4.3.3. Updating Geometry from Within the Mechanical Application

You can update all geometry by selecting the Update Geometry from Source context menu option, accessible by right-clicking on the Geometry tree object or anywhere in the Geometry window.

The following update options are also available:

Note:  The Update Geometry from Source option is not available if your analysis includes a secondary geometry.

Selective Update

Using the Geometry object right-click menu option Update Selected Parts>Update: Use Geometry Parameter Values, you can selectively update individual parts and synchronize the Mechanical model to the CAD model. This option reads the latest geometry and processes any other data (parameters, attributes, etc.) based on the current user preferences for that model.

Note:  Changes to either the number of turns or the thickness properties associated with a body do not update the CAD model.

This update feature only applies to part(s) that you select and other instances of the same part(s) that were previously imported. It does not import new parts added in the CAD system following the original import or last complete update. Assembly parameter values are always updated.

In addition, this feature is not a tool for removing parts from the Mechanical application tree, however; it will remove parts which have been selected for update in WB, but that no longer exist in the CAD model if an update is successful (if at least one valid part is updated).

The Update Selected Parts feature supports the associative geometry interfaces for:

With the exception of AutoCAD, executing the selective update feature on any unsupported interface will complete a full update of the model.

Smart CAD Update

Using the Geometry Preferences, you enable the Smart CAD Update. Note that Geometry Preferences are supported by a limited number of CAD packages. See the Project Schematic Advanced Geometry Options table for details.