8.4. Glossary


Ansys, Inc. has assigned identifiers to each of the specific areas of functionality in the product software. We refer to these identifiers as capabilities, which you may see in Ansys, Inc. licensing displays and logs. Each capability can be satisfied by at least one license feature; often, multiple license features can satisfy a particular capability. Based on the license features available, your individual preferences, and the capability requested, the Licensing Interconnect determines the best match. The license feature that best matches is checked out.

Design Points

A design point is a set of input parameter values and corresponding output parameter values associated with an individual parameterized project definition. Design points can be created within the Parameters and Design Points workspace and allow users to perform what-if studies. Users can reserve licenses for design point studies so that the licenses needed to complete the study will be available when needed. As the license administrator, you can turn the license reserve feature on or off for your company.

Licensing Interconnect

The Licensing Interconnect is the intermediary process that communicates and manages license requests between Ansys applications and FlexNet. The actual Licensing Interconnect executable is ansysli_server on Linux and ansysli_server.exe on Windows. The Licensing Interconnect is one component of the Ansys License Manager; the other component is FlexNet.

Shared/Separate Mode

Ansys, Inc. offers two different modes of license consumption when running Ansys, Inc. Products from within the Workbench environment. The preferred mode is set per user, per machine via the preferences dialog in the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility or within the Workbench framework. The default mode is shared.

  1. Shared mode: when possible, multiple applications within the same session will share a single license (default).

  2. Separate mode: each application instance will consume a separate license.