8.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

8.6.1. Modal Analysis of the Global Piping System Model

A prestressed modal analysis is conducted on the global model.

Initially, a large-deflection (NLGEOM) static analysis is performed, followed by the prestressed modal analysis. The Block Lanczos solver (MODOPT) extracts the first fundamental mode.

To examine the effect of the prestressed analysis, a modal analysis without prestress effects is performed on the same mode.

8.6.2. Nonlinear Static Analyses of the Local Elbow Models

A nonlinear static analysis is performed on both of the local elbow models (ELBOW290 and SHELL281) .

A constant time increment of 5 ms is specified to obtain the stress and strain response over a period of 20 seconds.

Large-deflection effects are included.

Results are stored in the .RST file for all substeps.