This message indicates that you are attempting to start an Ansys, Inc. product with an out-of-date version of the license manager. You need to update to the latest version of the license manager.

***Cannot read data from license server.

The server and the client are having difficulties communicating. This error is usually caused by the network setup or by the network data being different from the data in the license file (for example, the server name, machine ID, port number, or vendor daemon).

  • Confirm that the information on the SERVER line of the license file is the correct information for the server.

  • Confirm that the syntax of the SERVER and VENDOR lines of the license file is correct.

  • Verify that TCP/IP is enabled correctly.

  • Check that the hosts file on the client machine contains the license server.

  • Try using <port>@<ipaddress> when specifying the server.

***The license server is taking too long to respond. The application has stopped waiting for a reply. The license server may be experiencing a high demand or a temporary outage. Try again later.

In rare occasions, your site could be submitting too many requests too quickly (simultaneously or nearly simultaneously) to the Ansys License Manager. In this case, you will also see that the license server machine in question is averaging 85% CPU usage or higher. In this scenario, we recommend that you either point some of the clients to a different license server or install one or more standalone licensing interconnects for some of the clients to use. For instructions on installing a standalone licensing interconnect, see Run the Ansys Licensing Interconnect without FlexNet.

***Connection to the license server closed unexpectedly.

If you see the above message and the server is not experiencing any demand, a virus scanner may be blocking connections to your license server. Rebooting your license server may also resolve the issue.

Could not bind socket on port 2325. Address already in use.

If you see the above message in your licensing log file, your operating system was not able to free a port before the timeout period expired. This situation could happen if the port is being used by some other application, or after you shut down a server if you did not wait long enough for the ports to free before restarting it.

Consult your system administrator before making changes to your default operating system settings or to determine which command is appropriate for your operating system level.

***Failed to retrieve license preferences. Be sure that you are able to connect to the license server.

If you attempt to set your license preferences and the client information is at a higher release than the server information, you may see this message. To verify, see the getuserprefs.log file (on Linux machines, in .ansys in your home directory; on Windows, in %TEMP%\.ansys). Note the last lines in the example below:

2012/08/24 17:18:00    INFO            Not connected to a local port.
2012/08/24 17:18:00    NEW_CONNECTION  
                Connected to license server: 2325@linux10.ansys.com. 
                       ANSYSLI_SERVERS: 2325@linux10.ansys.com 
                        Servers: 1055@linux10.ansys.com
2012/08/24 17:18:01    SITE_PREFS                               2012.0806                                        0/1/0/3       4679:ALI_UTIL:abc@linux10.ansys.com:lin32:linux10
                Your version of the Ansys license manager software is out
                 of date. Please download and install the current Ansys license
                 manager from the Ansys customer site.
                The version of the license server 2325@linux10.ansys.com [1.1.2] 
                must be greater or equal to the client ALI_UTIL version [1.3.0].

***License File filename has changed. Please do a reread to update the server.

The license file or the FlexNet options file has been changed since the last restart of the license manager or reread of the license file. The changes will not be available until you restart the license manager or reread the license file. If you are running the Ansys Licensing Interconnect and FlexNet independently and have cached the license file, the cached license file may be out of date. Restart FlexNet or reread the license file to update the cached license file. If you make changes to the license file, in addition to rereading the license file in FlexNet, you must also recache the license file in the Licensing Interconnect by restarting the Licensing Interconnect or by using the Reread License Manager Settings option in the Ansys License Management Center.