TCP/IP must be be configured and started for any Ansys, Inc. product and the license manager to be able to run. You should consult your network administrator for assistance with this configuration. The TCP/IP protocol must be installed on any machine on which you want to run an Ansys product.
TCP/IP is supplied as part of the Linux operating system. Table 4.1: Configuring TCP/IP specifies the system utility used to configure TCP/IP on the various hardware platforms. You should consult your network administrator for assistance with this configuration.
Note: Linux systems require an Ethernet card.
Table 4.1: Configuring TCP/IP
Hardware Platform | TCP/IP Configuration Utility |
Linux (Red Hat Enterprise) (64-bit) | system-config-network |
Linux (Red Hat Enterprise and CentOS) (64-bit) | nmtui |
Linux (SuSE Enterprise) (64-bit) | yast |
For Windows systems, the TCP/IP protocol is included as part of the operating system and is typically installed by default. If you do need to install TCP/IP, remember that it must be bound to a network adapter (such as an ethernet adapter).
On machines that connect to the Internet or corporate intranet through a modem, TCP/IP can be bound to a dial-up connection.
Determining Whether TCP/IP Is Installed on a Microsoft Windows System
To determine if TCP/IP is installed on your system, open the Control Panel, select . Click and click . Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) should be listed.
If TCP/IP is installed, you must determine whether it is bound to a network adapter card or a dial-up connection. A network card or a Dial-Up Adapter will be shown under
.Caution: If your computer is connected to a network, it is highly recommended that you contact your Information Technology Department before installing or modifying TCP/IP on your machine.
A port number specifies the communications channel by which two or more processes can communicate. Ansys uses 2325 as the default port number for the Ansys Licensing Interconnect and 1055 as the default port number for the FlexNet component of the license manager. ansyslmd also uses a port designated by the operating system, unless one is manually specified in the license file on the VENDOR line. If you encounter a conflict in port numbers, you can change the default by modifying all of the following files:
Ansys Licensing Interconnect Port Number — The Ansys Licensing Interconnect port number is defined in the ansyslmd.ini file. You can change this file by selecting on the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility. Enter the new port number in the Ansys Licensing Interconnect Port Number field. The Licensing Interconnect port number may also be specified via the ANSYSLI_SERVERS environment variable, if set.
FlexNet Port Number — To change the default FlexNet port number, you need to change the following files:
On the license server machine(s): the port number listed on the SERVER line in the license file (ansyslmd.lic and/or ansoft.lic).
On the client machine(s): the port number listed in the ansyslmd.ini file. Use the option of the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility to change the ansyslmd.ini file. The FlexNet port number may also be specified via the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable, if set.
ansyslmd Port Number — The ansyslmd daemon uses a port designated by the operating system, unless one is manually specified in the license file on the VENDOR line. See VENDOR Lines for information on specifying this port number on the VENDOR line. You should need to specify this port number manually only if using a firewall.
For information on firewall settings, see Specifying Firewall Settings.